
The first thing I would like to say is that my interpretation of Re:Zero is likely uncommon. For example, there seems to be a large subgroup of people who think that Subaru improved as a person throughout the course of the show. I disagree with this sentiment. While it is completely fine to have different interpretations of a work, here I would like to elaborate why I rank Re:Zero as one of my favorite Anime.

What follows is a random jumble of pure, unedited thoughts.

Interesting to think about why Subaru is from Earth. I think the reason is simply because it intends to be some advanced form of satire.

Or, perhaps: the isekai is actually in his head, and he's like giving into depression, ie. giving into the fact that people don't give a shit about you or can't even make themselves happy

Thoughts when I first finished it: If it condensed the show into like 16 episodes and added some message/theme with a solid conclusion it would be a 10/10. There was alot I liked in the first cour, and a few scenes I didn't. Occasionally though, this just becomes downright awful. Like most of cour 2 was terrible. However cour 2 did have some scenes that were amazing. Character designs were really good and voice acting was pretty good. The death concept was great in the first cour, but failed in the second cour in my opinion. This show had a lot of potential but there were a lot of points were I thought, this could be better. Still a pretty good show. I'm excited for sequel.

Thoughts after a rewatch: Actually has some amazing moments that are so unique and awesome, but it seems like it sacrifices a bit of sense of consistency for it. This show grew on me a lot though, I think it is much better than I did previously. So vivid and immersive. The good parts were so good that it makes me want to overlook/try to justify the stuff that I didn't like.

Later thoughts: I am now convinced that this show is completely amazing despite my original hating on it. The show is just too interesting. It is also amazing how this show can be taken in like 10 completely different ways. This is perhaps where some criticism stems but the more I think about it the more I like it. You can watch as an action show or a comedy or a thriller and it works on all levels. You can watch this show and think the main character is nice and you can watch it and think that the main character is a jerk. I kind of think he is a bit of a jerk but this isn't a flaw and doesn't take away from my enjoyment of the show. Sure, I can look at the show and think of ways that I would want to improve it, but just because I can do so does not take away from the quality of the show at all. Some people will rate by taking away points for things that they didn't like in the show, but I try not to look at it that way. I try to analyze each show on a case by case basis. On another note, I love the way the author deals with his work. Like how it seems like he just doesn't give a fuck but in reality he is working very hard on it. Reminds me very much of Konosuba. Also I think this show might be a bona fide comedy show. It's literally hilarious seeing Subaru die over and over again with no end in sight. Additionally, stuff like Episode 18 is very hilarious in an interesting way. He wants to run away with Rem, then she convinces him not to, then she confesses to him, and he changes his mind and rejects her. This happened in one "deep" 18 minutes conversation. It's just hilarious. This show is my second favorite anime I think [since revised], second to based Konosuba. Perhaps one reason I see it differently now is that I see it as more of a prequel than a complete story.

I get the feeling that Emilia is evil and like a siren trying to destroy Subaru and its awesome feeling. There's so many awesome feelings in this show. Also I need to say that the ED1 and ED2 are actually the best songs ever.

The Point:

Despite much thinking, I could not think of the main point of this show. The closest I could come to is the feeling of loneliness and giving in, however it doesn't really connect to the main happenings*(revised see below). I feel it to be more of a theme. There are 3 things that could happen. A) It has a point that I can find if I think more about the show. B) It doesn't have a point C) The point will be revealed later in the work. The author says the point is to not give up but I think the author is a massive ass troll so I don't trust him one bit. The point of Higurashi was not giving up, not this clusterfuck that you have made sir. Also why the fuck do people say that Subaru has great character development and then cite the fact that he "overcame his weakness" or some bullshit after his conversation with Rem. He is still the same pretty shitty guy after that scene (which I think is good but why the hell are people trying to say he improved).

I think I will just accept that the show does not have a point and enjoy it anyway.*

I have strong urges to rewatch this show and I havn't got bored of it yet. The author may be trying to bait people that there is a theme and then having them try to figure it out. Maybe that is why it is interesting to rewatch.

The self-named paint-by-number effect. The author made a paint by number of a beautiful Leonardo da Vinci painting. If all the numbers are painted in the right color, you would see the mona lisa. But the thing is, 50% of the numbers are wrong. That is, the painting does not turn out like the mona lisa at all and has random spots of color everywhere. This is a bad painting right? Well, the thing is, you can just fucking paint what every you want in your head. Sure, the author created a flawed paint by number that is bad. But, like once you paint it how you want it, who the fuck cares what the author intended you have a beautiful fucking painting.

Actually a better analogy is the mona lisa with random splots of ink across it. You can imagine what it would look like but it is sort of shit if you don't imaging anything.

Ways to improve the show:

If Subaru was attractive and like-able I feel like this show would be better. You can still have the mental breakdown scenes if he was a good person, and it could be awesome. Sorry for another Higurashi reference but take Keiichi as an example. He was very like-able but still had flaws and mental breakdowns.

***The point revised: I actually think it is definitely about loneliness. It does connect to the main happenings. It's just all about being alone. Somewhat about self-improvement too but not like people seem to think it is. I don't think Subaru improved much as a person yet. He actually got worse lol. Wait if it is about loneliness why did he reject Rem? This show doesn't make sense. The only thing that would make sense is if he actually went insane, ACTUALLY THAT DOES KINDA MAKE SENSE. That's why the drama/deaths continue. He is at a fucking low point not a high point. NOW I GET IT (probably not). Or the reason he rejected rem is that it is a parody lol

Maybe author intended it for the creative mind, like they want you to be creative about it

Ok this show is a fucking parody which explains the rejection of rem and other things.

It's just about a lonely ass boi (and other lonely characters).

Sure it's Konosuba's and ZnT's moronic brother but eventually you realize that you can love morons just as much or more than non-morons.

I think it is just a bona fide parody. Like there is no point that he comes from Earth (except to parody), he keeps dying repeatedly lol.

(Disclaimer: I'm pretty sure the reasons I like ReZero are uncommon)

Other than loving the directing/art/music in ReZero, one of the reason's I liked it was just how unique it was, while still following the isekai agenda well.

One of the interesting and unique things is that Emilia seems to not care about Subaru, at least, not more than she would a normal person. (Now I have a feeling some people may disagree with me about this statement but to me there were definitely elements of this portrayed in the anime.) Even if you won't agree with me on that one, it was a fact that Emilia had almost no screentime for a stretch of like 7 episodes. It's pretty unique to make the main heroine like that.

I almost feel like ReZero is just a proof of concept. It creates a good isekai story (see Zero no Tsukaima) but it creates it by making the roles of every character in it completely paradoxical and by doing so the story just become insane and almost incomprehensible. I personally think Re:Zero is satirical just as much if not more than Konosuba.

Consider the fact that Subaru keeps dying over and over again in the anime. Like, in a traditional hero story the hero actually makes progress towards a goal. Meanwhile, Subaru keeps dying and it shows no signs of stopping anytime soon.

Then there are all these wacky scenes in the show. Like when Subaru wants to run away with Rem in episode 18. By all means, this dude should be running away. I think most reasonable people would evacuate posthaste from a city where everyone is trying to kill him. Then Rem says she likes him and that makes him not want to run away with her anymore??? I'm convinced that that scene was at least partially satire. But then again, it also feels completely genuine. This is why I think Re:Zero is so insane and unique. It's like you can read the story on multiple different levels and still get satisfied from each level. You can have your isekai story. You can have your thriller. You can have your parody.

I'm half-convinced that Subaru is in an insane asylum in Japan and just imaging the whole thing.

So yeah I couldn't put the thoughts in my head into words very well but hopefully you can gain something of value from having read this. And if you reply to this comment about anything at all I will try to respond.