
The 14th Annual Meeting for Japanese Developmental Neuroscientists

March 19-20, 2021

Thank you for your interest in the 14th Annual Meetng for Japanese Developmental Neuroscientists.

We will have an online conference this time. On March 20th, we also have Korea Japan Joint Symposium. This Korea Japan Joint Symposium is co-organized with Prof. Woong Sun (Korea University) and Prof. Jaesang Kim (Ewha Womans University).

We are waiting for your participation. Hirohide Takebayashi (Niigata University)


Mar 19, 2021, 13:00~18:40 (held in Japanese and partly in English, for researchers in Japan)

Mar 20, 2021, 9:00~12:50 (held in English, Korea Japan Joint Symposium)

Confirmed Speakers [25min talk and 10 min discussion]

Dr. Keita Tsujimura (Nagoya University)

Dr. Kihoon Han (Korea University College of Medicine)

Dr. Satoshi Miyashita (NCNP)

Dr. Young-Gyun Park (KAIST)

Dr. Yujin Harada (The University of Tokyo)

Dr. Ki-Jun Yoon (KAIST)

About Annual Meeting for Japanese Developmental Neuroscientists

Annual Meeting for Japanese Developmental Neuroscientists started in 2006 [HP (in Japanese)].

In this meeting, we intended to encourage young scientists. Active and stimulating discussions are expected in the meeting. In the field of neural development, we have long-term interaction between Korean researchers and Japanese researchers. There are many collaborative works through these interactions. The last joint meeting was held at Jeju island (South Korea) in June 2018.

We are happy to have the Korea Japan Joint symposium at this 14th meeting and to continue the fruitful interaction between the two countries.


When you register, you need to accept the following *No Publication Policy.

Please send the following information to <14niigata@gmail.com>.



Position: (select one) Student, Postdoc, Staff researcher (non-PI), Staff researcher (PI)

Title of your talk (if you want to present):

Registration fee is free.

Deadline for presentation: Feb 12, 2021

Deadline for participation: Feb 26, 2021 (extended)

Venue (Due to COVID-19 situation, we decided cancellation of on-site conference. We will have only online conference.)

Niigata University (Asahimachi campus)

Center for Human Integrated Brain Science

Nakata Memorial Hall (6F)


1-757 Asahimachi-dohri, Niigata, Niigata, Japan, 951-8585

For Korean researchers, information on the online conference (Mar 20th) will be provided after registration.

*No Publication Policy (adjusted from policy of Gordon Research Conference)

To encourage open communication, each member of a conference agrees that any information presented at the Conference, whether in a formal talk, or discussion, is a private communication from the individual making the contribution and is presented with the restriction that such information is not for public use. Prior to quoting or publishing any such information presented at a conference in any publication, written or electronic, written approval of the contributing member must first be obtained. The audio or video recording of lectures by any means, the photography of slide or poster material, and printed or electronic quotes from papers, presentations and discussion at a conference without written consent of the contributing member is prohibited. Scientific publications are not to be prepared as emanating from the conferences. Authors are requested to omit references to the conferences in any publication, written or electronic. These restrictions apply to each member of a conference and are intended to cover social networks, blogs, tweets or any other publication, distribution, communication or sharing of information presented or discussed at the conference. Guests are not permitted to attend the conference lectures, or poster sessions. Each member of a conference acknowledges and agrees to these restrictions when registration is accepted and as a condition of being permitted to attend a conference.