Zero no Tsukaima

Zero no Tsukaima is an anime that exceeds in every department and overflows with an abundance of heart. Music, atmosphere, character designs, voice acting, world-building, themes, animation, coloring are all done exquisitely well. The characters themselves are some of the most well-done you will find, including the side characters.

Music: The soundtrack of this anime is composed beautifully. Background tracks leave a strong impression that enhances the anime greatly. The score is very unique and maintains the unique feeling throughout every track, blending a classical sound with other music to suit the feeling of the scene.

Animation: The animation is simply beautiful.

Direction: Very well done.

Characters: On the production side we have some of the best voice actors out there, some of the best character designs out there, and very expressive facial animation. In terms of writing, the characters are all extremely charming in their own way. There is not one character in the entire anime who is not outstanding.

Plot: The overall plot is a deep exploration of the isekai idea. At first, Saito wants to get back to Earth at all costs. But as he spends more time there, he comes to get attached to it. The author knew why he wanted to write an isekai and he wrote it well.

It is paced very well, except for the end which came very fast. Still, the ending did complete the story nicely. One moment that sticks out to me is when Saito creates an outdoor bath and looks up at the twin moons in the night sky while using it. To me it represents the core isekai idea.

Since the isekai is abstracts the relationship of Saito and Louise (see above image), the worldbuilding builds their characters even more, even when their relationship is not center-stage. Genius.

Watching/reading Zero no Tsukaima is like sharing the author's dream and being swept away into an exciting fantasy where you can escape reality and have the time of your life.