Iolite Gemstone

Buy Online Iolite Gemstone

Iolite is a gemstone that is found in many locations in the world. It has been known to have many different characteristics. Some of these characteristics are the hardness, the color, and the healing power. There is also the symbolism that is associated with the stone.


Iolite gemstone is a member of the Cordierite family. It is a pleochroic stone, meaning it has a tendency to exhibit different colors at different angles.

The color of iolite is usually blue. However, it can also appear brown or yellow from certain angles. If the stone has a light pink or yellow tint, it may be referred to as "pink iolite" or "pink cordierite".

The color of iolite can be used to determine if it is suitable for jewelry or not. Lighter-colored iolite stones are generally less desirable. Generally, iolite can be found in a variety of colors, but pastel shades are not as popular.

Iolite is a durable stone that can be used in rings and broaches. It is slightly harder than quartz, but can be damaged by heat. Therefore, avoid using ultrasonic cleaners or other heated devices.


Iolite is a stone with violetish blue hue. The gemstone is commonly faceted in cabochons and shaped into a variety of jewelry designs.

Iolite can be found in many countries, including Brazil, India, Madagascar, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and Tanzania. Iolite has a Mohs hardness of 7 to 7.5, making it a hard and durable gem. Its color can vary from sapphire blue to violet-like blue.

Because of its pleochroism, iolite is believed to have the ability to open the eye's vision and bring clarity to the wearer. Many believe that iolite helps guide the wearer to find their life purpose. Some claim that iolite has the power to overcome insomnia.

Iolite is a natural gemstone, but it is difficult to cut. It is also very fragile. Therefore, it should be kept in a protective setting. You should also avoid placing it in contact with hard items.


Natural Iolite gemstone that shows pleochroism. Pleochroism is the optical phenomenon that allows a stone to show different colors depending on the direction it is viewed from. This phenomenon is most apparent in deeply colored specimens of the same gem species.

The color of the iolite gemstone is determined by several factors, including the angle of observation. It can appear either golden or brown from various angles. When iolite is faceted, the colors are shifted and the stone is able to exhibit a different color each time the stone is viewed.

Iolite is a member of the cordierite group of minerals. It is also found in Madagascar, Myanmar, Australia, Brazil, and India. Cordierite is used for industrial purposes, as well as in ceramics. Synthetic cordierite is a more reliable material.


Iolite is a gemstone that has been treasured by ancient civilizations. They believed it to be a healing stone, able to help them recover from sickness and eye disorders.

It is also believed to promote the exploration of new ideas. It is associated with the third eye chakra. This chakra is related to intuition and creativity.

Many people use iolite as a healing tool, as it has the ability to bring balance to a chaotic situation. It helps to clear up anxiety and stress, and is perfect for detoxing.

As a stone, iolite helps people gain insight into their subconscious and provides clarity on issues. In addition, it is believed to encourage spiritual growth, and provide protection from negative energy. The stone can be used for meditation and psychic work, and can be worn in jewelry or placed in an altar.

Healing powers

Iolite is a stone of creative power, intuition, and vision. It is a wonderful tool for meditation, and a powerful healer. As a healing stone, iolite can help calm feelings of anxiety and stress. You may also find it helpful in clearing negative energies and thought forms that are no longer serving you.

Iolite can be worn as jewelry or used as a gemstone. It is mined in Madagascar, Brazil, India, and Burma. The purple color of iolite is particularly healing, and it can ease migraines and enhance focus.

This Natural gemstone is especially beneficial for those with fire signs. Fire signs often experience burnout, and iolite can help them recover from the emotional stress of being burned out. In addition, it can aid in the healing of relationships and mending of family relationships.