


專題演講簡報檔與活動集錦 Slides of the Keynote Speeches and Event Photos

感謝兩位專題演講人 Dr. David Sawyer 與 Dr. Jiun Huh 於研討會帶來精彩演講,並授權提供簡報講義,也感謝攝影師團隊當天為大會紀錄下美好瞬間。


📊專題簡報連結 🖼️活動照片連結

We express our gratitude to the two keynote speakers, Dr. David Sawyer and Dr. Jiun Huh, for their wonderful presentations at The Symposium and for authorizing us to share their presentation slides. We also appreciate the efforts of the photographers capturing the memorable moments of the Symposium.

Both the PDF files of the presentation slides and the photos are now available for attendees and the public to view online. 

📊Presentation Slides 🖼️Photo Gallery


活動圓滿結束 感謝踴躍參與 Thank you for your participation


The 27th International Symposium on Translation and Interpreting Teaching was successfully held and concluded on May 6, 2023 in NCUE.

We sincerely appreciate your active participation and exchange, and genuinely look forward to meeting you again in the future!


報名已截止 Registration closed



The registration for the symposium is officially closed. 

We are NO LONGER accepting any further registrations, and on-site registration will also NOT be available.

We appreciate the enthusiastic enrollment of all participants and eagerly look forward to meeting you at the event.


報名已截止 Registration Closed


The registration for the symposium is now closed as all available spots have been filled.

We appreciate the enthusiastic enrollment of all participants and eagerly look forward to meeting you at the event.


發表論文短摘要已公開 Abstracts Now Available



All the abstracts of the symposium papers are available online now. Please check the agenda to view them. 

To read a specific paper abstract, click on the topic in the agenda page and then the pop-up link to open the file.


Registration Now Open (NOW CLOSED)


點擊此處查閱 Click here to view the agenda.


海報圖檔連結 Download the event posters


即日起開放繳交長摘要 Submission of extended abstracts is now open.

研討會摘要審查結果已於 112/3/20 寄出。若您的摘要已被接受,敬請於4/10 (一) 前繳交一份以3-5頁A4(不含注釋及參考書目等)為原則的論文長摘要。 

The results of the abstract review for the symposium were sent out on March 30, 2023. 

If your abstract has been accepted, please submit an extended abstract of 3-5 pages in A4 size (excluding notes and bibliography, etc.) by April 10.



The abstract submission deadline has now been extended to 28 February 2023.


官方email 2023_ti_symposium@cc2.ncue.edu.tw 於1/30 (一) 前因故系統擋信,若於1/30前寄信至此信箱的投稿者,敬請再次寄送郵件,同時也一併寄至 ti@cc2.ncue.edu.tw,並請於信件主旨註明「2023口筆譯教學國際學術研討會摘要」。謝謝您的合作,造成困擾,敬請見諒。

Due to an unexpected technical issue, our email system experienced problems during the lunar New Year. If you have submitted your abstract prior to January 30th, 2023, please resend your email, and copy to ti@cc2.ncue.edu.tw. We are sorry for causing any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding and support.