Why is Omega-3 Important During Pregnancy

Given that pregnancy is the most beautiful stage of a woman's life, a diet high in nutrients is necessary. During this phase, women must follow a healthy lifestyle, which includes eating well. You may be aware of certain nutrients that are crucial during pregnancy, but certain research suggests that omega-3 fatty acids are also essential throughout and after pregnancy. To maintain the normal synthesis of the hormone-like compounds known as prostaglandins, it is important to ensure that you consume an adequate intake of omega-3 fats. Prostaglandins help in the regulation of numerous critical physiological processes that include hormone production, blood pressure, and kidney and gastrointestinal tract function.

Omega-3 – EPA and DHA

Omega 3 is a class of essential fatty acids that have important functions in our bodies and are beneficial to our health in various ways. It makes sense to receive them from our diet as our body cannot create them on its own. Three different types of fatty acid include

· Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)

· Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)

· EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid).

While DHA and EPA are primarily present in animal foods and algae, ALA is primarily found in plants. Other than the above-mentioned health benefits, omega-3 helps in providing many health benefits that include prevention of heart disease, improvement of cognitive function, and the regulation of inflammation. In addition to this, omega-3 fatty acids are important for both the mother's health and the growth of a healthy infant.

How does Omega-3 Benefits the Child?

According to research, there are different benefits of Omega-3, especially for the child. Consuming the proper amount of omega-3 fatty acids supports a fetus's optimal development of the brain and eyes. Besides, it has been reported that getting enough omega-3 fatty acids during pregnancy will add several advantages for the unborn child and these are mentioned below:

· Greater intelligence and higher IQ level

· Less behavioural issues

· Lower likelihood of developmental delays

Which Foods Contain Omega-3?

Few studies have stated that consuming the optimum amount of omega-3 fatty acids, will help to reduce postpartum depression. Though there are omega-3supplements available, you can consume different foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids, and these are mentioned below.

· You can consume salmon, sardines

· Seafood like oysters and shrimp are the best sources of omega 3

· You can also consume eggs, which are fortified with omega 3

· Some plant- based sources of omega-3 are Flaxseed or flaxseed

· You can also consume Canola oil, soybean oil, and walnuts

Do Prenatal Multivitamins Contain Essential Nutrients (including Veg Omega-3)?

Yes, Prenatal multivitamins like Trimacare contain 20+ essential nutrients including Veg Omega-3 that are required during pregnancy. It is India’s most advanced prenatal care that is formulated especially for each trimester. Trimacare is based on the MMN model and is manufactured as suggested by the Indian Council of Medical Research and the World Health Organization. It is a unique 3-stage course, which is personalized for each trimester of pregnancy. You don’t need to rely on multiple pills as Trimacare is one pill solution for all your nutritional needs during pregnancy.

The Conclusion

Now that you have understood the importance of Omega-3 during pregnancy, you must consume an adequate amount. It is one of the essential nutrients needed during pregnancy because it can help in developing the brain & eye. There are many sources from where you can get Omega-3. But make sure to speak to your doctor as he/she may prescribe you some prenatal vitamins that come boosted with all the essential nutrients along with omega-3.