Welcome to the Neufeld Ultrafast Quantum Dynamics Theory Group
We are starting a new computational group in the Technion as of 10/2024!
Our group studies theory of ultrafast light-matter interactions and quantum dynamics in multidisciplinary physical systems, with a particular emphasis on novel quantum materials and molecules. Our research lies in the intersection of Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science, and Optics. Our focus is developing a deep understanding of femtosecond (10-15 seconds) to attosecond (10-18 seconds) timescale coherent dynamics that arise in matter irradiated by intense laser pulses, including high harmonic generation (HHG), nonlinear photocurrents, photo-ionization, light-dressed Floquet phases, ultrafast magnetism, charge migration, and more.
In such conditions physical processes are highly nonlinear and perturbation theory breaks down, posing challenges for theory, and opportunities for uncovering new effects. We are also interested in development of new methods for time-resolved spectroscopy and novel light sources such as ultrashort magnetic pulses.
We use diverse theoretical tools ranging from analytical approaches for semi-classical dynamics, numerical models, and full ab-initio techniques for solving the time-dependent many-body problem that utilize high performance parallelized computing (e.g. real-time time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT)).
We are hosted in the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Schulich Faculty of Chemistry, and are also affiliated with the Helen Diller Quantum Center, the Russel Berrie Nanotechnology Institute, and Grand Technion Energy Program. Students can pursue graduate studies in any of these programs if eligible.
We're hiring
Interested in numerics, light-matter interactions, ab-initio methodologies, and studying the fastest quantum mechanical phenomena in nature? Join us!
We are looking for motivated and talented individuals to join our team at all levels of research (Undergraduate projects, MSc, PhD, Postdoc).
Previous experience in: scientific programing (Matlab/Mathematica/Python/other), DFT or other quantum chemistry, ultrafast optics, or materials science or condensed matter, is an advantage.
To apply, please send: (1) a CV and, (2) a short description of your interests to Ofer. For undergraduate projects, MSc, and PhD positions, please send also (3) grade transcripts. For Postdoc candidates, please also send (3) names of two references (e.g. PhD advidor).
It's best to email Ofer, but you can also call or just stop by at the Chemistry Faculty, Technion.