Lab-5a-Users and Groups

Linux: Config files related to users and groups

Three important files

# cat /etc/passwd [users ID is save here and root ID is 0]

# cat /etc/shadow [ contains user password (hashed)]

# cat /etc/group [group information saved in this file]

Add User

Create user called "Peter"

# useradd -c "Peter Janson" -s /bin /zsh peter

# passwd peter

Check what's inside Peter's Home directory

# ls /home/peter/

# ls -la /home/peter


ls -la /etc/skel/

files are copied from here to users profile created. If this file modified - creating new users will get all the modified directories upon creating the new user.

Create a user with specific user ID

Example - user Brian with user ID 200

# usradd -c "Brian Janson" - u 200 -g users -s/bin/bash brain

# passwd brian [create passwd for Brian]

ssh to the machine

# ssh brian@localhost


# id //displays user id//

Configruing groups and assigning users to groups

Create groups called "family"

# groupadd family

Error msg might display if not root user. Switch to root

#su -

# group family

# usrmod -G family brian [braian user is added to group family