
Produtech R3

2022 - 2025: Team Member (ESTG -P.PORTO)

Mobilizing Agendas for Enterprise Innovation

WP8: Digital & Autonomous Factory

This agenda proposes to develop a set of structuring investments that aim to contribute to changing the specialisation profile of the Production Technology Sector and its contribution to the national economy, increasing exports, investment in R&D and the economic value of innovation. It constitutes an Innovation Pact that aims to promote resilience, smart growth, climate transition and digital transformation of national industry, contemplating interventions at the level of R&D and innovation, productive investment, qualification and internationalisation of organisations, training of human resources and its wide dissemination, promoting knock-on effects to the national industry as a whole.


2022 - 2024: Team Member (INESC)

BioShoes4All has the ambition to induce a radical change in the materials, technologies, processes and products of footwear and leather goods, producing knowledge and results beyond the current state of the art and practice, integrative and economically valuable, by the co-promoters and the whole Cluster, contributing to promote the transition of the Cluster to the Sustainable and Circular Bioeconomy. This ambition is supported and possible given the full Consortium established, composed of 69 Partners from different sectors, from design, biological resources, leather, polymers, composites, chemicals, machinery manufacturers, communication and information technologies, logistics, waste valorisation, market visionaries, to retailers and footwear and leather goods manufacturers, who will share resources and opportunities.

Digital Industry Survey - DIS

2021 - 2022: Co-coordinator

A project to measure Digital Maturity in the Region of Tâmega e Sousa applied to the Manufacturing Industry. This project it is aimed to identify the maturity level at a micro and macro level. The main dimensions considered to measure digital maturity are Intelligent Products, Intelligent Processes and Intelligent Strategy (Business Model).

The International Academic Partnership for Generation Z – IAP 4 GenZ

2020 – 2021: Project Responsible (PT) 

This project is a follow-up to the Enjoy Generation Z Project, funded by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange. It aims the development of international scientific cooperation in the area of Generation Z, in order to identify and characterize this generation in the labour market. With the research work developed in the four partner countries, it is expected to establish a comprehensive GenZ diagnosis. The results will be useful for employers regarding motivation issues for this Generation.

Members: ESTG - P.PORTO, Torun School of Banking, Poland (Coordinators), RISEBA University, Latvia, Masaryk University, Czech Republic, University of  Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland.

Enjoy Generation Z – Stimulating achievements and using modern IT Technologies to increase effectiveness at work with generation Z!

2018 – 2019: Project Responsible (PT) 

To establish European cooperation and exchange of good practices in the education of people of generation Z. To develop a diagnosis of competence and methods and techniques of communication, including the use of new information technologies.

The main activities of the project included the organization of 3 international meetings with a view to conducting short training sessions, combined with study visits, organized in each partner country. 

Main goals:

Members: ESTG, Torun School of Banking, Poland (Coordinators), RISEBA University, Latvia.

Conditionings of Knowledge Transfer and Innovative Activities in Enterprises

2015 – 2016: Portuguese team coordinator

Transnational Cooperation Project - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT)

Research project about cooperation between industry and research.  Considering this type of cooperation as crucial for business development and value creation in order to build new competitive advantages. Although enterprises and research centres are aware of those aspects there still exist some cooperation barriers, such as high transactional costs, outcomes uncertainty, the asymmetry between R&D goals and timing with firms expectations’ to obtain short-term results.

Project main goal:

Identification and classification of the factors intensifying or inhibiting knowledge and innovation transfer between enterprises and external sources of knowledge.

Members: ESTG - P.PORTO; University of Gdansk; Torún School of Banking (WBS).

Tâmega e Sousa Empreendedor

2014 – 2015: Member of the project Project that promotes entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship in the region of Tâmega e Sousa.

This project aimed at structuring a support network for economic activity in the Tâmega and Sousa region. With this network, it is intended, among others, to foster the creation of innovative businesses, new ideas and/or promote business dynamism in the region

IMMO (Integrated Materials Management Optimization)

2013 – 2015: Team member on I&DT Project (QREN) in partnership; Project n.º 38677.

The IMMO - Integrated Materials Management Optimization project has as its main objective the development of software that allows the optimization of material purchases and consumption, promoting waste reduction, thus enhancing business profitability. 

Target: Manufacturing companies in general, with particular relevance to transformers in the Madeira sector.

Partners: Bullet Solutions; ESTGF.IPP; CIICESI; CETS

Romanesque Route Project – Monitoring System Implementation

2012 – 2014: Project Coordinator

This project consisted of the development of an Information System in order to monitor the Romanesque Route activity. The final result was the development of a battery of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), grouped by stakeholder group. These KPIs were included in an informatics tool to support decision making. The tool was developed in order to allow a constant update of information by stakeholder group: Visitors, Local Community, Food sector, Accommodation sector; Producers of Local Products; Cultural Agents.

European University Enterprises Networking (EUE-NET)

2008 - 2010: team member. Project Coordinated by the Transilvania University in Brasov.

The main topic of the project was to improve the quality of practical placements in cooperation with higher education and enterprise through creating a concept and infrastructure for a European network of Quality Reference Centers for Placements. The results were achieved by building a placement platform (other outputs can be found on the project website. The current project does not look for placements but is also trying to promote innovation using also the students as one of the connectors between industry and universities. 

Ref. 134546-LLP-1-2007-1- RO-ERASMUS-EN 

European University Industry Networking (EUI-NET)

2005- 2007: Team member.  Project Coordinated by the Transilvania University in Brasov.

The project aimed to create a European network of universities and industrial partners to strengthen the university-industry cooperation in the field of education, research and services in a wider European perspective, contributing to the defining and strengthening the role of University within the European Education Area. The main results were two books:

"Tuning Industrial Educational Structures in Europe" vol. I: Specialisations relevant for the Industrial sector

Tuning Industrial Educational Structures in Europe” vol. II: Practical placements for students

Ref. 116343 - CP -1-2004-1- RO - ERASMUS - TN