Neeli Stone

The Neeli Stone - A Symbol of Prosperity, Virtuosity, Wealth, and Fertility

In Hinduism, the Neeli stone, a gemstone, is known as a symbol of prosperity, virtuousness, wealth, and fertility. It also has a mystical aspect. For example, it is believed to have the power to cure illness. There are a few different ways to use the Neeli stone in jewelry, and it can even be a gift.


Virgo is the sixth sign of the Zodiac chart. It is ruled by Mercury. These logical and analytical people have a sense of discipline and preciseness. They are known for their good health and success.

Blue Sapphire is the birthstone of Virgo. It helps to heal the nervous system and relieves stress. It also assists in the prevention of cancer. The crystalline structure of the gemstone ensures that the wearer's vision remains clear and open.

Another birthstone for Virgo is Iolite. This gem is an alternative to blue sapphire. Iolite is associated with Saturn and promotes expert achievement.


Iolite, also known as Neeli, is a gemstone that is associated with Saturn in astrology. It is one of the most sought-after stones in Vedic astrology. This stone is reputed for its colour and the ability to help people attain a state of mental peace.

Iolite can be found in various blue, violet, or purple colors. The color of iolite can range from transparent to translucent. Moreover, it is considered a treatment for anxiety and depression. These properties are attributed to the gemstone's pleochroic property. Depending on the angle at which the stone is held, the light is reflected in different shades.


If you belong to Libra, you might be curious about your birthstone. There are many astrological stones that can help you correct the traits of your zodiac sign. You can use Neeli, Emerald, or Gomed as your Libran astrological birthstone. However, you must take the help of a renowned gemstone store to ensure you purchase the perfect stone.

The Blue Sapphire is a very lucky gemstone for Libra. It is said to protect the wearer against jealousy, disease, and the evil eye. Besides, it can give the wearer a positive boost in finances. Moreover, it can be used to resolve business and debt issues.


There are many Original Neeli stone for the Taurus sign. In addition to emerald, there are also amethyst and aventurine. These are very effective in curing problems and instilling confidence in the Taurean.

Another stone that is beneficial for the Taurus native is the Sapphire. This stone helps to ward off negativity and protects from the evil eye. It can also help to improve the intellectual capabilities of a Taurus.

Emerald is a stone that can bring wealth and promise. The color of emerald has enchanted philosophers and royalty for centuries. As a result, it is considered a lucky birthstone for the Taurus zodiac sign.


If you want to know more about the Neeli stone, you have come to the right place. It is a beautiful gemstone with a variety of properties and benefits. Whether you are looking to buy a single piece or a ring, you will find that Neeli is a great choice.

When you first look at Neeli, you might think that it looks like an ordinary blue sapphire. But the truth is that it has a wide range of colors. Depending on the angle that you are viewing the stone, it will display three different colors.

Uparatana / uprtn for blue sapphire

One of the most expensive gemstones in the world is the Blue Sapphire. It's a gem ruled by the mighty Saturn, and its astrological influence is felt across the board. Fortunately for the intrepid jeweler, it's not impossible to acquire one. You can do so with the help of a good astrologer. A small investment can yield huge rewards.

The blue sapphire may be the gold standard, but that doesn't mean you can't find a worthy competitor. Luckily, you'll find a wide selection of certified colored gemstones at Navratan.

Certified Gemstone at ratanrashi is a stone of healing. This stone is mined in India and Brazil. It is mostly purplish in color. However, it also possesses some other colors depending on the angle from which you look at it.

Iolite, or Kaka Neeli, is a type of semi-precious gemstone. It is also known as Shani Priya in Sanskrit. Traditionally, it is said to be a substitute for the Blue Sapphire.

It is used for the purpose of obtaining financial stability, professional success, and mental strength. It is also used to achieve spiritual balance.