Advisory Team

The founding members of the NCP4SEL were:  Jackie Daniels, Lisbon Principal, Kelly Dussault, SAU 36 Social Emotional Learning and Wellness Coordinator, Lori Langlois, North Country Education Services (NCES) Executive Director, Kelly Noland, SAU 84 Director of Student Services, Jessica Riendeau, NH Department of Corrections NNHCF, Shelli Roberts, SAU 36 Director of Special Services, Emily Russell, SAU 35 School Psychologist, Kerry Sheehan, Profile School Principal, Jennifer Watson, SAU 35 Director of Student Services, and  Mollie White, Coos Coalition of Young Children & Families Executive Manager.

Bold = core team

How the partnership came to be...

The North Country Partnership for SEL Practices (NCP4SEL) is a coordinated effort focused on social and emotional learning (SEL) using a multi-tiered system framework. In the spring of 2018, Shelli Roberts, then principal of Bethlehem Elementary School (BES), convened principals and other school personnel who were concerned about trauma-informed practices to share BES' Project GROW experience. Kelly Dussault, serving as SAU 36’s System of Care Grant Coordinator at that time, joined shortly thereafter to co-facilitate the group. Since supporting students’ SEL is a trauma-sensitive practice, the partnership has evolved to a broader framework and is now referred to as the North Country Partnership for Social and Emotional Learning Practices. Mollie White, Executive Manager of the Coos Coalition of Young Children and Families, Lori Langlois, Executive Director of NCES, and Emily Russell, SAU 35 School Psychologist, also serve on the core team  of this regional partnership.