Committee Chair: Dr. Mark Stolt, University of Rhode Island

Vice-Chair: Thomas Peragallo, LEC Environmental Consultants, Inc.

Secretary: James Turenne, USDA-NRCS


The New England Hydric Soil Technical Committee (NEHSTC) consists of soil scientists, wetland scientists, and representatives from state and federal regulatory agencies in New England. Its members represent the private sector, universities, organizations and societies (e.g., SSSNNE, SSSSNE, MAPSS, MAWS, AMWS, NHANRS, RIAWS, CAWS), and state and federal government agencies (such as NRCS, EPA, ACOE).  A New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC) representative is also included as a non-voting member because of their sponsorship of the New England Indicators document and its residence on their website.  

The committee has a relatively informal structure composed of co-chairs and members. It has no budget or staff. The committee's mission is to provide a platform for constructive discussion, conducting relevant research, and producing useful publications pertaining to the identification of hydric soils in New England.


The committee's mission is to provide a platform for constructive discussion, conducting relevant research, and producing useful publications pertaining to the identification of hydric soils in New England.