

ADESPER is a Spanish national non-profit organisation made up of different organisations and social agents with wide experience in territorial development and in the creation of new fields of employment, mainly through training actions.

The main objective of ADESPER is to train, educate and qualify people, especially in rural areas, in new fields of employment, in the defence of the environment and sustainable rural development and in the use of new information and communication technologies, among other areas of action. Therefore, supporting educational centres by offering support programmes to teachers is also one of its important aims.


SERVIMA is a small environmental consultancy company of environmental services, specialised in training and educational services related to the environment, the climate challenge, natural resources, heritage, energy transition and sustainability. It has two different areas of action that complement each other: the Programmes Department, which includes training, education and interpretation, and the Technical Department (consultancy and studies).

SERVIMA has extensive experience in the development of educational programmes in primary and secondary schools, training courses, awareness-raising campaigns, activities to bring people closer to the environment (including the design of routes and itineraries and services for visits to environmental facilities), European projects, exhibition design and educational/divulgative materials, among others.

AEMT is a general educational institution comprising students from preschool to high school (3-18 years old).There are about 100 teachers working there and it is attended by 700 students. It is an inclusive school and special attention is given to students with special needs, learning difficulties and/or economic and social problems.

This institution has participated in the Lifelong Learning Programme, having developed COMENIUS multilateral partnerships and from 2014 in the ERASMUS+ programme, developing KA1, KA2 eTwinning projects. Within its European experience, it has also hosted European teachers and students either for exchanges or for training activities.

Other projects to mention are: Eco-schools, School Library Network, National Plan of the Arts, Schools Digital Development Action Plan, Science at School, etc..

The NYC Group offers professional education and specialisation combining local culture with American and European educational paradigms. NYC educates future professionals who gain and participate in a multicultural and intercultural experience according to a global spirit. NYC offers basic qualifications, bachelor's, master's, MBA and doctoral degrees with academic partnerships with distinguished universities in US and Europe, as well as a range of professional training programmes in a wide range of disciplines. There are currently 1087 students enrolled in undergraduate and postgraduate degrees and professional qualifications. 

NYC is accredited by the British Accreditation Council (BAC) as a higher education institution. NYC, in accordance with its mission and academic objectives, provides its students with the learning resources and information necessary to meet the academic requirements of their programme of study, as well as to help them develop their personal qualities as well-rounded individuals. It is an educational institution with a strong emphasis on transferable skills and links to key stakeholders in the labour market.

This is a public school for nursery and compulsory primary levels. It is a bilingual school, with an ENGLISH selection, and an active digitalisation project. 

It is located in the so-called region Montaña Central de León (Spain), an area in which the impact of the climate transition and the change of trend in the use of fossil fuels (coal) in a former mining area is already noticeable. In this context, their school is reinventing itself and is an example of initiatives. In the middle of a Biosphere Reserve (Alto Bernesga), its educational project is committed with its students to a future more linked to the sustainable use of the environment.

With a track record of more than 40 years, it reaches about 700 students, and has led them to open up to Europe through participation in COMENIUS projects and ERASMUS projects for student mobility and exchange.

It is the private extension of VAEV (Vienna Association of Education Volunteers), a non-profit organisation with many years of experience in developing and implementing Erasmus+ projects. It aims to improve and promote the skills of young people by cooperating with local organisations, NGOs and educational institutions in the development of up-to-date curricula that integrate the skills and competences needed for the 21st century.

Specifically, VAEV R&D empowers young people to develop their hard and soft skills to improve personally and professionally, enhancing useful competences to advance their education, while promoting new technical and innovative methodologies as valuable techniques in the field of youth education, youth work and challenges of modern society, such as the climate challenge and environmental sustainability.

Innovative company that intends to consolidate itself as an important link between the academic and business world. With offices in all major cities in Cyprus, it provides training and educational resources in different subject areas such as business, social enterprise, information technology, social media, hospitality, and psychology. With their experience in EU projects, they support local businesses to participate in European and national funding projects, including schools, universities, ministries, municipalities and other local stakeholders.

They pay special attention to the fundamental role of new technologies and the competitive advantage they offer. Since 2014, RIVENSCO joined a Vocational and Technological Training Centre, in order to improve its training capacity, expand its network and offer more IT-related courses.

Its professional staff includes psychologists, teacher/trainers and business advisers who can provide training in different fields. With extensive experience in Erasmus KA1 mobility projects and also in KA 2 strategic association projects on training and entrepreneurship.