
Your Source for Resources online and in the Catawba community.

The Upper Room - a daily devotional - a Bible study site

Bible Gateway - An online Bible with many translation choices, search options, etc.

Eastern Catawba Cooperative Mission - To bring together the resources of the Christian community to serve the people in need of crisis assistance, support and education, in response to God’s call.”

Rising Hope Farms - ministries that provide a safe and inspirational environment to interact with horses. Through these ministries, our goal and prayer is that God will use this facility to provide fun, peace and healing for all involved.

Pregnancy Care Center - If you are pregnant, it is extremely important that you are aware of your options regarding your pregnancy.

Safe Harbor Rescue Mission - To provide a Christ-centered community where women can work to rebuild their lives through immediate and long-term programs.

Catawba County Seniors Morning Out - is a half day program, for persons 60 or older who live in Catawba County. There are no income requirements to participate. This service is free to participants however donations are accepted.

4945 Sherrills Ford Road • Catawba, NC 28609 • 828-241-4122