
Modeling and Simulating Climate Negotiations 

The NEGOCLIM project brings together researchers in economics and computer science to study climate negotiations.

It is funded by the MITI - Aide à la décision action of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS).

PHD thesis position available 

Topic: Multi-agent simulations of climate negotiations

Area: Applied mathematics and/or economics

Period: 36 months, starting from October 1st 2024

Location: Centre d’Économie de la Sorbonne (CES), Maison des Sciences Économiques, 112-116 Boulevard de l’Hôpital, 75013 (Paris)

Compensation: 2135.00 euros/month gross

Contact: Stéphane Zuber (

Deadline: Applications examined as they are received

Description: The PhD project will be part of IA-CollDecisions project, funded by ITI-CNRS. The thesis should focus on developing numerical models of multi-level climate negotiations and deliberation. The PhD candidate can decide to explore and study some of the following paths: 

Application: We ask the candidate to write a short application document in which they lay down a research project related to the aim described above (2 pages) and indicate their motivation to apply to this project (1 page). A CV, transcripts and 2 letters of recommendation will be asked.

Project members

Project participants