

The objective is to create an educational curriculum for Primary and Secondary levels that contributes to improving the integration of content and attitudes related to the climate challenge and ecological and energy transition from a STEAM perspective. This curriculum will incorporate methodological recommendations for creating learning situations based on a way of doing, thinking, speaking, and feeling that connects critical thinking, creativity, and innovation. This will enable students to reinterpret phenomena in the world through school scientific knowledge with autonomy, sparking their interest in 'taking action' in the world.

R2 - Methodological Guide for a Carbon-Neutral Future

The guide will provide support to teachers for the development of lesson plans that enable them to learn, alongside their students, through a socially and environmentally valuable experience, which involves the implementation of the Service-Learning methodology and other innovative methodologies that combine learning processes and actions in service to the community. It works on real local needs with the aim of improving them.

R3 - Package of Activities and Resources for facing Climate Change and Energy Transition

R3/1.  Lifelong learning Plan fortechaers on the Climate Challenge

R3/2. Guide for Organizing Carbon-Neutral Events through Online Platforms or Streaming

R3/3. Design of a Workshop on the Role of Schools in the Carbon-Neutral Sustainability Challenge

R3/4. Establishment of a "Network of Schools in Action for a Carbon-Neutral Future"