Folic Acid – How Vital it is to Consume Before and During Pregnancy

First of all, Congratulation! If you have started planning for a baby. Well, this is the time, when you start feeling the essence of motherhood and start focusing on your health and your baby. During or before pregnancy, it is important that you eat a healthy and balanced diet so that you get most of the vitamins and minerals. In addition to diet, it is also important to take a folic acid supplement. The doctor suggests that an expecting mother should take folic acid every day (as prescribed) before or during pregnancy. By consuming folic acid during pregnancy, you can reduce the risk of birth defects.

What is folic acid?

B vitamin folate in its natural form is folate acid, which is found in fruits and vegetables. It can also be found in supplements like prenatal vitamins, which doctors prescribe to the expecting mother. It is thus recommended to take daily folic acid supplements and eat high-folate foods if you are planning to conceive or are in the early stages. Among other foods, folate can be found naturally in leafy greens, citrus, legumes, and nuts.

The importance of folic acid for pregnant women is greater than for anyone else since it is vital for the development of healthy body tissues and organs in the womb. Folic acid is used by your body to make DNA. In pregnancy, folic acid is required to support your baby's neural tube and nervous system development.

Folic acid before and during pregnancy

Gynecologists prescribe folic acid before and during pregnancy and they suggest taking a 400 micrograms folic acid tablet every day. Folic acid can help prevent neural tube defects, including spina bifida (birth defects). So, it is important that as soon as you find you are pregnant, you should start taking folic acid. Folic acid supplements are highly recommended for pregnant women since it is difficult to get enough folate from food alone. Bread, breakfast cereals, and corn masa flour are other foods that contain folic acid that women can consume besides a varied diet. Additionally, they can take folic acid-containing vitamins and eat fortified foods together.

Can I prevent my baby from getting spina bifida?

To protect your baby from getting spina bifida, doctors recommend taking folic acid before conception and during pregnancy. Folic acid supplements should be taken daily in order to reduce the risk of developing a neural tube defect. It is not just spina bifida, but similar birth defects can be reduced up to 70% by taking folic acid daily or as prescribed by your doctor.

Why Prenatal Vitamins are Prescribed for Healthy Pregnancy?

Doctors often prescribe prenatal vitamins to their patients so that they can improve their health before conception, during pregnancy, and after delivery. Well, prenatal multivitamins are not just prescribed to pregnant women, instead, they are also specifically formulated to enhance a woman's health before she conceives. Therefore, it is important to tell your doctor about your pregnancy plans so that they can guide you accordingly. In addition to promoting fertility, maintaining a healthy pregnancy, and maintaining a healthy postpartum, your nutrition and lifestyle can be recommended by your doctor.

Trimacare Prenatal Vitamins for Indian Pregnant Women

For a pregnant woman to have a healthy pregnancy, doctors always prescribe a combination of a balanced diet and prenatal supplementation. Talking about prenatal supplementation, Trimacare is one of the prominent brands that doctors prescribe to expecting mothers. It is your only ‘One Pill Stop’ solution that is formulated using 20+ essential nutrients majorly required during pregnancy. It has folate, Omega-3, vitamin B6, Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, Iodine, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc, and many others. Formulated by experts following the guidelines of WHO & ICMR, Trimacare is India’s most advanced prenatal tablet that is specially designed for Indian pregnant women. It is a 3-stage course that is customized keeping in mind the requirement for each trimester of pregnancy.

The Bottom Line

It is not universal that every woman should have the same nutritional need during pregnancy. However, there are four key nutrients that an expecting mother should pay close attention to, and these are folic acid, iron, vitamin D, and calcium. Though there are many prescription prenatal supplements, it is important that you talk to your doctor regarding your pregnancy so that they can support a healthy pregnancy as well as postpartum wellness. Trimacare prenatal multivitamin is available online in different platforms. As prescribed depending on your trimester, you can buy trimacare online at best price.

Wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy!!