Advanced Instructional Course

AIC-373 - Local Arithmetic (2021)

Dates: 18 Jan 2021 to 21 May 2021


Prof. Chandan Singh Dalawat (Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad )

Dr. Supriya Pisolkar (Indian Institute of Science Education & Research, Pune )

Lecture1_18-01-2021_Local_Arithmetic Prof. Chandan Singh Dalawat , HRI, Allahabad

Lecture 1 : Inverse and direct systems, limits and colimits, profinite groups, rings, and spaces.

Lecture2_20-01-2021_Local_Arithmetic Prof. Chandan Singh Dalawat , HRI, Allahabad

Lecture 2 : The profinite ring Z_p of p-adic integers, p-adic expansion, multiplication by p, units, the p-adic valuation, the p-adic distance

Lecture3_25-01-2021_Local_Arithmetic Prof. Chandan Singh Dalawat , HRI, Allahabad

Lecture 3 : Hensel's Lemma, squares in Z_p, raising to the exponent p, multiplicative representatives

Lecture4_27-01-2021_Local_Arithmetic Prof. Chandan Singh Dalawat , HRI, Allahabad

The field of Q_p of p-adic numbers, squares and quadratic characters of Q_p^*, structure of the group Q_p^*.

Lecture 5_01-02-2021_Local_Arithmetic Prof. Chandan Singh Dalawat , HRI, Allahabad

Lecture Notes: Click here

Lecture 5 : Hensel's Lemma, squares in Z_p, raising to the exponent p, multiplicative representatives

Lecture 6_03-02-2021_Local_Arithmetic Prof. Chandan Singh Dalawat , HRI, Allahabad

Lecture Notes: Click here

The Hilbert symbol, Steinberg property, explicit formulae, the conic ax^2+by^2=1.

Lecture7_08-02-2021_Local_Arithmetic Prof. Chandan Singh Dalawat , HRI, Allahabad

Lecture Notes: Click here

Lecture 7 : Quadratic extensions of Q_p, their compositum, bijection with the set of quadratic characters of Q_p^*, Kummer theory, Artin-Schreier theory.

Lecture8_10-02-2021_Local_Arithmetic Prof. Chandan Singh Dalawat , HRI, Allahabad

Lecture Notes: Click here

Lecture 8 : Power series over a finite field F_p, analogy with Z_p, the field of fractions F_p((t)), squares in F_p((t))^*, quadratic characters of F_p((t))^*, the Hilbert symbol, Steinberg property, explicit formulae, the conic ax^2+by^2=1, quadratic extensions of F_p((t)), bijection with the set of quadratic characters.

Lecture9_15-02-2021_Local_Arithmetic Prof. Chandan Singh Dalawat , HRI, Allahabad

Lecture Notes: Click here

Lecture 9 : Algebraic preliminaries, Galois theory, Artin-Schreier theory, reformulation of local quadratic reciprocity.

Lecture10_17-02-2021_Local_Arithmetic Prof. Chandan Singh Dalawat , HRI Allahabad

Lecture Notes: Click here

Lecture 10 : Structure of the filtered space k((t))^* modulo p-th powers, structure of k((t))^+ modulo the Artin-Schreier map (k finite field), the snake lemma.

Lecture11_22-02-2021_Local_Arithmetic Prof. Chandan Singh Dalawat , HRI Allahabad

Lecture Notes: Click here

Lecture 11 : p-fields, rings of integers, residue fields, uniformisers, Hensel's lemma, multiplicative representatives.

Lecture12_24-02-2021_Local_Arithmetic Prof. Chandan Singh Dalawat , HRI Allahabad

Lecture Notes: Click here

Lecture 12 : Structure theorem for p-fields, ramification index, residual degree, raising to the power p in p-fields of characteristic 0, the filtration on the quotient modulo p-th powers.

Lecture13_01-03-2021_Local_Arithmetic Prof. Chandan Singh Dalawat , HRI Allahabad

Lecture Notes: Click here

Lecture 13 : Valuations, equivalence of valuations, rings of integers, residue fields, discrete valuations, uniformisers, ideals in the ring of integers, norms, equivalence of norms, completions.

Lecture14_03-03-2021_Local_Arithmetic Prof. Chandan Singh Dalawat , HRI Allahabad

Lecture Notes: Click here

Lecture 14 : Hensel's lemma, extension of a complete discrete valuation to a finite extension field, integral closure of the ring of integers.

Lecture15_08-03-2021_Local_Arithmetic Prof. Chandan Singh Dalawat , HRI Allahabad

Lecture Notes: Click here

Lecture 15 : Krasner's lemma, ramification index and residual degree, multiplicativity in towers.

Lecture16_10-03-2021_Local_Arithmetic Prof. Chandan Singh Dalawat , HRI Allahabad

Lecture Notes: Click here

Lecture 16 : Relation between the degree, the ramification index, and the residual degree, the norm map, monogenity of the ring of integers in a finite extension, unramified extensions, totally ramified extensions, tamely ramified extensions.

Lecture17_15-03-2021_Local_Arithmetic Prof. Chandan Singh Dalawat , HRI Allahabad

Lecture Notes: Click here

Lecture 17 : Eisenstein polynomials, totally ramified extensions, structure of tamely ramified extensions, parametrisation of tamely ramified extensions of a given degree.

Lecture18_17-03-2021_Local_Arithmetic Prof. Chandan Singh Dalawat , HRI Allahabad

Lecture Notes: Click here

Lecture 18 : Maximal tamely ramified extension, galoisian and abelian tamely ramified extensions, maximal tamely ramified abelian extension, the number of tamely ramified extensions of various kinds.

Lecture19_22-03-2021_Local_Arithmetic Prof. Chandan Singh Dalawat , HRI Allahabad

Lecture Notes: Click here

Lecture 19 : The trace map, the different and the discriminant, transitivity formulae, the different and the ramification, Serre's mass formula in the tame case.

Lecture20_24-03-2021_Local_Arithmetic Prof. Chandan Singh Dalawat , HRI Allahabad

Lecture Notes: Click here

Lecture 20 : Inertia subgroup and ramification subgroup, higher ramification groups, lower numbering, ramification filtration on a subgroup.

Lecture21_29-03-2021_Local_Arithmetic Prof. Chandan Singh Dalawat , HRI Allahabad

Lecture Notes: Click here

Lecture 21 : The ramification filtration on a quotient group, Hasse-Herbrandt functions, transitivity, roots on unity.

Lecture22_31-03-2021_Local_Arithmetic Prof. Chandan Singh Dalawat , HRI Allahabad

Lecture Notes: Click here

Lecture 22 : Ramification filtration on cyclotomic extensions, ramification jumps, cyclic extensions, abelian extensions of prime exponent, Hasse-Arf.

Lecture23_05-04-2021_Local_Arithmetic Prof. Chandan Singh Dalawat , HRI Allahabad

Lecture Notes: Click here

Lecture 23 : cyclic extensions of p-fields of characteristic 0, raising to the exponent p, filtration on the units modulo p-th powers, primitive roots of unity, the unramified F_p-line, ramification breaks of cyclic extensions.

Lecture24_07-04-2021_Local_Arithmetic Prof. Chandan Singh Dalawat , HRI Allahabad

Lecture Notes: Click here

Lecture 24 : ramification breaks of cyclic extensions in the absence of a primitive p-th root of unity, contribution of cyclic extensions to Serre's mass formula.

Lecture25_12-04-2021_Local_Arithmetic Prof. Chandan Singh Dalawat , HRI Allahabad

Lecture Notes: Click here

Lecture 25 : Parametrisation of solvable extensions of prime degree over an arbitrary field.

Lecture26_14-03-2021_Local_Arithmetic Prof. Chandan Singh Dalawat , HRI Allahabad

Lecture Notes: Click here

Lecture 26 : Specialisation to the case of p-fields, the maximal abelian extension of exponent dividing p-1, the galois module structure of units modulo p-th powers, Serre's mass formula in prime degree.

Lecture27_19-04-2021_Local_Arithmetic Prof. Chandan Singh Dalawat , HRI Allahabad

Lecture Notes: Click here1 Click here2

Lecture 27 : The norm map and the ramification filtration.

Lecture28_21-04-2021_Local_Arithmetic Prof. Chandan Singh Dalawat , HRI Allahabad

Lecture Notes: Click here

Lecture 28 : The local Kronecker-Weber theorem.

Lecture29_26-04-2021_Local_Arithmetic Prof. Chandan Singh Dalawat , HRI Allahabad

Lecture Notes: Click here

Lecture 29 : Primitive solvable extensions of an arbitrary field.

Lecture30_28-04-2021_Local_Arithmetic Prof. Chandan Singh Dalawat , HRI Allahabad

Lecture Notes: Click here

Lecture 30: Primitive solvable extensions of an arbitrary field.

Lecture31_03-05-2021_Local_Arithmetic Prof. Chandan Singh Dalawat , HRI Allahabad

Lecture Notes: Click here

Lectures 31 : Irreducible F_p-representations of the absolute Galois group of a p-field.

Lecture32_05-05-2021_Local_Arithmetic Prof. Chandan Singh Dalawat , HRI Allahabad

Lecture Notes: Click here

Lectures 32 : Irreducible F_p-representations of the absolute Galois group of a p-field.

Lecture33_10-05-2021_Local_Arithmetic Prof. Chandan Singh Dalawat , HRI Allahabad

Lecture Notes: Click here

Lectures 33 : The Galois module structure of units modulo p-th powers in a tamely ramified split extension.

Lecture34_12-05-2021_Local_Arithmetic Prof. Chandan Singh Dalawat , HRI Allahabad

Lecture Notes: Click here

Lectures 34 : The Galois module structure of units modulo p-th powers in a tamely ramified split extension.

Lecture35_17-05-2021_Local_Arithmetic Prof. Chandan Singh Dalawat , HRI Allahabad

Lecture Notes: Click here

Lecture 35 : Primitive extensions of p-fields.

Lecture36_19-05-2021_Local_Arithmetic Prof. Chandan Singh Dalawat , HRI Allahabad

Lecture Notes: Click here

Lecture 36 : Primitive extensions of p-fields.