

参加・演題登録フォームよりご登録ください。 (登録は終了しました。)





*No Publication Policy (adjusted from policy of Gordon Research Conference)

To encourage open communication, each member of a conference agrees that any information presented at the Conference, whether in a formal talk, or discussion, is a private communication from the individual making the contribution and is presented with the restriction that such information is not for public use. Prior to quoting or publishing any such information presented at a conference in any publication, written or electronic, written approval of the contributing member must first be obtained. The audio or video recording of lectures by any means, the photography of slide or poster material, and printed or electronic quotes from papers, presentations and discussion at a conference without written consent of the contributing member is prohibited. Scientific publications are not to be prepared as emanating from the conferences. Authors are requested to omit references to the conferences in any publication, written or electronic. These restrictions apply to each member of a conference and are intended to cover social networks, blogs, tweets or any other publication, distribution, communication or sharing of information presented or discussed at the conference. Guests are not permitted to attend the conference lectures, or poster sessions. Each member of a conference acknowledges and agrees to these restrictions when registration is accepted and as a condition of being permitted to attend a conference.