The 27th International Symposium
on Translation and Interpreting Teaching


會議主題:AI 時代:重新思考口筆譯專業與訓練模型
Conference Theme: Translators and Interpreters in the Era of Artificial Intelligence:
Reconsidering the Profession and its Training Models

會議地點:國立彰化師範大學 進德校區 圖書館、擷英館

Venue: Library Building, & JieYing Building, 

Jinde Campus, National Changhua University of Education


Date: May 6th, 2023


📣 最新訊息 News


專題演講簡報檔與活動集錦 Slides of the Keynote Speeches and Event Photos

感謝兩位專題演講人 Dr. David Sawyer 與 Dr. Jiun Huh 於研討會帶來精彩演講,並授權提供簡報講義,也感謝攝影師團隊當天為大會紀錄下美好瞬間。


📊專題簡報連結 🖼️活動照片連結

We express our gratitude to the two keynote speakers, Dr. David Sawyer and Dr. Jiun Huh, for their wonderful presentations at The Symposium and for authorizing us to share their presentation slides. We also appreciate the efforts of the photographers capturing the memorable moments of the Symposium.

Both the PDF files of the presentation slides and the photos are now available for attendees and the public to view online. 

📊Presentation Slides 🖼️Photo Gallery

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會議主題 Conference Theme

AI 時代:重新思考口筆譯專業與訓練模型
AI 時代來臨,科技對翻譯產業以及口筆譯教學到底帶來什麼樣的影響?

Translators and Interpreters in the Era of Artificial Intelligence:
Reconsidering the Profession and its Training Models

The AI era is here. What kind of impacts will technology have on the translation and interpretation industry and the teaching method in this field? What kind of responsibilities should the training institutes bear in bracing future talents for upcoming changes? 

會議子題 Sub-themes

本次研討會邀請到兩位國際口筆譯學界頂尖學者:美國馬里蘭大學的 David Sawyer 教授以及韓國梨花女子大學 Jiun Huh 教授擔任專題演講者。
David Sawyer 教授著作等身,是口筆譯訓練課程設計及評量之權威;Jiun Huh 教授發表了許多與口筆譯人員訓練相關的學術論文,專題演講精彩可期。

This year the Symposium features two keynote speakers: Prof. David Sawyer of the University of Maryland and Prof. Jiun Huh of Ewha Womans University.
Prof. David Sawyer is an expert in curriculum design and assessment of translation and interpretation performance. Prof. Jiun Huh has published multiple papers related to the training of translators and interpreters. 

美國國務院 外交人員服務局 語言教育所 語言測驗中心主任

美國馬里蘭大學 傳播系/翻譯研究所 資深講師

南韓梨花女子大學 翻譯研究所/筆譯系、口譯系

重要日期 Important Dates

活動緣起 Origin







The International Symposium on Translation and Interpretation Teaching was initiated by the Taiwan Association of Translation and Interpretation in 1997. Every year, universities with a department or graduate institute of translation and interpretation in Taiwan take turns to host the event. Over time, the Symposium has grown into an important occasion for translators, interpreters, and scholars at home and abroad to publish papers and exchange views.


The upcoming 2023 symposium will be the 27th International Symposium on Translation and Interpreting Teaching. Over the past two decades, the overall training system in this field in Taiwan has become better. Since the establishment of the first graduate institute of translation and interpretation by Fu Jen Catholic University in 1988, Taiwan now is home to seven graduate institutes and programs of translation and interpretation, and two undergraduate departments of translation and interpretation; moreover, numerous universities have offered translation and interpretation courses.


The Symposium has always been focusing on the latest and trending studies and teaching methods, from themes in the nascent stage such as course design, practical-oriented teaching, the idea of faithfulness, expressiveness, and elegance, and cross-cultural communication to the themes that have come into the limelight in recent years such as translators and interpreters’ role, knowledge management, and the looming impact brought by technology and machine translation.