Use Right Words Please

Use Right Words Please

In this activity , we wanted to attract attention to misuse of some words which we use in our life.

For this purpose, we prepared a list of words which consist incorrect usages but we think they are correct and incorrect abbrevations which we think beause they are easy to use. Our students prepared comic works about the misusage of these words as a warning. For this, they used their Pixton accounts which they registered before.

Thing (X) Think (✓)

Aggree (×) Agree (✓)

Escape goat (x) Scapegoat (✓)

By purpose (X) - On purpose (✓)

Adress (x) Address(✓)

Thing (X) Think (✓)

Nerve-wrecking (x) Nerve-wracking (✓)

Beginig (x) Beginning (✓)