371- Workshop on Modular Forms
Dates: 14 December 2020 to 19 December 2020
Venue: IIT Guwahati
Prof. Anupam Saikia Prof. Rupam Barman
Lecture 1: Dec. 14, 2020
Lecture Title: P-adic families of forms.
Name of speaker with affiliation : Prof. Eknath Ghate, TIFR Mumbai.
Keywords: Classical modular forms, elliptic curves, p- stabilization.
Lecture 2: Dec. 15, 2020
Lecture Title: Λ-adic forms.
Name of speaker with affiliation : Prof. Eknath Ghate, TIFR Mumbai.
Keywords: Λ-adic Eisenstein series, Iwasawa conjecture.
Lecture 3: Dec. 17, 2020
Lecture Title: Hida Theory.
Name of speaker with affiliation : Prof. Eknath Ghate, TIFR Mumbai.
Keywords: Primitive Λ-adic forms, p-ordinary.
Lecture 4: Dec. 19, 2020
Lecture Title: Λ-adic Galois representations.
Name of speaker with affiliation : Prof. Eknath Ghate, TIFR Mumbai.
Keywords: Pseudo representations, Galois representations.
Lecture 1: Dec. 14, 2020
Lecture Title: Building blocks of Half integral Modular forms.
Name of speaker with affiliation : Prof. B. Ramakrishnan, Central University of Tamilnadu (on lien from HRI, Prayagraj).
Keywords: Half integral Modular forms, Half integral weight Eisenstein series.
Lecture 2: Dec. 14, 2020
Lecture Title: On Hecke- operators and Shimura correspondence.
Name of speaker with affiliation : Prof. B. Ramakrishnan, Central University of Tamilnadu (on lien from HRI, Prayagraj).
Keywords: Hecke- operators, Shimura map.
Lecture 3: Dec. 16, 2020
Lecture Title: On Cohen Eisenstein series.
Name of speaker with affiliation : Prof. B. Ramakrishnan, Central University of Tamilnadu (on lien from HRI, Prayagraj).
Keywords: Kohnen plus space, modified Shimura map
Lecture 4: Dec. 17, 2020
Lecture Title: On Shimura lift and New forms Theory.
Name of speaker with affiliation : Prof. B. Ramakrishnan, Central University of Tamilnadu (on lien from HRI, Prayagraj).
Keywords: Shimura lift, new forms theory, W-operators.
Lecture 5: Dec. 18, 2020
Lecture Title: On Shintani correspondence
Name of speaker with affiliation : Prof. B. Ramakrishnan, Central University of Tamilnadu (on lien from HRI, Prayagraj).
Keywords: Trace of hecke operators, Shintani correspondence.
Lecture 6: Dec. 18, 2020
Lecture Title: On Shintani correspondence continued.
Name of speaker with affiliation : Prof. B. Ramakrishnan, Central University of Tamilnadu (on lien from HRI, Prayagraj).
Keywords: Kloosterman sum, Jacobi forms, Waldspurger's theorem
Lecture 7: Dec. 19, 2020
Lecture Title: On Shimura- Cohen’s map
Name of speaker with affiliation : Prof. B. Ramakrishnan, Central University of Tamilnadu (on lien from HRI, Prayagraj).
Keywords: Characterization of W(4) operator, application.
Lecture 1: Dec. 14, 2020
Lecture Title: Hilbert Modular forms lecture 1
Name of speaker with affiliation : Dr. Aribam Chandrakant Sharma, IISER Mohali.
Keywords: Discrete subgroups, cusps.
Lecture 2: Dec. 17, 2020
Lecture Title: Hilbert Modular forms lecture 2
Name of speaker with affiliation : Dr. Aribam Chandrakant Sharma, IISER Mohali.
Keywords: Hilbert modular groups, embedding.
Lecture 3: Dec. 18, 2020
Lecture Title: Hilbert Modular forms lecture 3
Name of speaker with affiliation : Dr. Aribam Chandrakant Sharma, IISER Mohali.
Keywords: Automorphic factor, regular points, Eisenstein series.
Lecture 4: Dec. 19 2020
Lecture Title: Hilbert Modular forms lecture 4
Name of speaker with affiliation : Dr. Aribam Chandrakant Sharma, IISER Mohali.
Keywords: Automorphic forms, Hilbert Poincare series, Hecke action.
Lecture 1: Dec. 15 2020
Lecture Title: Lehmer’s Conjec- ture and its Generalisations
Name of speaker with affiliation : Dr. Professor Ken Ono, University of Virginia.
Keywords: Lehmer’s Conjec- ture and its Generalisations
Lecture 2: Dec. 17 2020
Lecture Title: Gauss’ Class Number Problem
Name of speaker with affiliation : Dr. Professor Ken Ono, University of Virginia.
Keywords: Quadratic forms, CM points, ideal class groups.