Active Member Requirements
To be an active member in the nutrition club you must:
Pay dues
Dues are $10 for the semester/ $15 for the year. Cash or checks are accepted. Checks must be made payable to NCSU Nutrition Club.
Turn in dues to our Treasurer, Ellie Lorenz. Dues are due (preferably) by the third meeting of the semester.
Contact Ellie ( ) with any questions.
Earn 7 points
Member activity is measured with a point system. To be considered an active member, you must earn 7 points during the Fall 2018 semester:
- 3 points must come from meeting attendance. Each meeting or the end-of-semester potluck is worth one point. There are 5 meetings a semester and 1 potluck at the end of the semester. Don't forget to sign the meeting attendance sheet at the meetings! You will not receive a point if you do not sign the attendance sheet.
- 2 points must come from attending monthly service events. We offer several service events, at least 1 or 2 per month. See the service page for more information about the monthly events.
- 1 point must come from preparing snacks before meetings. The food chair, will be preparing snacks at 5pm on Monday nights before each meeting. She will need a few volunteers to help her prepare the snacks. See the food page for the online sign-up sheet. (NOTE: you can receive this point at any point over the course of the year- so if you don't get it in the fall, you have the spring semester as well! Also, you may earn this point by bringing a dish, utensils, plates, drinks, etc. to the potluck we have at the end of each semester.)
- 1 point must come from publicity activities. Help the publicity chair with the different publicity activities (hanging up flyers, updating the Schaub bulletin board, chalking, etc.) for a publicity point! Check out the Publicity Opportunities page for more info.