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Even Plants need Companions!

When I began working for New Moon Rising, I would research gardening tips and tricks for the day and we would think about how to incorporate it. Companion Planting was one of the first things that I learned about, and while many big farms do not use companion planting to a large degree, it's still useful for your home and community gardens! Many plants are good to plant together because they create a symbiotic relationship with each other. Here are some plants that should be planted together; tomato plants create a lot of shade as they grow larger, which is beneficial for carrots, which are heat sensitive, and the tomatoes create some good shade for them to thrive. Green beans fix nitrogen into the soil, and what plants love nitrogen fixed soil more than sweet corn? Sweet corn not only loves the nitrogen that green beans put in the soil but once the corn grows taller, the green bean vines can climb up the cornstalks like a lattice. Mint is shown to repel slugs, which is highly beneficial to lettuce, especially in Alfred where our garden, where the slugs are bountiful.