Latest News
This page is updated from time to time as needed, but not on a regular basis. I try to add specific Events that I shall be attending, along with subsequent brief comments on the Event.
April 2018
The book is available again - see the Book Details page.
May 2015
Thanks to Ron and Nigel Hewitt there will be a Ner-a-car stand at the Southern Classic Motorcycle Show, May 23rd, at Kempton Racecourse. There will be a selection of Ner-a-cars on display, I will be attending with my Model A assuming I can put it back into one piece.
May 2013
The Model A engine listed on ebay appears to have sold
27th October 2012
Unfortunately the website vanished from the Web earlier this year when Microsoft discontinued their hosting service. Fortunately I've been able to recover the site pages from the Internet Archive project ('') and am slowly putting it back together as I have time. For the moment there aren't any photos.
I've also listed the Model B engine parts I have for sale - see the 'Spares' page.
19th June 2011
If you want to see an impressive collection of running Ner-a-cars then this years VMCC Banbury Run is the place to be. There are 11 entered, myself on my Model A, 4 Model B's, and 6 Model C's including Nigel Hewitt on his OHV Blackburne engined 'Super Sports' version.
5th June 2011
My father accumulated various spare parts over the years, mostly Model A and B engine. There is more than I'll ever need to keep my Model A running so they will be available for purchase, I've started to list them on the 'Spares' page. If anyone is interested in any specific part I can bring it to the Banbury Run (see above) so you can have a better look.
30th March 2011
David Perillo will again be displaying his 1922 Neracar in the Rhinebeck (NY)Motorcycle Timeline, June 10th to 12th 2011. My father said that to his knowledge this was the oldest, original condition, running Neracar in the world.
25th March 2011
Ben Geutskens in The Netherlands has launched his online pictorial parts list. This includes photographs and dimensions of all of the parts taken while restoring his 1922 Model A. Go to
3rd December 2010
UK VMCC member and Model A and C owner Tony Dymott has started a Neracar Group in Google Groups to act as an information exchange for Neracar owners and enthusiasts worldwide. To join just visit the Google Groups website, create a Google account if you don't already have one, using your preferred email address, then search for and subscribe to the Neracar group. As Neracar owners are widely spread around the world this is an excellent opportunity for owners to meet and make contacts online.
18th September 2010
The Neracar recently made it's first trip to the Isle of Man, for the Manx Grand Prix Festival. It spent most of the two weeks on display in the race paddock where it attracted a lot of attention. We also managed a lap of the TT Mountain Course, with a break at the Jurby Festival, including a non-stop run over the Mountain section of the course which goes to a maximum height of 1500 feet. The little Model A didn't drop below 12mph on the steeper sections and kept a steady speed of 24mph up the 'Mountain Mile', in 5th ratio.
1st April 2010
Finally got fed up with the embarrassingly noisy rear brake so decided to have it relined and the drum skimmed, took it to GP Relining with excellent results. See the 'Running tips' page.
6th March 2010
David Perillo will be displaying his 1922 Neracar in the Rhinebeck (NY)Motorcycle Timeline, June 12th and 13th 2010. My father said that to his knowledge this was the oldest, original condition, running Neracar in the world.
5th March 2010
Some useful information on material added to the Friction Drive Discussion page.
11th September 2009
Sadly my father Ken Philp passed away earlier today. I intend to keep his Model A on the road and this site running as a source of information to all those interested in the Neracar motorcycle, and may add any interesting items to it. However I do not have his depth of knowledge of the bike so will not be able to answer queries.
Martin Philp
12th July 2009
Further to the Award won by John Hastings, other Ner-a-Car riders picked up Silver Awards! Congrats to Mike Hele, Ron and Nigel Hewitt,
and Brian Ward!
1st July 2009
Forgot to say that one of our Ner-a-Car riders won the Vintage Tyre Scheme Trophy for the Best Early Vintage Performance in the Banbury Run! That was John Hastings on his first time on the Ner-a-Car Model B in the Banbury, although he has ridden several times. He actually bought the bike at the Banbury Autojumble in 1998, and has spent some time restoring it!
27th June 2009
Banbury video added in Videos list. Better quality one to be added later.
24th June 2009
Friction drive Discussion page added.
22nd June 2009
Well, Martin completed the Banbury Run, but because of a small hiccup, it wasn't in a medal-winning time. BUT the greater bonus is that he climbed Sunrising Hill, at 1 in 6.5, with no problem at all! And I didn't accomplish that back in 2004! In the end, 8 Ner-a-Cars competed.
18th June 2009
Sorry if anybody has been trying to contact me, but have just come out of a spell in hospital with my lung problems. Feeling more optimistic though, putting on weight, and other things improving marginally!
CERTAINLY won't be at Banbury this w/e though! DRAT!!
May 29th 2009.
NEW riding video added!
May 20th 2009
Showed the bike at the Belvoir Castle Steam Show at the weekend. Weather not good, but a good variety of bikes, and in a large marquee.
No riding for me - it was a bit damp with a VERY rough Arena!
Changed the gearing on Monday ready for the 1-in-6.5 gradient of Sunrising Hill in the Banbury Run! Will Martin make it??
April 14th 2009
Just checked the Banbury Run Entrants, and find that there are TEN entered in the Run! That's only one less than the big gathering in 2001!
The main difference is that there are SIX two-strokes entered.
In 2001, only 2 were there, with 9 4-strokes.
Ardingly RealClassic Show, March 29th, 2009
Well, we attended with the Model A! Ron and Nigel Hewitt had set up a very nice Ner-a-Car stand with a Blackburne sv Model C, and what we think is the only ohv Model C, and they put my bike between them. Terrific amount of interest, as there always is. My Model A was the oldest Entry in the Show.
Ron's ohv model got the Best Pre-1946 Award!
VMCC Training days.
The VMCC are holding two Training Days, one near Reading on May 3rd, and another at Curborough, near Lichfield on May 25th. These are events where any non-vintage bike owner can try out Vintage Club members bikes for a fee. Contact the VMCC for more details -
We hope to have our Ner-a-Car at the Curborough one, depending on the weather, etc.
January 15th, 2009.
My Ner-a-Car has been entered for the Banbury Run with my son Martin riding. I have also heard of other Ner-a-Car owners entering for the first time, so there may be more than usual there this year, if their entries are successful!
Dec. 3rd 2008
Ignition coils/lighting coils - rewinder now on the Useful Suppliers page!
October 13th 2008
Just been out for what's perhaps the last ride for this year.
11.7 miles, averaged 21mph with a max of 35.5. Very enjoyable!
Sept. 28th 2008.
The last Show of the year for me, maybe. Trailered the bike to the Classic and Sporting Motorcycle Show near Burton-on-Trent. Won the Best Pre-1930 Award by default - mine was the oldest bike there! The real hoot was being awarded the Best Cruiser Award!!
Sept. 21st 2008.
The 7th Stinkwheel Show at Beaumanor Hall, Woodhouse.
Rode the bike there - it was a warm, sunny day, and the Show was really good!
Sept. 20th 2008.
Trailered the bike to a bike gathering in Ilkeston. good afternoon with several bikes attending, although none as old as the Ner-a-car!
I was invited to the first
Cholmondeley Castle Pageant of Power
which was held on August 9/10th 2008. For more information,search on Google for Pageant of Power. It was mainly a car event, and there are very few motorcycle photos available.
There is a photo of my bike being ridden on the track there - look at "My own Bike" in the Photo Gallery.