PB notes: most chapters have one {{bible-on}} and {{bible-off}} pair of tags. Psalms has more due to titles that are not part of the biblical text. Some chapters have more pairs of bible field on and off tags by paragraph marks in the chapter; were added after building received a warning about bible field already closed. For Text Comparison with Revelation 13:1, learned to add Chapter milestones and use same versification as Logos 1901 ASV.

Another consideration might be selection of bibles to choose from. With NASB, you will have a larger selection of available study-bibles that have useful commentary to help explain non-obvious things in the material. ESV is a bit newer, so the selection of study-bibles is much more narrow at this point (just one I believe), but that one suits your fancy, the breadth to choose from may be irrelevant.

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Another useful way to evaluate the bibles is to read the preface in each and read about their translation philosophies that went into making that bible. One may resonate with you more strongly than the other.

This could take a while. When choosing which english version to use when reading the bible, if you are just looking for "ease of reading" you can pick up any modern bible. If you are looking for the version with the least amout of translation errors, because hebrew and greek cannot be adequately translated into english, you will want the king james version. This version is the closest to the original language, from the oldest version, the "textus receptus" aka "the recieved text". That is the short answer. I would have to go into proving that the TR is the oldest transcript of the bible and not the westcott and hort. This can be easily proven by showing all the times the early church fathers quoted for the TR verses that are said not to be in the WH versions...the niv etc....

In the history of English Bible translations, the King James Version is the most prestigious. This time-honored version of 1611, itself a revision of the Bishops' Bible of 1568, became the basis for the English Revised Version appearing in 1881 (New Testament) and 1885 (Old Testament). The American counterpart of this last work was published in 1901 as the American Standard Version. The ASV, a product of both British and American scholarship, has been highly regarded for its scholarship and accuracy. [earlier editions read, "it has frequently been used as a standard for other translations. It is still recognized as a valuable tool for study of the Scriptures"] Recognizing the values of the American Standard Version, the Lockman Foundation felt an urgency to preserve these and other lasting values of the ASV by incorporating recent discoveries of Hebrew and Greek textual sources and by rendering it into more current English. Therefore, in 1959 a new translation project was launched, based on the time-honored principles of translation of the ASV and KJV. The result is the New American Standard Bible.

I am writing this simply to warn you about the ASV bible you think is the most accurate, it has serious problems! I am going to share with you some of my observations about the American Standard Version of the Bible.

2nd Timothy 2:15 in the ASV reads, "Give diligence to present thyself approved unto God..." The KJB reads, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God..." The word "study" is much more direct and clear than to simply say "give diligence." Of all the bible versions sold on the market today, only the King James commands us to STUDY! Of course, greedy heretics don't want you to study your Bible. For centuries, Catholics have been discouraged from studying the Bible. The Vatican wants you to be stupid enough to allow your priest to fill your head with vain traditions and lies of the devil. You had better study! Jesus commanded us in John 5:39... SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES!!! Of course, if you have an ASV then you have no command to study do you?

I started to study the bible recently, and I wanted to buy a print copy of the American Standard Version. The bible is available online but I wanted a print version as a backup. To my surprise the bible is out of print. I looked online for print copies and only found one or two sellers. Why is this bible not widely available in print form? Is it because of the expired copyright? The KJV is in the public domain outside of the U.K and is available in print form. It is difficult to find a second hand copy as well, even though I understand that millions of copies were printed in the past.

The word-for-word translation of the ASV was attractive in the scholarly environment, and the ASV was adopted as the standard version used by many American seminaries. However, since the committee took less license in translation and retained archaic English usages, the ASV is not as easily readable as other modern versions. As a result, the ASV has not been as successful among lay Christians as it has been in the scholarly community.

The New American Bible Revised Edition (NABRE) is the current version of the Bible published by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), and is the de facto standard Bible translation for the Catholic Church in America. It is the fourth published version of the New American Bible, originally published in 1970, which was incorporated into the new 1970 Lectionary for Mass, the Liturgy of the Hours, and other liturgical rites revised under the Vatican II reforms. This translation family is the basis for the only approved liturgical text in the USA and the Philippines today.

Print versions of the NABRE are available in various formats and editions from numerous publishers. Free, online editions are available from the USCCB and Vatican websites, and also at biblegateway.com. The NABRE is also available in both desktop and tablet/mobile editions from the better Bible Study software vendors. Logos/Verbum offers an electronic edition of the NABRE with full reverse interlinear tagging, which is easily the best NABRE edition for serious Bible study, and costs less than some basic hardcovers. A small number of Bible apps for mobile also offer the NABRE as a premium option.

The RSV-CE remains popular among serious Catholic students of the Bible, especially those who prefer traditional diction and dignified literary style over more modern priorities. It is available in fine or common print editions from several publishers. Electronically, it is available on the web at biblegateway.com, as well as in Logos format, where it can be purchased with or without embedded reverse interlinear tagging.

Available in print from Tyndale in limited editions, the Catholic Edition NLT is available electronically in ePub and Kindle editions. The standard NLT is widely available electronically, and Logos even published an edition incorporating a reverse interlinear, for some reason. The text of the 66-book standard NLT 2015 edition is identical to the corresponding text in the Catholic Edition, so the only differences lie in the inclusion of the Deuterocanon in the Catholic Edition.

To cite a bible verse in APA style, it is important that you know some basic information such as the bible version, year, chapter number, verse number, and/or URL (uniform resource locator). The templates for in-text citations and reference list entry of a bible verse along with examples are given below: ff782bc1db

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