To be secure againstbrute-force attacks,tokens need to have sufficient randomness. Unfortunately, what isconsidered sufficient will necessarily increase as computers get morepowerful and able to make more guesses in a shorter period. As of 2015,it is believed that 32 bytes (256 bits) of randomness is sufficient forthe typical use-case expected for the secrets module.

Secrets are variables that you create in an organization, repository, or repository environment. The secrets that you create are available to use in GitHub Actions workflows. GitHub Actions can only read a secret if you explicitly include the secret in a workflow.

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For secrets stored at the organization-level, you can use access policies to control which repositories can use organization secrets. Organization-level secrets let you share secrets between multiple repositories, which reduces the need for creating duplicate secrets. Updating an organization secret in one location also ensures that the change takes effect in all repository workflows that use that secret.

For secrets stored at the environment level, you can enable required reviewers to control access to the secrets. A workflow job cannot access environment secrets until approval is granted by required approvers.

Note:If your GitHub Actions workflows need to access resources from a cloud provider that supports OpenID Connect (OIDC), you can configure your workflows to authenticate directly to the cloud provider. This will let you stop storing these credentials as long-lived secrets and provide other security benefits. For more information, see "About security hardening with OpenID Connect"

Note: Users with collaborator access to a repository can use the REST API to manage secrets for that repository, and users with admin access to an organization can use the REST API to manage secrets for that organization. For more information, see "Actions."

To create secrets or variables on GitHub for a personal account repository, you must be the repository owner. To create secrets or variables on GitHub for an organization repository, you must have admin access. Lastly, to create secrets or variables for a personal account repository or an organization repository through the REST API, you must have collaborator access.

To create secrets or variables for an environment in a personal account repository, you must be the repository owner. To create secrets or variables for an environment in an organization repository, you must have admin access. For more information on environments, see "Using environments for deployment."

Note: Organization-level secrets and variables are not available to be used by private repositories for your plan. For more information on upgrading your GitHub subscription, see "Upgrading your account's plan".

To provide an action with a secret as an input or environment variable, you can use the secrets context to access secrets you've created in your repository. For more information, see "Contexts" and "Workflow syntax for GitHub Actions."

Secrets cannot be directly referenced in if: conditionals. Instead, consider setting secrets as job-level environment variables, then referencing the environment variables to conditionally run steps in the job. For more information, see "Contexts" and jobs..steps[*].if.

Avoid passing secrets between processes from the command line, whenever possible. Command-line processes may be visible to other users (using the ps command) or captured by security audit events. To help protect secrets, consider using environment variables, STDIN, or other mechanisms supported by the target process.

If you must pass secrets within a command line, then enclose them within the proper quoting rules. Secrets often contain special characters that may unintentionally affect your shell. To escape these special characters, use quoting with your environment variables. For example:

To use secrets that are larger than 48 KB, you can use a workaround to store secrets in your repository and save the decryption passphrase as a secret on GitHub. For example, you can use gpg to encrypt a file containing your secret locally before checking the encrypted file in to your repository on GitHub. For more information, see the "gpg manpage."

You can use Base64 encoding to store small binary blobs as secrets. You can then reference the secret in your workflow and decode it for use on the runner. For the size limits, see "Using secrets in GitHub Actions."

While GitHub automatically redacts secrets printed to workflow logs, runners can only delete secrets they have access to. This means a secret will only be redacted if it was used within a job. As a security measure, you can delete workflow run logs to prevent sensitive values being leaked. For more information, see "Using workflow run logs."

During service deployment, all secrets used, whether asenvironment variable or mounted as a volume, are checked to ensure theservice account used to run the containerhas access to them. If any check fails, the service deployment fails.

You can update multiple secrets at the same time. To do this, separate theconfiguration options for each secret with a comma. The following commandupdates one secret mounted as a volume and another secret exposed as anenvironment variable.

For secrets exposed as environment variables, under env, update theENV_VAR, VERSION,and/or SECRET_NAME as desired. If you have multiple secretsmounted as environment variables, you will have multiples of theseattributes.

For secrets mounted as file paths, update theMOUNT_PATH, VOLUME_NAME, VERSION,FILENAME, and/or SECRET_NAME as desired. If youhave multiple secrets mounted as file paths, you will have multiples of theseattributes.

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In terms of Docker Swarm services, a secret is a blob of data, such as apassword, SSH private key, SSL certificate, or another piece of data that shouldnot be transmitted over a network or stored unencrypted in a Dockerfile or inyour application's source code. You can use Docker secrets to centrally managethis data and securely transmit it to only those containers that need access toit. Secrets are encrypted during transit and at rest in a Docker swarm. A givensecret is only accessible to those services which have been granted explicitaccess to it, and only while those service tasks are running.

Note: Docker secrets are only available to swarm services, not tostandalone containers. To use this feature, consider adapting your containerto run as a service. Stateful containers can typically run with a scale of 1without changing the container code.

Another use case for using secrets is to provide a layer of abstraction betweenthe container and a set of credentials. Consider a scenario where you haveseparate development, test, and production environments for your application.Each of these environments can have different credentials, stored in thedevelopment, test, and production swarms with the same secret name. Yourcontainers only need to know the name of the secret to function in allthree environments.

You can also use secrets to manage non-sensitive data, such as configurationfiles. However, Docker supports the use ofconfigsfor storing non-sensitive data. Configs are mounted into the container'sfilesystem directly, without the use of a RAM disk.

Microsoft Windows has no built-in driver for managing RAM disks, so withinrunning Windows containers, secrets are persisted in clear text to thecontainer's root disk. However, the secrets are explicitly removed when acontainer stops. In addition, Windows does not support persisting a runningcontainer as an image using docker commit or similar commands.

Secret files with custom targets are not directly bind-mounted into Windowscontainers, since Windows does not support non-directory file bind-mounts.Instead, secrets for a container are all mounted inC:\ProgramData\Docker\internal\secrets (an implementation detail whichshould not be relied upon by applications) within the container. Symboliclinks are used to point from there to the desired target of the secret withinthe container. The default target is C:\ProgramData\Docker\secrets.

When creating a service which uses Windows containers, the options to specifyUID, GID, and mode are not supported for secrets. Secrets are currently onlyaccessible by administrators and users with system access within thecontainer.

When you add a secret to the swarm, Docker sends the secret to the swarm managerover a mutual TLS connection. The secret is stored in the Raft log, which isencrypted. The entire Raft log is replicated across the other managers, ensuringthe same high availability guarantees for secrets as for the rest of the swarmmanagement data.

When you grant a newly-created or running service access to a secret, thedecrypted secret is mounted into the container in an in-memory filesystem. Thelocation of the mount point within the container defaults to/run/secrets/ in Linux containers, orC:\ProgramData\Docker\secrets in Windows containers. You can also specify acustom location.

A node only has access to (encrypted) secrets if the node is a swarm manager orif it is running service tasks which have been granted access to the secret.When a container task stops running, the decrypted secrets shared to it areunmounted from the in-memory filesystem for that container and flushed from thenode's memory.

If a node loses connectivity to the swarm while it is running a task containerwith access to a secret, the task container still has access to its secrets, butcannot receive updates until the node reconnects to the swarm.

You can add or inspect an individual secret at any time, or list allsecrets. You cannot remove a secret that a running service isusing. SeeRotate a secret for a way toremove a secret without disrupting running services. be457b7860

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