
Pandemic! Northland Unites

A Collaborative Seminar on COVID-19 and a Community's Response


We invite you to join in a community of learning with us, to provide meaning and understanding to the current moment. This FREE multidisciplinary course will provide lectures and readings from Northland College faculty, focused on perspectives that various academic disciplines bring to our understanding of the current COVID-19 crisis.

The course "meets" Mondays through Thursdays, from April 27–May 22, 2020 and is open to the public . Daily prerecorded lectures and associated readings will be posted for participants to engage with each topic of the day. All materials for the course are organized by week. See the "Schedule" and "Week" navigation tabs at the top of this website to learn more about the topics covered in this course.

In addition, daily discussion groups using video conferencing will be organized to allow community members to engage with each other on the topics of each day. If you are interested in participating in these video discussion groups, please fill out the form below and we will help establish a way for you to connect with other community participants.