Nadav Hallak
Assistant Professor
The Faculty of Data and Decision Sciences
The Technion
Nadav Hallak,
Assistant Professor
The Faculty of Data and Decision Sciences, The Technion
Office: Bloomfield Building, room 508
Phone: +972-77-887-4415
Research Interests:
Continuous Optimization: Theory and Algorithms
First and Second Order Methods
Nonconvex Optimization
Sparse Optimization: Theory and Algorithms
Applications in Machine Learning, Engineering, Finance and Science
News (June 2024):
ICML2024: Will present my joint work with Kfir Levy on A Study of First-Order Methods with a Deterministic Relative-Error Gradient Oracle in ICML2024 held in Vienna, Austria
EurOPT2024: Will present my joint work with Amir Beck on The Regularized Feasible Directions Method for Nonconvex Optimization in EurOPT2024 held in Lund, Sweden
ML Seminar at Tel-Aviv University: Will give a talk on first-order methods in sparse optimization on June 19 at the Machine Learning Seminar at Tel Aviv University, thanks to Tomer Koren for inviting me
ML and Statistics Seminar at Weizmann: Talked about first-order methods in sparse optimization at the ML and Statistics Seminar at Weizmann, thanks to Boaz Nadler and Ohad Shamir for inviting me
Research Projects for undergrads:
Investigation of online nonconvex optimization algorithms in market / game-theory applications
Investigation of optimization methods with relative-error gradient (compressed gradient, zero-order gradient approximation, gradient quantization)
Msc positions available
Postdoc position available
מאור דביר פסיכולוגית קלינית