June 2023 Workshop

Monday 19th of June 2023 @ LIP6 (Paris)


09:00 | Welcome coffee and registration

09:30 | Antoine Mandel (CES, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, PSE) and Stéphane Zuber (CES, CNRS, PSE), Integrated Assessement Models: structure and insights for climate policy 

10:30 | Melody Braun (IRI, Columbia University), Some insights on international climate negotiations  

11:30 | Jobst Heitzig (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research), Aspects of Rationality in Game-Theoretic Models of Climate Cooperation and Negotiations: Farsightedness, Bindingness, Learning

12:30 | Lunch

14:00 | Rosa van den Ende (Universität Bielefeld & Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), Network-based allocation of responsibility for GHG-emissions

15:00 | Bram Renting (Leiden University & Delft University of Technology) and Phillip Wozny (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam & Tilburg University), AI for Global Climate Cooperation (AI4GCC): Modeling Climate Clubs with RICE-N 

16:00 | General discussion and coffee


Registration is free but mandatory by completing this form before Wednesday June 7th 2023.


The Workshop will take place at the LIP6 campus of Sorbonne University (4, Place Jussieu, 75005) in room 105 on the first floor, towers 25-26.