AI for Credible Elections:
A Call to Action

December 14, 2021 // 8:45 am EST to 4:15 pm EST


Find the links to presentations on our workshop's Neurips 2021 page

Morning session (AM)

8:45 - 11:15 (all times in EST)

8:45 Welcome

9:00 Invited Talk 1: Arvind Gupta, “Indian Elections : Scale, Use of technology and SOTA outcomes”

9:40 Invited Talk 2: Prof. Tanel Tammet, "Internet voting in Estonian elections: maintaining trust and mitigating issues" (video)

10:20 Panel: Can AI Combat Election Disinformation?

Panelists: Prof. Tanel Tammet, Mr. Steve Newell, Prof. Krithi Ramamritham (audio), Mr. Arvind Gupta,

Moderator: Prof. Huan Liu

11:20-11:30 COFFEE BREAK (15 min)

12:30-13:00 LUNCH BREAK (30 min)

Afternoon session -I (PM)

13:00 - 14:30 (all times in EST)

13:00 Invited talk 3: Jack Cable, "Election security: More than just the votes"

13:45 Invited talk 4: Jeremy Epstein, "AI and Elections: Hammering a Screw"

14:30-15:00 COFFEE BREAK (30 min)

Afternoon session - II (PM)

15:00 - 16:15 (all times in EST)

15:00 Panel: Research Gaps in AI for Elections
Panelists: Mr. Jack Cable, Mr. Jeremy Epstein, Prof. Sagar Samtani

Moderator: Prof. Anita Nikolich

16:15 Closing remarks