Process Systems Engineering Lab

PhD Students 

Suhendra (蘇恆嘉)

PhD Student





MS Students 

Shao-Po Liu (劉紹柏)

MS Student





Wei-Jun Yu (余威駿)

MS Student





Ssu-Hsien Wu (吳思賢)

MS Student





Chen-Cheng Tsai (蔡鎮丞)

MS Student





Yao-Chun Peng  (彭耀群)

MS Student





Po-Chen Wang (王博辰)

MS Student





Dhanush Kumar S V(達努什)

MS Student





Shi-Hung Shen(沈時宏)

MS Student





BS Students 

Chun-Yen Chang (張峻硯)

BS Student


Zi-Sheng Yang (楊子陞)

BS Student



Mochamad Faizal Irsyad Satria (伊莫查)

MS Student



Simulation and Optimization of Biodiesel from Waste Cooking Oil: A Techno-Economic Evaluation 

Satria M. F. I., Adi V. S. K., Muthia R., Andika R. (2024). Biodiesel Production Optimization from Waste Cooking Oil: A Techno-Economic Evaluation. Nantou, TW: 2024 Symposium on Thermodynamics and Process Systems Engineering.

Teaching Assistant for summer course (Natural Gas Processing and Value Chain)

Appointed as president of Indonesian student union of NCHU (PPI NCHU) from 2022-2023

Buddy students for summer camp program

During my time in the Process Systems Engineering (PSE) lab, I gained hands-on experience with various advanced simulation and optimization techniques, as well as practical knowledge in process design and analysis. I developed expertise in using Aspen Plus® for simulating chemical processes, including modeling and simulating unit operations such as reactors, distillation columns, heat exchangers, and separators. I conducted rigorous validation of simulation models by comparing results with experimental data and literature values to ensure accuracy and reliability. Additionally, I applied genetic algorithms (GA) for optimizing biodiesel production processes, configuring GA parameters, running simulations, and analyzing results to identify optimal process conditions. My work included performing sensitivity analyses to understand the impact of different process variables on performance and efficiency, thereby identifying critical parameters requiring precise control.

I also focused on designing reactive distillation columns for biodiesel production, setting up models in Aspen Plus®, defining reaction kinetics, and optimizing the number of stages and feed positions. Analyzing the internal design of these columns, I concentrated on parameters like reflux ratio, distillate-to-feed ratio, and stage temperatures to enhance separation efficiency and reaction conversion. Implementing carbon tracking methodologies in Aspen Plus®, I calculated and analyzed carbon emissions associated with various utilities and processes, using the US EPA rule E9 5711 for accurate carbon footprint calculations. This effort was part of assessing the sustainability of process designs by comparing carbon emissions under different operating conditions and identifying opportunities to reduce environmental impact. Additionally, I developed strong data analysis skills, using statistical tools to interpret experimental and simulation data, and strictly followed safety protocols to ensure a safe working environment.

Beyond my technical work, I served as the President of the Indonesian Student Union, leading initiatives to support and represent Indonesian students, organizing cultural events, and facilitating social activities to enhance the student experience. Hosting students for a summer camp program, I organized and managed various activities, acting as a mentor and ensuring an enriching experience for participants. Moreover, I participated in the Global Time event during the NCHU anniversary, representing Indonesia and showcasing our culture through cultural exhibits, and discussions, promoting cross-cultural understanding and exchange. These experiences have not only strengthened my technical and analytical abilities but also developed my leadership, communication, and organizational skills, preparing me for a successful career in chemical engineering and beyond.

Sheng-Zhong Huang (黃聖中)

MS Student


Process Design and Optimization of Methanol Synthesis by Carbon Dioxide Hydrogenation 




還沒進研究所前,對研究所的實驗室抱有某些想法,像是會有固定薪水、教授會親自教導實驗室需要學習的事物或是每個禮拜要面對Meeting,結果進入PSE才發現跟我想像的差蠻多的。我們實驗室非常自由(本實驗室的最大特色),老師幾乎不會管我們任何事情,也沒有meeting (取而代之的是自己跟老師約時間討論),你想幾點來實驗室或幾點走都可以,甚至不來實驗室也可以,更進一步的說,你想晚別人幾年畢業也都行(提早畢業的話,聽說需要發paper才能),全看你自己。這樣的好處是可以最大化利用你自己的時間,除非有接助教或是計畫,不然碩一除了上課之外,所有時間都是自己的;另一個好處就是你的論文題目可以選你喜歡的方面來做,而且論文的內容也可以依照你想要的方向去做,只要能說服老師的話就行。缺點當然就是沒給論文題目,所以對於沒有方向的人來說就非常艱難(包含我)。當時在找題目的時候非常迷茫,不知道要看甚麼paper,也不知道看paper的重點是甚麼,而我找到題目之後的感想是,可以從碩一的專題演講的講者內容中激發一些靈感、必修或選修老師的教課過程中提到最新的趨勢、近年來的熱門議題(減碳、環保)、和我們實驗室的其他人聊論文題目,從這些選出一個有興趣的方向來去搜尋。搜尋怎麼搜,大概就是去ScienceDirect把關鍵字打上,隨便選一篇開始看(盡量近期的比較好),因為我們實驗室主要是用Aspen Plus這個軟體,所以盡量先找有用Aspen模擬的paper,最好是有給詳細的物流資訊以及Aspen的設定資訊,能重現論文的結果(非常非常重要),這樣對後續的論文會有很大的幫助。論文的題目對應到Aspen模擬的話,主軸就是最後的產品,而這個產品需要甚麼原料,以及需要經過甚麼處理,就是我們可以研究的地方。所以找論文題目可以從三個方向來去切入。


找到題目之後就要開始建立Aspen並進行模擬,成功之後看你是否要用GA (我們實驗室主打GA優化,因為已經有現成的code可以直接使用),要的話就開始研究MATLABcode是怎麼運作的。關於AspenMATLAB有關的操作跟觀念,全部都要自己學,想快一點的話就問學長姊,Aspen的基礎觀念跟操作可以看Aspen Plus®_ Chemical Engineering Applications這本書,MATLAB的話可以看Yarpizyt影片(可以從中理解GA的運作原理和流程),從建立好Aspen,到AspenMATLAB成功連接並跑完GA,這個過程花的時間因人而異,如果製程跟學長姐很像,可以直接copy學長姊的code (甚至不用懂每行code代表甚麼意思),這樣可能不到幾個月的時間就完成,但如果製程很不一樣,code要自己寫(需要了解MATLAB code的運作原理,也代表每行code都要知道是甚麼意思),這樣可能會超過一個學期(像是我),所以才建議要在碩二前找好題目。當然在這個過程中遇到問題時,可以直接問老師,如果是老師會的領域的話,就會告訴你怎麼解決或是提供很多意見,如果是不熟的領域,就要自己解決或是問其他學長姊。




Shun-Ting Jian (簡舜廷)

MS Student


Reactive Distillation Process Optimization of Cumene Production


3466 Chemical Engineering Laboratory(II) (化工實驗二) :110-2


一開始會選擇這個實驗室主要是不排斥電腦所以想來試試看,在進入PSE實驗室後,才發現與其他的實驗室有相當大的不同,就是老師並不會直接給予論文題目與方向,而是自己要去尋找,這對於剛就讀研究所的我來說相當不適應,再加上我以前沒有相關的經驗,所以一開始很迷茫,後來靠著實驗室大家的意見交換和大量閱讀相關的文章,才漸漸發現其中有趣之處,然尋找論文題目及研究過程是相當繁瑣且困難的,但我在這段期間內,累積了不少經驗使我成長許多,過程中學習自己研究所需的知識,例如:撰寫MATLAB程式、操作Aspen plus 等軟體,同時遇到研究上的問題也會學會自己去思考找答案解決,但這一路上受到很多人的幫助才能走完,過程中雖然覺得遙遙無期,且多了很多新的挑戰,像是平行運算與彈性指標的部分,最後才發現自己竟然能完成,可說是相當不簡單。


Yi-Hsuan Chuang (莊宜璇)

MS Student

2021 TwIChE 台灣化學工程學會68周年年會 壁報論文競賽 佳作

Aspen Certified User in Aspen Plus


Multiproduct Design and Optimization of Reactive Distillation for Transesterification of 1,4‐Butanediol with Methyl Acetate

Chuang, Y.H., V.S.K. Adi, Reactive distillation evolutionary optimization for transesterification of 1,4‐butanediol with methyl acetate. 68th Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting; 2022 Jan 6-7; Kaohsiung (TW)

4287 Process Design (程序設計) :108-1

4256 Practice in Process Design (程序設計實務) :108-1 

Department of Chemical Engineering's software assistant: 109-1 , 109-2





Chao-Yu Shen (沈昭佑)

MS Student


Spray Combustion Facility Physical Model Development Based on Data-Driven Approach

Shen, C.Y. and V.S.K. Adi, Dynamic Modeling for non-linear Process Control System Based on Random Forest Regression. Symposium on Thermodynamics and Process Systems Engineering, Taipei (TW); 2021

3424 Chemical Engineering Laboratory(I) 化工實驗(一) :108-1

3467 Chemical Engineering Laboratory(II) (化工實驗(二) b) :108-2





Cheng-Yu Tsai (蔡承祐)

MS Student



Systematic design strategy for economic and resilient bioethanol-water separation via extractive distillation under uncertainty

Tsai, C.Y., T. Ang, Z.Y. Kong, J. Sunarso and V.S.K. Adi, Towards a flexible design for the bioethanol dehydration using extractive distillation. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, in Press (2023).

Tsai, C.Y., Z.Y. Kong, J. Sunarso and V.S.K. Adi, Towards a flexible design for the separation of bioethanol-water system using extractive distillation. 69th Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Taipei (TW); 2022, 2-3 Dec.

3469 Process Control (程序控制) :110-2, 111-2

3323 Chemical Process Industries (化學工業程序) :110-2, 111-2

3466 Chemical Engineering Laboratory(II) (化工實驗二) :110-2

Department of Chemical Engineering's software assistant: 111-1 , 111-2

Department of Chemical Engineering's hardware assistant: 111-1  , 111-2





Zong-Lin Li (李宗霖)

MS Student



Design Optimization of Diethyl Succinate Reactive Distillation Process Based on Flexibility and Rigorous Techno-Economic Analysis

Li, Z.L. and V.S.K. Adi, Design and optimization of diethyl succinate reactive distillation process. 69th Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Taipei (TW); 2022, 2-3 Dec.

3467 Chemical Engineering Laboratory(II) (化工實驗二) :109-2

4287 Process Design (程序設計) :110-1

4256 Practice in Process Design (程序設計實務) :110-1

3466 Chemical Engineering Laboratory(II) (化工實驗二) :110-2

Department of Chemical Engineering's hardware assistant: 110-1 , 110-2



雖然尋找論文題目及研究過程是相當繁瑣且困難的,但我在這段期間內,讓我累積了不少經驗使我成長許多,過程中學習研究自己所需的知識,例如:撰寫MATLAB®程式、操作Aspen Plus®等軟體,同時遇到研究上的問題也會主動去思考解決方法,最終自己也擺脫以往只為了考試而讀書的學習方式。


Ben Shieh (謝宇軒)

PhD Student





Chia-Chung Hong (洪嘉昌)

MS Student


Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Bearing based on Similarity Feature Fusion and CNN-LSTM Neural Network





Xiao-Rou Su (蘇曉柔)

MS Student

2022 TwIChE 台灣化學工程學會69周年年會 壁報論文競賽 佳作


Design and Optimization of Propylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether Acetate Reactive Distillation Process

Su, X. R., & Adi, V. S. K. (2022, 2-3 Dec.). Design and optimization on reactive distillation process of propylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate. 69th Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Taipei, TW.

Su, X. R., & Adi, V.S.K. (2023, 19-20 May). Design and optimization of propylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate reactive distillation process. Symposium on Thermodynamics and Process Systems Engineering, Nantou, TW.

3323 Chemical Process Industries (化學工業程序) :109-2

4287 Process Design (程序設計) :110-1

4256 Practice in Process Design (程序設計實務) :110-1


剛開始對程序設計充滿了好奇和興趣,這促使我選擇加入PSE實驗室。剛進入實驗室的時候,我對Aspen Plus和MATLAB等軟體一無所知,但很幸運的是,實驗室裡有許多書籍可供參考。於是我花了很多時間學習這些軟體的操作和應用。之後,便陷入尋找題目的迷茫與痛苦中,我閱讀了很多關於製程設計和優化的相關Paper,但對於自己想要從事的研究方向感到迷茫。因此我開始反思自己的想做什麼、要的是什麼。最終,我終於找到了適合的研究題目。



Yi-Han Chiang (江伊涵)

MS Student

Aspen Certified User in Aspen Plus


Reactive Distillation Process Optimization of n-Propyl Acetate Production

Chiang Y. H., and Adi V. S. K. (2022, 6-7 Jan.). Reactive Distillation Process Optimization for n-Propyl Acetate Production. 68th Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

3424 Chemical Engineering Laboratory(I) 化工實驗(一) :108-1





Guan-Lin Liu (劉冠麟)

MSc Student

2021 Symposium on Thermodynamics and Process Systems Engineering - Highly Involved Participant Award

Aspen Certified Expert User in Aspen Plus

Aspen Certified User in Aspen Plus


Design and Optimization of DPGDA Reactive Distillation Process Based on Genetic Algorithm

Liu, G. L., Adi, V. S. K. (2022). Genetic algorithm optimization of reactive distillation for DPGDA production. 68th Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Jan. 6-7,2022.

Liu, G. L., Adi, V. S. K. (2021). Preliminary study of continuous DPGDA production design based on reactive distillation. 2021 Symposium on Thermodynamics and Process Systems Engineering, Online, Nantou, Taiwan, May 24-31, 2021.

4287 Process Design (程序設計) :109-1

4256 Practice in Process Design (程序設計實務) :109-1

Department of Chemical Engineering's software assistant: 110-1 , 110-2




Yu-Lun Cheng (鄭宇倫)

MS Student





Cheng-Yu Lin (林政余)

MSc Student


Evolutionary Design Strategy of Diethyl Carbonate Reactive Distillation Process with Inherent Operational Flexibility

Lin, C. Y., & Adi, V. S. K. (2020, 23-24 Oct.). Evolutionary design strategy of diethyl carbonate reactive distillation process with inherent operational flexibility. 67th Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Hsinchu, Taiwan

Lin, C. Y., & Adi, V. S. K. (2020, 4-6 Nov.). Evolutionary design strategy of diethyl carbonate reactive distillation process with inherent operational flexibility. 9th Asian Symposium on Process System Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan

Lin, C. Y., & Adi, V. S. K. (2021, 14-15 May.). Evolutionary design strategy of diethyl carbonate reactive distillation process with inherent operational flexibility. Symposium on Thermodynamics and Process Systems Engineering, Taichung, Taiwan 





Yu-Ming Chang (張育銘)

MSc Student


A Superstructure Based Approach to Rigorous Work Exchange Network Synthesis

Zhang, Y. M., & Adi, V. S. K. (2020, 23-24 Oct.). A superstructure based approach to rigorous work exchange network synthesis. 67th Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Hsinchu, Taiwan

Zhang, Y. M., & Adi, V. S. K. (2020, 4-6 Nov.). A superstructure based approach to rigorous work exchange network synthesis. 9th Asian Symposium on Process System Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan

Zhang, Y. M., & Adi, V. S. K. (2021, 14-15 May.). A superstructure based approach to rigorous work exchange network synthesis. Symposium on Thermodynamics and Process Systems Engineering, Taichung, Taiwan

Zhang, Y. M., & Adi, V. S. K. (2021, 25-26 Aug.). Work exchange network synthesis based on superstructure approach. 5th International conferences in Mechanical Engineering, Indonesia

4287 Process Design (程序設計) :108-1

4256 Practice in Process Design (程序設計實務) :108-1 

3467 Chemical Engineering Laboratory(II) (化工實驗(二) b) :108-2

4287 Process Design (程序設計) :109-1

4256 Practice in Process Design (程序設計實務) :109-1


在就讀研究所前,從事化工設計相關工作,也確定未來要朝這個方向繼續發展,因此便決定非選擇PSE實驗室不可,也很幸運當時還有名額。在PSE實驗室非常的自由,可以自己規劃很多事,在碩士班的生活中,除了論文研究的部分,還有很多可以充實自己的機會,雖然我的研究主要是使用GAMS,但在擔任程序設計課程助教、拍攝MOOCS影片的過程中學習了Aspen Plus®Aspen HYSYS®,加上實驗室豐富的資源,最後也拿到了Aspen Technology舉辦的認證考試中,Aspen Plus®的證書,加上參與新製程開發的產學合作,提升了實務應用的能力,這些都對我有很大的幫助,若不是因為疫情影響,還會有許多出國的機會,當然也可以只規劃好研究進度,按部就班地走,老師會尊重大家的選擇,老師人很好也很講理,平時都可以找老師討論任何問題,但對於品質是非常嚴格的,在碩一下擔任整合實驗助教時,開始跟老師比較頻繁的交流,當時因為蒸餾塔實驗有一些的問題,為了解決問題,跟老師合作下幾乎做了整學期的實驗,也是這次的經驗讓我開始思考如何將所學的知識學以致用,同時也看到老師做事情的態度跟標準,這些都對我的影響非常深遠。


Yi-Ting Tsai (蔡宜庭)

MSc Student


Extractive Distillation Design Optimization for the Separation of Isopropyl Alcohol-Water System

Tsai YT, Adi VSK (2019) Extractive distillation design optimization for the separation of isopropyl alcohol-water system. 66th Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Taichung, Taiwan

4287 Process Design (程序設計):107-1

4256 Practice in Process Design (程序設計實務):107-1

3402 High Precision Chemical Engineering Manufacturing Process (精密化工製造程序):107-2

3469 Process Control (程序控制) :108-2

Asia-Oceania Top University League (AOTULE) summer program (Aug 1 - Aug 17, 2019). Bandung, Indonesia




Ke-Deng Wang (王科登)

MSc Student


Feasibility analysis on decanter centrifuge for activated sludge thickening

Wang KD, Adi VSK, (2019) Transmission power optimization on decanter centrifuge design for sludge dewatering treatment. 66th Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Taichung, Taiwan, November 8-9, 2019.

Wang KD, Adi VSK, (2020) Feasibility analysis on decanter centrifuge for activated sludge thickening. 9th Asian Symposium on Process Systems Engineering, Online, Taiwan,  November 4-6, 2020.

Wang KD, Adi VSK, (2021) Feasibility analysis on decanter centrifuge for activated sludge thickening. 2021 Symposium on Thermodynamics and Process Systems Engineering, Online, Taiwan, May 24-31, 2021.

2339 Engineering Mathematics (I) (工程數學(一)):107-1 

3402 High Precision Chemical Engineering Manufacturing Process (精密化工製造程序):107-2

3467 Chemical Engineering Laboratory(II) (化工實驗(二) b):107-2 

3424 Chemical Engineering Laboratory(I) 化工實驗(一) :108-1



Liang-Yu Chen (陳亮宇)

MSc Student


Optimal design of shell and tube heat exchanger based on steady-state flexibility index

Chen LY, Adi VSK,  Laxmidewi R (2022) Shell and tube heat exchanger flexible design strategy for process operability. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 102163, June 2022

Chen LY, Adi VSK (2019) Geometric configuration design optimization of shell-and-tube exchanger base on genetic algorithms. 66th Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Taichung, Taiwan

Department of Chemical Engineering's hardware assistant: 107-1, 107-2, 108-1, 108-2

3402 High Precision Chemical Engineering Manufacturing Process (精密化工製造程序): 107-2

3424 Chemical Engineering Laboratory(I) 化工實驗(一) :108-1

3467 Chemical Engineering Laboratory(II) (化工實驗(二) b) :108-2

Student Internship Program to Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) (January 12 - February 26, 2019) funded by 107 年度教育部新南向計畫學術型領域與聯盟(工程領域)



決定好初期題目後,剛好是快要寒假的時候,本來打算在寒假好好學習如何寫程式,但期間報名了交換學生去印尼萬隆理工學院做交換,體驗一個人出國的感覺順便練練我慘慘的英文,於是就只好在那邊學習寫程式了,可惜的是由於要學軟體GAMS那邊沒有人會用,也算滿冷門的,只好自學了,下了許多功夫上網爬了新手教學文,也無恥的跑去論壇亂問,如果遇到比較緊急的技術問題,只好打跨洋電話回台灣求Adi 99我,或許是山窮水盡的關係,學得特別快,不用一個月就學會了許多指令甚至的特殊指令技巧。在印尼待45天之後回到台灣後換學另一個軟體MATLAB,這個就很輕鬆了,語法邏輯差不多,沒遇到什麼困難。

在研究題目與軟體並用建立系統的期間,嘗試了許多優化方法,像是GAMS-MATLAB的連結、GAMS-MATLABparfor迴圈平行運算、純粹吃GAMS MINLP搜索能力的piecewise方法,到最後換成加入演算法優化,並發現GAMS-MATLAB的計算時間缺點,只好改用單一MATLAB跑演算法優化的平行運算。雖然GAMS沒有使用了,但由於嘗試了這些過程,不斷的打掉重練,是走了許多路,才獲得的經驗,了解到多種優化的技巧與關鍵,也算受益良多啦。經過這階段後就是寫論文一路順遂到口試畢業啦。



Hsing-Jung Huang (黃星榕)

MSc Student


Evolutionary Design Strategy of Pressure Swing Distillation System with Inherent Operational Flexibility

Huang HJ, Adi VSK (2019) Pressure swing distillation design through an  evolutionary algorithm for optimal energy consumption. 66th Taiwan Institute  of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Taichung, Taiwan 

4287 Process Design (程序設計) :107-1

4256 Practice in Process Design (程序設計實務) :107-1 

3402 High Precision Chemical Engineering Manufacturing Process (精密化工製程) :107-2

3469 Process Control (程序控制) :108-2

2020 MATLAB® Expo 技術應用文章/論文 參賽證明書 

第一次接觸郭老師的課是大四上的程序設計,這門課是化工系的總整課程,需將4年所學應用到這門課,由於之前並沒有學過Aspen Plus這套軟體,因此剛開始的時候會花比較多時間學習軟體,加上上課的時間太少,因此Aspen Plus這套軟體是我們要自己花時間去學,由於之前都是被動接受老師教授的內容,因此一開始是非常不適應自學的,但是克服了這個難關後,後續的學習速度就會越來越快。研究所的碩士論文也是這樣,郭老師希望我們自己找題目,自己去學習所需要的知識,雖然剛開始會有一段陣痛期,但是克服過後,事情就會越來越順利,也能更順利朝自己的目標邁進。

Yu-Hsin Liu (劉育芯)

MSc Student


Dynamic Optimization Design on Heat-Integration of Solar Heated Membrane Distillation and Fuel Cell for Desalination System

Liu YH, Adi VSK, Suen SY (2022) Heat-Integration of Solar-Heated Membrane Distillation and Fuel Cell for Desalination System Based on the Dynamic Optimization Approach. Processes, 10(4):663, March 2022.

Liu YH, Adi VSK, Suen SY (2019) Optimal Design for Freshwater Production through Heat Integration of Solar Heated Membrane Distillation and Fuel Cell System. The 5th International Symposium on Engineering and Applied Science (ISEAS), Bali, July 24-26, 2019.

Liu YH, Adi VSK, Suen SY (2018) Feasibility Study of Solar Heated Membrane Distillation and Fuel Cell System Design. 65th Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Yunlin, November 9-10, 2018.

2402 Engineering Mathematics (II) (工程數學(二)): 106-2







Yi-Wen Wang (王羿文)

MSc Student


Systematic Design Strategy of General Water Network Superstructure Based on Steady-State Flexibility Index 

Wang YW, Adi VSK (2019) Systematic Design Strategy for Developing Optimal Water Network Under Process Uncertainty. The 8th International Symposium on Design, Operation and Control of Chemical Process (PSE Asia 2019), Bangkok, January 13-16, 2019.

Wang YW, Adi VSK (2018) Systematic Strategy for Developing Optimal Water Network Design under Process Uncertainty. 65th Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Yunlin, November 9-10, 2018.

Wang YW, Adi VSK (2018) Systematic Design Strategy for Developing Water Network under Process Uncertainty Based on Steady-State Flexibility. 6th International Workshop on Process Intensification 2018, Taipei, November 7-8, 2018.

Wang YW, Adi VSK (2018) Methodical Design for Developing Optimal Water Network under Process Uncertainty. Japan-Indonesia International Scientific Conference 2018, Osaka, October 27-28, 2018.

Wang YW, Adi VSK (2018) Systematic Design Strategy Development Aiming for Optimal Water Network under Process Uncertainty. 2018 Symposium on Thermodynamics & Process Systems Engineering, Tainan, May 25-26, 2018.

Department of Chemical Engineering's software assistant: 106-1, 106-2, 107-1, 107-2

3402 High Precision Chemical Engineering Manufacturing Process (精密化工製造程序): 106-2

3424 Chemical Engineering Laboratory(I) (化工實驗(一)): 107-1

The Summer Internship Program for International Student 2018 (July 28 - August 8, 2018) Funded by Certificate





Li-Ru Hsu (許立儒)

MSc Student


Universal Use Neural Networks Control System Development and Optimization Based on Reinforcement Learning

Hsu LR, Adi VSK (2019) Reinforcement Learning Control Strategy. The 8th International Symposium on Design, Operation, and Control of Chemical Processes (PSE ASIA 2019), Bangkok, January 13-16, 2019.

Hsu LR, Adi VSK (2018) Reinforcement Learning Control Strategy for System with Divergent Disturbances. 6th International Workshop on Process Intensification 2018, Taipei, November 7-8, 2018.

Hsu LR, Adi VSK (2018) Model-Free Control System by Reinforcement Learning. Japan-Indonesia International Scientific Conference 2018, Osaka, October 27-28, 2018.

Hsu LR, Adi VSK (2018) Black Box Adaptation Control by Using Neuro Systems. Chemical Engineering in Australasia 2018, Queenstown, September 30 - October 3, 2018.

Hsu LR, Adi VSK (2018) Level Control with Model-Free Neuro System by Q-Learning. 2018 Symposium on Thermodynamics & Process Systems Engineering, Tainan, May 25-26, 2018.

Hsu LR, Adi VSK (2017) Mixing Concentration Tank Set Point Adaption to Correct Disturbances using Neuro System. 64th Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Taipei, November 17-18, 2017.

4287 Process Design (程序設計): 106-1

4256 Practice in Process Design (程序設計實務): 106-1

3466 Chemical Engineering Laboratory(II) (化工實驗(二)): 106-2

3424 Chemical Engineering Laboratory(I) (化工實驗(一)): 107-1

Department of Chemical Engineering's TCP/IP Maintenance and Internet Restructuring Project from August 31 - September 8, 2017

Department of Chemical Engineering's hardware assistant: 106-2, 107-1

The Summer Internship Program for International Student 2018 (July 25 - August 8, 2018)

台灣人工智慧學校 技術領袖培訓班 (August 18 - December 15, 2018)





Cheng-Yang Wu (吳承洋)

MSc Student



4287 Process Design (程序設計): 106-1

4256 Practice in Process Design (程序設計實務): 106-1

Department of Chemical Engineering's TCP/IP Maintenance and Internet Restructuring Project from August 31 - September 8, 2017

Visit ITS??

能在以升學為教育導向的台灣遇到Adi是我莫大的幸運。 我自認是個典型台灣學生,專注於課業,能輕易做好老師、長輩交辦的任務與安排的課程,卻甚少花時間思考自身的目標與想法,就連報考研究所也是跟隨班上大多數人的決定。 因此第一次遇上郭文生教授時便受到巨大的衝擊,我向他請教:「進來這間實驗室的學生,將來的研究方向是什麼?」他的回答讓我呆了半晌,他說:「你進入這間實驗室,想要完成什麼?」我心裡的聲音吶喊著:「天呀,我怎知道?直接給我的題目吧,我會好好執行,等兩年時間一到,拿個畢業證書找個好工作。」然而事與願違,進入實驗室後我沒有被指派研究題目,但我收到了他參加各個研討會整理出的論文。 隨著相處越久,我明白了Adi對於教授的定義,身為一位引導者,他會盡其所能地給予你工具,不論是金錢上的幫助、參加國內外研討會的資訊、軟硬體的提供……等等,遇到困難時他也會提供建議,但他不告訴你怎麼做,比起手把手引領你前進,他更願意當個協助者在你背後支撐著你,因為他認為,我們自己才是人生的主人,與其當我們兩年的嚮導拉著我們前進,不如在兩年內培養我們自己找路的能力。 這間實驗室非常的特別,如果你是有目標、想法的人,在這裡你肯定可以實現抱負;如果你跟我一樣沒有明確目標,也歡迎進來感受不同以往教育方式的衝突並試著培養獨立思考的能力,學著定義問題、尋找答案、利用工具、尋求幫助。另外,由於郭老師是印尼人,因此這間實驗室有許多機會接待外籍生以及前去東南亞交換的機會,想要培養外語能力與視野,這間實驗室是不錯的選擇。 

Jun-Min Shi (施鈞閔 )

MS Student





Ying-Yun Wang (王盈云)

MS Student



1335 Safety and Clean Environment for Chemical Industry (化學工業安全衛生): 105-2



Hsin-Ying Huang (黃馨瑩)

MS Student






Yu-Hung Chang (張育紘)

MSc Student


RADFRAC Distillation Column Feasible Region Identification and Application in Realistic Operation under Uncertainty

Chang YH, Adi VSK (2017) RADFRAC Distillation Column Feasibility Region Identification for Realistic Operation under Uncertainty. Cross Strait Process Systems Engineering Symposium. Taipei, May 28-31, 2017.

Chang YH, Adi VSK (2017) Volumetric Flexibility Analysis Application in Rigorous Distillation Column Design under Uncertainty. 7th International Graduate Research Conference. Ubon Ratchathani, October 19-20, 2017. 

Chang YH, Adi VSK (2017) RADFRAC Distillation Column Design Based on Volumetric Flexibility Analysis for Realistic Operation under Uncertainty. 64th TwIChE Annual Meeting. Taipei, November 17-18, 2017.

Adi VSK, Chang YH (2018)  體積彈性分析結合不確定性應用於嚴格蒸餾塔設計, Chemical Engineering (TwIChE), 65/2:19-25, April 2018, ISSN: 1015-8359

Chang YH, Adi VSK (2018) Volumetric Flexibility Analysis Application in RADFRAC Distillation Column Design for Homogeneous Binary Systems. 2018 Symposium on Thermodynamics & Process System Engineering. Taipei, May 25-26, 2018.

4287 Process Design (程序設計): 105-1

4256 Practice in Process Design (程序設計實務): 105-1

Department of Chemical Engineering's hardware assistant: 105-2, 106-1, 106-2

Department of Chemical Engineering's TCP/IP Maintenance and Internet Restructuring Project: August 31 - September 8, 2017

Faculty Group (教師社群) of Teaching Computational Programming in Chemical Engineering: May to December, 2017





事務上從一開始的課程助教工作,到後來擔任系上的硬體助教,整合系上網路IP,到後來拍攝Aspen Plus MOOCS 教學影片,這讓研究所生活不單單只是做自己的研究題目,也可以利用其餘的時間幫助大學部學生釐清課堂問題;拍攝教學影片的意義為課前預習以及課後練習,不僅僅是提供給中興化工,我們所錄製的影片放置在公開的平台上,可以提供給各大校所參考,這是具有無私教學意義的呈現方式。



Wen-Hao Cheng (鄭文豪)

MSc Student


Simultaneous Optimization Design of Heat-Integrated Water Networks with Regeneration and Recycling 

Cheng WH, Adi VSK (2017) Non-isothermal Design of Water Networks with Regeneration and Recycling. Cross Strait Process Systems Engineering Symposium. Taipei, May 28-31, 2017.

Cheng WH, Adi VSK (2017) Simultaneous Optimization of Non-Isothermal Design of Water Networks with Regeneration and Recycling. 64th TwIChE Annual Meeting. Taipei, November 17-18, 2017.

Cheng WH, Adi VSK (2018) Simultaneous Optimization Design of Water Allocation Heat Exchanger Networks with Regeneration and Recycling. 2018 Symposium on Thermodynamics & Process System Engineering. Taipei, May 25-26, 2018.

Cheng WH, Adi VSK (2018) Simultaneous Optimization of Non-Isothermal Design of Water Networks with Regeneration and Recycling. Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability, 2/3:183-203, September 2018.

4287 Process Design (程序設計): 105-1

4256 Practice in Process Design (程序設計實務): 105-1

1335 Safety and Clean Environment for Chemical Industry (化學工業安全衛生): 105-2

3424 Chemical Engineering Laboratory(I) (化工實驗(一)): 106-1

Faculty Group (教師社群) of Teaching Computational Programming in Chemical Engineering: May to December, 2017







Yin-Shen Ang (洪雲昇)

BSc Student

PLC 的探討(PID)

1. 郭教授的專題進行方式主要是以自己去尋找題目方向。這期間的確非常痛苦,因爲我是一個非常不自律的人,所以一開始真的沒有辦法好好靜下心來去深入思考我未來想要接觸的是什麽。直到有一次偶然發現,我對於一些工廠輪轉,汽車自動駕駛非常感興趣,也和教授討論得出“自動化”的專題題目。

2. 在這個實驗室裏,除了郭教授,每一位學長姐都是我們可以學習的榜樣,在探討自動化的過程中,給予我最大幫助的,除郭教授之外,就是李大大了。


3. 由於教授教導採取的是“放羊式”,作爲專題生,最重要的就是自律。因爲沒有人會去催促你的進度,也不會有人去在意你的結果。

4. 郭教授的思想就是你想要什麽就去完成,去學習。這個理念讓整個專題過程非常自由,你可以在任何時候與教授約時間meeting,meeting 內容不限,可以聊天,可以提問,可以詢問專題上的難題,這些使專題不再是舊的形式。但也不是所有人適合這樣的自由。

5. 謝謝郭教授一年來的教導與栽培。

Shu-Wei Hsu (許書維)

BSc Student






Kuan-Jen Lai (賴冠任)

BSc Student




Chih-Chung Chen (陳致中)

BSc Student




Chih-Wei Chien (簡銍緯)

BSc Student



Chi-Sheng Yang (楊棨盛)

BSc Student


在實驗室的核心理念”你開心就好”度過了一個開心的文獻生的生活,在這裡 Try and error 嘗試自己未來想要做的事情,上大學後繁忙到忘記摸索喜歡的 事物,才發現摸索自己喜歡的東西是那麼的開心。而且不過看到半夜或是早 上,雖然會累但是沒有像讀學科那麼累。希望以後還能有這樣的機會能探索 自己所熱愛的事物。希望這學期摸索的東西,能在未來和職業裡面能夠學以 致用。

Chun-Chieh Chang (張鈞傑)

BSc Student





Mao-Hsuan Peng (彭茂軒)

BSc Student



以我自己為例,我學的是ASPEN PLUS V11,其中有一部分的反應在軟體裡面有,但是不見得你要做的實驗所需反應式的動力學模型會有,這時你只能查文獻,若文獻在沒有,只能從實驗中自己得出,這時就只能去其他實驗室借原料或是換個題目,前期我也一直被這些所困擾著,但是當你找好題目,一切準備就緒時,你就會有心一直接著做下去,雖然途中真的會有很多軟硬體上的問題,但做出來成果時真的會特別有成就感的。


Sheng-Yang Liu  (劉聖揚)

BSc Student


在這間實驗室的一年以來,我學到了很多 Aspen 相關的知識,卻也多了更多不了解的東西。這使我獲益良多卻也使我更加迷惘,在 Aspen 的範例以及說明書中都有不小的錯誤,這也讓我懷疑我所學的這個軟體真的靠譜嗎?但是,我學到東西依舊不會變,像是蒸餾塔的操作,批式反應器的操作以及高分子的聚合過程等等。而最後的期末報告,看過學長姐寫的報告,我才想起當初第一次找老師,老師說的實驗室什麼都能做這句話。不是實驗室有限,而是我的腦袋限縮了我能做的東西。但是用電腦也仍有其極限,與傳統實驗室的不同使其也有一些不能做到的事,像是操作儀器的技術或是做實驗的技巧等等。而犧牲了這一部分換來的就是極其廣大的研究範圍,也不能說是不好。最後,感謝老師讓我這一年學了很多。

Cheng-You Yeh  (葉丞祐)

BSc Student


從上學期一開始的選題目、找自己想要做或想學的東西,就不是件容易的事情,因為在過程中會發現自己懂而且了解的東西實在太少,例如最一開始的我,想做關於控制方面的東西,然而連PID、Feedback control、Open loop或close loop都不懂,更不可能找到一個好的研究方向、題目,儘管在暑假看了一兩章節的程控課本還是一樣。而最後在迷茫了幾個月後同時也上了高分子導論一段時間才有了一個想要做高分子程序設計的明確想法。

而在選想要做的高分子種類時,第二個難題出現:要模擬什麼樣的高分子合成?在上完高分子導論之後,我對於常見的塑料合成反應算有初步的了解,然而僅限於課本中提過的例子,而從開始做了幾個Polymer Plus(Aspen Plus)的例子、學習找論文中對自己有用的資訊、問問同學以及問問老師的意見後,才決定要做PPO的製程模擬。


對於找製程模擬的資料時,我認為最大的難題是找到可以用在Aspen Plus中的數據,在設定反應的機理或動力學時,需要定非常多的參數,不管是反應溫度、壓力、反應器大小、滯留時間、進料流率以及最重要的—反應數率常數、定律式,這些都需要被完整且正確的填入,才會有一個「錯誤機率較低的結果」。


如果再一次有機會做這樣的模擬要做,我會先將Aspen公司給的Polymer’s Applications and Examples做完一輪再來決定我要做什麼樣的高分子,因為在過程中我常常感覺到是我不知道要找怎麼樣的資料,而不是找不到資料,倘若我先做過了非常多的例子,我應該比較能夠知道我要甚麼,也就代表著問題的解決會更加容易。


Wei-Lun Hung (洪偉倫)

BSc Student

RADFRAC distillation column heat integration

一開始因緣際會加入PSE做專題生, Dr. Vincentius Surya Kurnia Adi 算是非常與眾不同的教授,非常少見地不論是碩論或是專題題目都自訂,自由度非常高,他希望我們能往有興趣的方向去研究。




Jun-Qi Liao (廖浚棋)

BSc Student

Aspen Plus simulation on conversion of shale gas to ethylene



Li-Yuan Zheng (鄭力元)

BSc Student

Taiwan offshore wind power



Jia-Yu Tu (凃佳妤)

BSc Student

Modelling solvent recovery from wastewater stream




1.          《研究生完全求生手冊》自序與目錄:

 2.          中興大學圖書館演講──知識經濟時代的核心能力(共4部影片):

 3.          交通大學圖書館演講──知識經濟時代的核心能力:

 4.          台灣大學──知識經濟時代的核心能力:

 5.          彭明輝教授(書作者)親自導讀(300分鐘):


 Adi's lab is designed for process design, which consolidate all chemical subjects in the first to third year of the year. In particular, you should use a lot of background information on unit operations. If you haven't learned these heavy majors, you will have to do it yourself. It is very painful, you must be forced to take the initiative to learn the knowledge that you have not learned before but now you need using it.

But it does not matter, anyway, in the future, the workplace should also learn to take the initiative to find knowledge that has not been learned in school. So it is a kind of training for yourself!

It is recommended that the younger brothers and sisters who want to learn the skills of the teachers can refer to this book, "The Graduate Complete Survival Manual". The following links are for reference:

1. The preface and catalogue of the Graduate Complete Survival Manual:


 2. Speech at the Chung Hsing University Library at library - Core Competence in the Age of Knowledge Economy (4 films in total):


 3. National Chiao Tung University Library on-line Lecture - Core Competence in the Age of Knowledge Economy:

 4. Speech at the Taiwan University - Core Competence in the Age of Knowledge Economy:

 5. Professor Peng Minghui (author of the book) personally guides (300 minutes):


 If you are a graduate freshman, if you graduate after two years but have not developed the skills of the research mentioned in this book, it is just a master's degree with a two-year life, and you have waste two years of youth! You can have a book club to discuss regularly (also can inter-departmental) or discuss with Adi.

 Anak Agung Ngurah Agung

BS Student



Akhmat Fauzan Saputra 

BS Student



Andhika Andryanuartha 

BS Student



Aufa Rafiqi Disya 

BS Student



Christoper Reynard Jose 

BS Student



Fauzan Arkadani Setyowibowo 

BS Student



Gregorius Webbe Gigih Sadewa 

BS Student



Haiqal Fikri Mukhlisin 

BS Student



Haryo Abbiansyah Triatmojo 

BS Student



Henggar Yudha Hananto 

BS Student



I Gusti Bagus Parama Dwityatmaja 

BS Student



Jonathan Martin Wibawa 

BS Student



Jovan Amalex Sander Manullang 

BS Student



Julio Edgar Gunawan 

BS Student



Lucas Martin Wirjantoro 

BS Student



Mitchell Sebastian Frederick 

BS Student



Muhammad Riezky Daffaa Aqila 

BS Student



Nicolas Justin Sutanto 

BS Student



Rama Haidar 

BS Student



Reyaska Marcel Adinata 

BS Student



Rosid Zahrul Kirom 

BS Student



Steven Andreas Martua 

BS Student



Abhijith Sunilkumar Nair

BS Student



Ahana Babu

BS Student



Ashna Khan

BS Student



Harsha Cashkin

BS Student



Kareena Anna Jacob

BS Student



Dzakia Audrey Rahman

BS Student



Helena Wijayanti

BS Student



Keerthana V

BS Student



Sanjana Kashimata M

BS Student



Bernardus Krisna Brata

BS Student

Renewable Blue Hydrogen Plant Design from Biogas in East Java 

Choosing to intern at the Process System Engineering (PSE) Laboratory for one month was a bold decision, especially considering that I would be facing my final oral defense back home just two weeks after the internship. Initially, I was quite apprehensive. However, the support and guidance I received from everyone at the PSE Laboratory made a significant difference.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all the members of the PSE Laboratory. Special thanks go to Prof. Adi, our supervisor, who not only taught us how to simulate our final project using Aspen Plus but also shared invaluable life lessons with us. His humility and mentorship were truly inspiring.

I am also grateful to fellow students, Mr. Suhendra and Mr. Faizal, who come from my home country and offered tremendous help throughout the internship. Additionally, I cherished the friendships we built with local Taiwanese colleagues, including Mr. Wu, Mr. Peng, Mr. Wang, Mr. Chai, and Mr. Paul. The opportunity to connect with international peers such as Mr. Dhanush from India and Ms. Bhan from Thailand was also enriching.

Thank you all for making this internship a memorable and productive experience.


BS Student

Renewable Blue Hydrogen Plant Design from Biogas in East Java 

Joining TEEP program is the best decision Bernard and I have ever made. We are very grateful of participating in TEEP, and being able to get into the Process Systems Engineering in National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan. I want to give special thanks to Professor Adi for the opportunity that has been welcoming us and provide us in the PSE Lab.

One month as a TEEP participant, we gain a lot of knowledge in the work inside PSE Laboratory. Professor Adi is willing to have deep discussion with us, and he is willing to share his deep knowledge, especially discussing Aspen. I feel like I need to learn a lot. This program has broadened my understanding on how to do process design, especially for designing hydrogen production and carbon capture. Also, many of students in here learn how to implement machine learning for any PSE cases at the time, so I have a glimpse view on how to really implement that technology, which is I was also curious about.

Participating in TEEP is the most unique experience, and the best experience I have ever had. Here, I am immersed with the local culture, even though my mandarin skill is not that good, but the community here is so welcoming. I feel deeply grateful for the new perspective and the new community I have. NCHU also has a lot of people coming from the outside of the country to study, including Indonesia, so we also get connections to international students. We formed a lot of friendships in here.

It is such an honor to be in this laboratory, with Professor Adi, and all of my friends, Mr. Wu, Mr. Wang, Mr. Cai, Mr. Peng, Mr. Paul, Mr. Faizal, Mr. Suhendra, Mr. Dhanush, Ms. Nankanyachon, and everyone that have welcome us in here, even though I only in here for 1 month. This opportunity is lifechanging for me. I will take the outcome of this program for good and hopefully we can make a positive impact to the world together.

Thank you for the TEEP committee that make this program possible, I am strongly recommend this program to all of my fellow chemical engineering student in my hometown, particularly in PSE Laboratory, NCHU. 

Nankanyachon Suwannarat

BS Student

Simulation of ethanol production from Sugarcane Bagasse using Aspen Plus

I would like to thank Prof. Adi for giving me the opportunity to intern at National Chung Hsing University. This internship in Taiwan was my first time abroad was worried about the language but thank you to the professor for trying to understand my English communication problems. who tried to understand my English communication problems. Coming to Taiwan this time was my first experience of living abroad. Get to know new cultures in terms of food and the lifestyle of people here. I got to know new people of many different nationalities. I am very impressed by this opportunity. Professor, the gift is that I have been able to travel in Taiwan to many places, which has opened my eyes to the fact that there are many things in this world for us to discover. Finally, the most important thing is the knowledge gained from the internship. I spent some time with Aspen until I understood more. I'm sorry if I communicated little with you because I'm still not confident in the language, but I hope I can improve further.

Kulkarni Shreyas Manoj

BS Student

Modelling and Simulation of Biodiesel production from Palm Oil

These 3 months have been a pivotal period of growth and learning, and I owe it all to Prof. Vincentius. His mentorship was instrumental in shaping my understanding of chemical engineering. His dedication to excellence and passion for research created an environment where I could immerse myself in challenging projects and enhance my technical skills. Prof. Adi's guidance was always clear, insightful and encouraging, fostering a deep apprecitiation for the subject.

Living in Taiwan and being a part of TEEP program also provided me with a culturally enriching experience. Engaging with people of significantly different culture firsthand broadened my worldview and strengthened my interpersonal skills. I also wish to extend my heartfelt gratitute to Prof. Adi and the PSE group for their support and mentorship throughout my internship. This expereience has not only equipped my with valuable skills and knowledge in chemical engineering but also has inspired me to  pursue further academic endeavors with confidence.

Matawin Nantanurak

BS Student

Simulation of lactide production from Sugarcane bagasse using Aspen Plus

I want to thank Prof. Adi for opening an opportunity for me to intern at National Chung Hsing University. Thank you for understanding my English communication problems. I got a chance to improve my English language here. This internship is my first experience in foreign country. I have learned financial management, Taiwanese life, culture, and food. Prof. Adi’s guidance and mentorship were invaluable. I have learned about reactive distillation, how to setup, simulation, and modeling concepts. I'm grateful for this opportunity and the knowledge I've gained during my time at NCHU.

Aadithya Ram Pramod Kumar Deepa

BTech Student

Bearing Fault Prediction Using IMS Bearing Dataset,RUL Bearing prediction

Embarking on a two-month internship in Taiwan was an unforgettable experience for me, and Professor Vincentius Surya Kurnia Adi played a crucial role in making it exceptional. As a third-year BTECH student specializing in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, I was eager to explore the real-world applications of Machine Learning in industries, and the opportunity to work in the Process Systems Engineering (PSE) laboratory provided just that.

Under Professor Adi's guidance, I delved into challenging real-world datasets, gaining invaluable knowledge and experience in the process. His support and encouragement fueled my curiosity, pushing me to think critically and innovate in my work. Professor Adi's passion for teaching was evident, and his ability to effectively transfer his knowledge enhanced my understanding of Machine Learning in diverse domains. He also made sure that I didn't feel pressurized during my stay here and gave me a lot of freedom, allowing me to explore and learn at my own pace.

Beyond the professional growth, my time in Taiwan offered enriching cultural experiences. The vibrant tapestry of Taiwanese life, coupled with the welcoming environment and excellent dorm facilities, made my stay memorable. I found myself immersed in their culture, enjoying the delicious cuisine and exploring the breathtaking landscapes.

This internship was more than just an academic endeavor; it was a journey of personal growth and exploration. I am grateful for the opportunity to have worked under Professor Adi's mentorship and to have experienced the beauty of Taiwan. The lessons learned and memories made during this time will undoubtedly stay with me throughout my academic and personal life.

Mochammad Alifian Zainal Zahib

BS Student


First of all, I want to express my gratitude to Taiwan Ministry of Education (MOE) for providing such an amazing program and Prof. Vincentius Surya Kurnia Adi for accepting me on the Process Engineering System lab in National Chung Hsing University.

Looking back on my two-month lab internship in Taiwan, I'm genuinely excited to share the remarkable journey I undertook. From the moment I entered the lab, it became evident that this experience would be truly transformative.

One of the most gratifying aspects was the strong sense of collaboration within the lab with Prof. Vincentius Surya Kurnia Adi and Mr. Faisal. Participating in brainstorming sessions, actively contributing to discussions, and presenting findings became second nature. The discussions significantly enhanced the overall internship experience.

While facing the challenges of adapting to a new cultural and professional environment, I wholeheartedly embraced the journey. Navigating the nuances of Taiwanese work culture and immersing myself in a different setting added a distinctive layer to my overall personal and professional development.

For the last two months, from October to December of 2023, I have indeed experienced education in Taiwan by attending classes, working in the Process System Engineering (PSE) lab on campus, and exploring unique foods and places in Taiwan. I can already imagine myself studying in Taiwan. I can honestly say that my experience has been truly great.

Antama Andoni Alkautsar

BS Student

Optimization in Simulation of Diethyl Carbonate (DEC) Production from CO2 and Ethanol in an Isothermal Plug Flow Reactor

I wish to convey my sincere appreciation to the organizers of the TEEP program for extending this remarkable opportunity. Their dedicated efforts towards fostering international collaboration and facilitating experiential learning are truly commendable.

The discipline of process system engineering is imparted within the chemical engineering curriculum at National Chung Hsing University (NCHU). Despite the brevity of the training, a comprehensive understanding of the operational aspects of process system engineering was acquired. The assignment facilitated by Professor Adi in Process System Engineering enables students to explore and delve deeper into their respective areas of interest within this field.

During a month-long internship in the Process System Engineering laboratory, I acquired comprehensive knowledge in modeling and simulation utilizing Aspen Plus, coupled with the development of proficiency in coding through MATLAB. The campus facilities facilitated an environment conducive to the in-depth exploration of simulation and modeling concepts. I express my sincere gratitude for this invaluable opportunity, as it has substantially enriched my learning experience. This internship has not only expanded my understanding but also illuminated a potential trajectory for my future professional pursuits.

I would like to extend special gratitude to my new friends in Taiwan, namely Mr. Faizal, Mr. Wu, Kendrick, Eko, Bena, Ahmad, and numerous others, whose presence significantly contributed to enhancing the enjoyment and indelible nature of my internship experience. It was a pleasure meeting each of you.

Dzaky Maulana

BS Student

Literature StudyofNatural GasLiquefaction Process

I am writing to express my heartfelt appreciation to the TEEP@AsiaPlus Internship Program and, in particular, to Professor Adi for the incredible opportunity I was granted to embark on an educational journey in Chemical Engineering at National Chung Hsing University in Taiwan. My focus on the Process Systems Lab and specialization in the field of LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) has been a life-changing experience, and I am profoundly grateful for this chance.
The TEEP@AsiaPlus Internship Program has played a pivotal role in shaping my academic and professional  trajectory,  and  I  am  immensely  thankful  for  the  support  and  resources  it  has provided. The program's commitment to fostering international collaboration and nurturing young talents is truly commendable, and I feel privileged to have been a part of it.
I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Professor Adi, whose mentorship and guidance have been instrumental  in  my  growth  as  a  researcher  and  engineer.  Professor  Adi's  expertise  and dedication  to  advancing  knowledge  in  the  field  of  LNG  have  been  both  inspiring  and enlightening.  Under  their  tutelage,  I  had  the  privilege  to  work  on  cutting-edge  research projects, gaining invaluable insights and practical skills that will undoubtedly shape my future career.
My time at the Process Systems Lab at National Chung Hsing University was an unparalleled educational  experience.  The  lab's  facilities,  have  expanded  my  horizons  and  deepened  my understanding of LNG and its significance in the energy sector.
Beyond  the  academic  and  research  aspects,  my  time  in  Taiwan  exposed  me  to  a  vibrant culture, stunning landscapes, and a warm and welcoming community. This cultural immersion has enriched my life in countless ways, and I am grateful for the cross-cultural skills and global perspective I have gained.

Moreover,  the  friendships  I  cultivated  with  fellow  interns  and  local  students  have  been  a source of inspiration and support. These international connections have not only enhanced my personal growth but have also fostered a sense of unity and collaboration that transcends borders.

In closing, I wish to express my profound gratitude to the TEEP@AsiaPlus Internship Program, Professor  Adi, and  all  the  individuals  and  organizations  that  made  this  transformative experience possible. Theunwavering support and dedication have not only fuelledmy passion for chemical   engineering   but   have   also   instilled   in   me   a   commitment   to   contribute meaningfully to the field of LNG and beyond.
As I look forward to the future, I am excited about the limitless possibilities that lie ahead. I am  eager  to  apply the  knowledge  and  skills  I  have  gained  to  make  a  positive  impact  in  the world. 

Once again, thank you for this extraordinary opportunity. I hope to remain connected with the program and continue to contribute toit in the years to come.

Faaizah Azmi Nazhiifah

BS Student

Ammonia Synthesis Reactor Modelling and Simulaon using Aspen Plus V11 Software 

I cannot express enough gratitude for the incredible opportunity I had through the TEEP Program at National Chung Hsing University in Taichung, Taiwan. My one-month internship in the Process System Engineering lab was nothing short of transformative, particularly the experience of learning how to model and simulate an ammonia synthesis reactor using Aspen Plus. This journey has not only enriched my knowledge but has also illuminated a promising path for my future. 

From the very outset, I was captivated by the academic environment at NCHU. The campus itself was a haven for learning, and the faculty's dedication to fostering innovation and academic excellence was evident in every aspect of the program. I was surrounded by fellow students who shared my passion for engineering, creating an atmosphere of shared enthusiasm and discovery. 

My time in the Process System Engineering lab was the highlight of my experience. Under the mentorship of brilliant and dedicated professors, I delved deep into the intricacies of modeling and simulating complex chemical processes. Learning how to model and simulate an ammonia synthesis reactor using Aspen Plus was a challenging yet immensely rewarding experience. This hands-on approach allowed me to apply theoretical knowledge to practical problems, solidifying my understanding of process engineering. 

The campus facilities played a crucial role in facilitating my journey into the world of simulation and modeling. Access to state-of-the-art laboratories, software resources, and a supportive research community made it possible for me to immerse myself in the subject matter. This environment encouraged experimentation and exploration, enabling me to gain valuable insights that will undoubtedly shape my future career. 

What sets the TEEP Program apart is its holistic approach to personal and professional growth. Beyond the academic rigor, I had the privilege to immerse myself in Taiwanese culture, forming connections with students from diverse backgrounds. This cultural exchange was a transformative experience, broadening my horizons and fostering a global perspective that will undoubtedly benefit me in the future.

I am deeply grateful for the TEEP Program and NCHU for providing me with this life-changing opportunity. The knowledge and skills I have gained, particularly in modeling and simulation, have not only expanded my academic horizons but have also laid a solid foundation for my future endeavors. I am now better equipped to face the challenges of the engineering world with confidence and enthusiasm. 

In conclusion, I wholeheartedly recommend the TEEP Program at National Chung Hsing University to any aspiring engineer or researcher. This experience has not only enriched my academic and personal life but has also illuminated a path toward a promising future. Thank you, NCHU and the TEEP  program, for this remarkable opportunity to learn, grow, and thrive.

Fika Aurelia

BS Student

Literature Study of Hazard and Operability studies

First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the TEEP program organizers for offering this incredible opportunity. Their dedication to fostering international collaboration and experiential learning is truly commendable.

Despite their busy schedules, they went above and beyond to ensure that we had a meaningful and educational experience. I learned about production processes, encountered real-world challenges, and gained insights into market analysis. This hands-on experience was instrumental in broadening my horizons and preparing me for the professional world.

Moreover, I must extend my heartfelt gratitude to Prof. Vincentius Surya Kurnia Adi for his pivotal role in making our stay at National Chung Hsing University (NCHU) both enlightening and enjoyable. His guidance and mentorship were invaluable, and our brief research assignment under his guidance not only deepened my knowledge but also enhanced my research and report-writing skills.

Beyond the professional growth, my time in Taiwan was enriched by cultural immersion. In conclusion, the TEEP internship has been an unforgettable journey filled with personal and professional growth. It has broadened my perspective, enhanced my skills, and allowed me to forge connections with remarkable individuals. I am truly privileged to have been a part of this program, and I look forward to applying the knowledge and experiences gained during my internship in my future endeavors. Thank you, TEEP, for this life-changing opportunity.

Rifa Yudha Hidayat

BS Student

Optimalization in Simulation of Saponification of Ethyl Acetate in the Presence of Sodium Hydroxide in a Plug Flow Reactor

I want to start by saying thank you to Prof. Vincentius Surya Kurnia Adi for introducing us to the TEEP Internship Program. One of my finest decisions in life has been to participate in the TEEP Internship Program. Through my study and exploration in Taiwan over the past one months, I have acquired a wealth of invaluable experience.

Process system engineering is one of the disciplines in chemical engineering that is presented to us at National Chung Hsing University (NCHU). Even though the training was brief, we learned a lot about how process system engineering functions. We may go deeper into our interests thanks to Prof. Adi's assignment on Process System Engineering depending on our area of interest.

1 Month internship in the process system engineering lab and learning about how to model and the simulation using aspen plus and also about coding in mathlab, and enthuse about how the campus facilitate me to delve deep into the simulation and modelling knowledge. Emphasize on how grateful I’am for this opportunity, how much i have learned and how this experience can be a way to lighten up my future path.

Abitha J

BTech Student

Production Process of Tortilla Chips: A Comprehensive Analysis of Process Synthesis Techniques and  Sustainability

I had the incredible opportunity to spend four months in Taiwan, intern at national  chung hsing University in process systems engineering chemical laboratory .Under the guidance of Professor vincentius Surya kurnia Adi, our lab’s mentor, I embarked on a journey of scientific exploration that I’ll forever cherish.
Professor Adi’s expertise and mentorship played a pivotal role in shaping my understanding of chemical study .Professer Adi apart is his passion for teaching and his ability to transfer his knowledge effectively. He provided me with valuable insights into the latest advancements in chemical engineering and encouraged me to think critically and innovate in my work. I always felt comfortable  asking  questions  and  seeking clarification,    fostered  an  environment  of  open communication and collaboration..My workin Taiwan expanded my horizons, not only in the field of chemistry but also in terms of cultural experiences. The vibrant tapestry of Taiwanese life, the delicious street food, and the breathtaking landscapes enriched my personal growth.
This journey to Taiwan was not just about professional growth; it was about embracing a new culture, meeting extraordinary people, and gaining a deeper understanding of the world. It’s an experience I’ll carry with me throughout my academic and personal life.


BTech Student

Process Control In Beer Processing

To express my gratitude and admiration for the exceptional guidance and support you provided throughout the successful completion of my project work at Chung Hsing University.
During the project duration, Vincentius Surya Kurnia Adi Sir displayed remarkable expertise and dedication, ensuring a smooth and productive collaboration. His profound knowledge in the field greatly enriched the project, and his insightful guidance significantly contributed to its success.
Mr. Vincentius Surya Kurnia Adi Sir exhibited strong leadership skills, fostering a collaborative and stimulating environment for me. His ability to analyze complex problems and provide innovative solutions was truly inspiring and pivotal in achieving the project’s objectives.
I am immensely grateful to have had the opportunity to work under Mr. Vincentius Surya Kurnia Adi’s mentorship. His expertise, commitment, and guidance have been invaluable in shaping my project and enhancing my academic and professional growth.

Prasana Sri Murugavelan

BTech Student

Optimizing Energy Integration in Frozen Pizza Manufacturing: A Sustainable Approach

I had the incredible opportunity to intern at National Chung Hsing University's Chemical Engineering Lab under the guidance of Professor Mr. Vincentius Surya Kurnia Adi. This internship has been a truly enriching experience. I've learned invaluable practical skills, worked on fascinating projects. I've had the chance to apply classroom knowledge to real-world projects, honing my skills and gaining hands-on experience that will undoubtedly shape my future career and had the privilege to be mentored by Professor Mr. Adi whose expertise and guidance have been instrumental in my growth. I'm grateful for this opportunity and the knowledge I've gained during my time at NCHU.

Aqila Putri Larasati

BS Student

I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity provided by the TEEP program, allowing me to participate in a two-month internship at Oriental Union Chemical Corporation (OUCC) and the esteemed Process System Engineering Lab at the Department of Chemical Engineering, National Chung Hsing University.

The majority of our internship duration is primarily allocated at OUCC. During my time at OUCC, I was immersed in an enriching learning experience that I found immensely fulfilling. I had the privilege to delve deep into the intricacies of petrochemical manufacturing, engaging in hands-on experiments that broadened my understanding of the field. Notably, I have learnt regarding the manufacturing of gas plant and ethylene oxide derivates. One of the most rewarding aspects of this internship was the exposure to market analysis and the strategic selection of plant locations. This experience enables us to gain a comprehensive understanding of market dynamics in shaping manufacturing processes. As the TEEP Program drew to a close, I had the privilege of engaging with Prof. Vincentius Surya Kurnia Adi regarding Process System Engineering (PSE). These conversations not only deepened my comprehension of PSE's universal applicability but also helped us further exploring our individual areas of interest.

My sincere gratitude extends to Prof. Adi, who guided me to seize this remarkable opportunity for an international internship. The chance to immerse myself in Taiwanese culture and adapt to life in a foreign land was an invaluable growth experience. In retrospect, I can confidently affirm that the TEEP program exceeded all expectations, providing me with an invaluable tapestry of knowledge, skills, and memories that will undoubtedly shape my professional journey.

Chairul Syifarachman

BS Student

Firstly, i want to thank Mr. Adi and OUCC to succesfully open an amazing opportunity for Indonesian students, including me, to learn and grow in Taiwan for these 2 months.

Two months placed in OUCC, i learned a lot about the complete chemical process that happens in OUCC. I can see real-life chemical plants in industrial scale and its utilities in which the theory i have studied in my major back in Indonesia. During the weeks, we are assigned a different task in each department. The department comprises Research and Development department; Engineering Department; and Manufacturing department. On R&D department, i was given the chance to have a hands-on experience in which i operated many tools, such as Gas Chromatography etc. On engineering department, the assignment and research topic given to me have helped to shape my critical thinking and reseach skill, especially in chemical engineering problems even further. On manufacturing department, we were given a task each week to conduct a research on simple yet insightful plant design in each plant that is existing in OUCC company. In addition, it was interesting to see that its clean and pollution-free environment in the particular company and its overall industrial era.

One week placed in National Chung Hsing University, Mr Adi give us a brief yet detailed and valuable explanation on Process System Engineering in chemical engineering problems. During the week, i have learned how i can relate my research interest, which is Optimization of Electrochemical CO2 Reduction to Formic Acid to Process System Engineering. The experience in NCHU was quick but still gave me many new and interesting things to learn.

Overall, it was an insightful and eye-opening journey. I have learned a lot of aspects in chemical industry in Taiwan, the university, and its culture. In the future, i hope that there will be a similar once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that i have experienced so that more Indonesian students can come to Taiwan and be enlightened with Taiwan’s working industry, education program, and its one-of-a-kind culture, including the delicious culinary that Taiwan could offer.

Derrick Anthony

BS Student

First of all, I want to express my gratitude to Prof. Vincentius Surya Kurnia Adi for introducing us to TEEP Program, this 2 months in Taiwan was extraordinary. I and my friends are given chance to explore universities, industries, and cultures in Taiwan through TEEP program by the Taiwan ministry of education.

We were assigned to one of Taiwan Petrochemical industry in Kaohsiung, Oriental Union Chemical Corp (OUCC) as chemical engineering interns. During two months of our internship in OUCC, we are welcomed and treated very kind and carefully, the staffs are very friendly and like to give us insight of their experience throughout years of their journey.

As for our final week of TEEP Program, we were invited to experience studying in Taiwan through National Chung Hsing University (NCHU) in Taichung. These one week in NCHU have been a great experience for me myself. I gained new friends from different university and gladly connect with them, I also become more interested to study about Process System Engineering (PSE). This program motivated me to explore more not only Taiwan, but also other countries. If I were given another chance to explore another program, I would gladly try to accept the invitation.

Emerentia Natasya

BS Student

During my internship at Oriental Union Chemical Corporation (OUCC) and National Chung Hsing University (NCHU), I have gained a lot of memorable experiences. The last two months has been a very enjoyable pleasure for me. I am sincerely grateful for this internship opportunity given by TEEP Program.

In OUCC, I gained so many knowledge and got to feel the professional work atmosphere on hands. I am really fascinated to see a real chemical plant for the first time. I get to see directly the whole process and all the equipments used. I had the opportunity to make some connectors, do a pump calibration on ourselves, learn about process and equipments, learn about control system, and many other insights. The engineers and operators are also very open and willing to answer our questions, and I am very thankful for that.

In NCHU, I was warmly greeted by Prof. Vincentius Surya Kurnia Adi and other Process System Engineering Department members. They are very welcoming to us and treat us as their own members. They also gave us a campus tour and showed us the equipments they have in their laboratory, which is very cool.

Doing an internship in Taiwan has been such a great experience, especially for my career and life journey. Taiwan is a beautiful and comfortable country. The food is delicious, the transportation is convenient, and the scenery is outstanding. Although there are some language barriers, I still feel the warmth of the people in Taiwan. It motivates me to improve my Chinese into another level.

Gamma Rafani Onggono

BS Student

During my internship at Oriental Union Chemical Corporation (OUCC) and National Chung Hsing University (NCHU), I have gained a lot of memorable experiences. The last two months has been a very enjoyable pleasure for me. I am sincerely grateful for this internship opportunity given by TEEP Program.

In OUCC, I gained so many knowledge and got to feel the professional work atmosphere on hands. I am really fascinated to see a real chemical plant for the first time. I get to see directly the whole process and all the equipments used. I had the opportunity to make some connectors, do a pump calibration on ourselves, learn about process and equipments, learn about control system, and many other insights. The engineers and operators are also very open and willing to answer our questions, and I am very thankful for that.

In NCHU, I was warmly greeted by Prof. Vincentius Surya Kurnia Adi and other Process System Engineering Department members. They are very welcoming to us and treat us as their own members. They also gave us a campus tour and showed us the equipments they have in their laboratory, which is very cool.

Doing an internship in Taiwan has been such a great experience, especially for my career and life journey. Taiwan is a beautiful and comfortable country. The food is delicious, the transportation is convenient, and the scenery is outstanding. Although there are some language barriers, I still feel the warmth of the people in Taiwan. It motivates me to improve my Chinese into another level.

Jescelyn Laivani

BS Student

First of all, I would like to thank Prof. Vincentius Surya Kurnia Adi for introducing us to TEEP Internship Program. Taking part in TEEP Internship Program is one of my best life decision I’ve ever made. In this two months, I have gained lots of valuable experience from learning and exploring in Taiwan.

Our internship journey started from OUCC (Oriental Union Chemical Corporation) where we got a hands-on experience in a real petrochemical plant. In my opinion, this is an opportunity to develop my skill in chemical engineering by applying my knowledge acquired from classes to an actual work situation. Here, I’ve learnt about the manufacturing process of ethylene oxide derivatives and gas plant. Each of us are also assigned to do weekly presentation and research topic where we can understand more about the recent trends on chemical industries.

In National Chung Hsing University (NCHU), we are introduced to one of the chemical engineering branch, which is process system engineering. Although its a short period, we got lots of insightful knowledge on process system engineering works, and also the campus tour was amazing. Prof. Adi’s literature study assignment on Process System Engineering based on our interest field allows us to explore more on our interest.

Taiwan’s country never failed to impress me. In this two months, there are lots of things that we have explored – places, food, culture, etc. I also got a chance to improve my Chinese language here. Overall, this is an amazing and valuable lifetime experience that I will cherish forever.

Khairfirza Swandi

BS Student

I'm happy and grateful to the TEEP program for providing me with a two-month internship at Oriental Union Chemical Corporation (OUCC) and the Process System Engineering Lab, Department of Chemical Engineering, National Chung Hsing University.

During my internship at OUCC, I had a fantastic learning experience that I truly enjoyed. I got to delve deeper into the process of manufacturing ethylene oxide derivatives. I had the opportunity to conduct experiments on creating eco-friendly products from recycled PET bottles, work on research projects, and learn about selecting suitable markets and plant locations for these products. Towards the end of the TEEP Program, I also had the chance to discuss Process System Engineering (PSE) with Prof. Vincentius Surya Kurnia Adi, which expanded my understanding of its importance in various industries.

I am sincerely grateful to Prof. Adi for introducing me to this opportunity, which allowed me to experience an internship abroad. I loved the culture and atmosphere in Taiwan, and despite it being a foreign country with a language barrier, I felt comfortable living there. Lastly, I must say that this program was more than worth it.

Rayhan Kemal Yaasir

BS Student

I am a junior (3rd grade) pursuing Chemical Engineering at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Bandung, Indonesia. I had the wonderful opportunity to participate in the TEEP@AsiaPlus internship program, which allowed me to intern at the Process Systems Engineering Lab, Department of Chemical Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, and Oriental Union Chemical Corporation for two months.

Upon my arrival in Taiwan, I was warmly welcomed by the OUCC team. I met many kind and welcoming individuals who taught me invaluable lessons that I couldn't have obtained on my campus. They provided me with insights into the manufacturing processes and procedures, instilling in me a strong work ethic. Throughout the 8 weeks, I was assigned to 3 departments: Process, R&D, and Manufacturing.

We were divided into 3 teams, and each team consisted of 3 people.  In the Process department, I was involved in tasks such as P&ID checking, line checking, and various paperwork responsibilities. Additionally, my team was given a research project on the purification technology of Ethylene carbonate (HPEC). In the R&D department, my team was placed in the Quality Assurance division, where we directly measured factory samples using GC, Karl Fischer, KOH, and ICP-OES techniques. In the Manufacturing department, we were taught about the operational processes of the factory, and every week, my team had to present market research, location selection, and technology options related to the products being taught. The pinnacle of our internship was presenting our research findings in front of the Vice President of OUCC at the Process department. Towards the end of the internship, I felt happy to learn from the OUCC supervisor that our team is the best team in every presentation and task assigned. Overall, during the first phase of our internship at OUCC, we gained many valuable experiences and beautiful memories that I promise never to forget.

Upon arriving at NCHU, I started with a brief discussion about my future endeavors with Prof. Adi . As someone highly interested in the world of chemical engineering, particularly in simulation, I focused on enhancing my skills, especially in Aspen Plus simulation software. I simulated the biodiesel production process using a base catalyst and studied an overview of the biodiesel process and simulation, including various feedstock options, sustainability aspects, and catalyst variations. Additionally, I delved into optimization methods such as MILP, MOGA, ascending & descending order, and more, while also learning how Process Systems Engineering (PSE) integrates modeling and optimization within a system.

I genuinely appreciate the incredible learning atmosphere here. The flexibility provided by my professor was unlike anything I had experienced before. Despite being in a foreign country and initially unfamiliar with the language, they made my stay easy and comfortable. From the bottom of my heart, I express my gratitude to all of them, with a special thanks to Professor Adi for granting me this opportunity. I had the chance to travel and explore different places here, and each one left me mesmerized. If I were to sum up my two months here in one sentence, I would say it was an incredibly worthwhile experience.

Risa Eridani Br Pardede

BS Student

I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to participate in an internship at OUCC Kaohsiung and process system engineering at NCHU Taichung for a total period of approximately two months, thanks to the TEEP program introduced by Mr. Vincentius Kurnia Adi.

I have learned so much that couldn't be obtained in the classroom as a chemical engineering student. I had the chance to study real processes in the chemical industry, work on research topics, conduct market analysis, and many other extraordinary things during my time at OUCC. I also honed my skills in simulating DME production using AspenHysys and improved my ability to communicate effectively in both English and my native language, Indonesian.

This opportunity also introduced me to the outside world, which I had never experienced before. I met new people with their various kindnesses and got to see the work culture in Taiwan. The two-month internship taught me how to work in a new environment with colleagues who have different working styles and opinions.

I am deeply grateful to Mr. Adi for the dedication he provided, which allowed me to complete this program and gain so much knowledge. I hope this program will continue to help young generations explore their true selves for a bright future.

Nuthansai Battini

BTech Student

Public transit system using LTO battery with a range extending battery- Part 1: Design  

I am glad to submit a testimonial on my internship at the Process Systems Engineering Laboratory at National Chung Hsing University, where I worked with Vincentius Surya Kurnia Adi. My stay at the laboratory was really enriching and provided me with excellent practical engineering experience.

Surya Vincentius Kurnia Adi, or Sir Adi as he was popularly known, was a fantastic teacher. He painstakingly took me through the complexities of process systems engineering, ensuring that I understood the underlying principles and theories. He was always accessible to answer any questions I had, and he was always willing to give me constructive comments on my work.

It was a fantastic experience to work in the laboratory. I was able to work on cutting-edge projects with outstanding researchers and interns from all around the world. The laboratory included cutting-edge equipment and facilities, allowing me to obtain hands-on experience with a variety of techniques and technologies.

Working on a real-world project was one of the most fascinating components of my internship. Sir Adi appointed me to a project involving optimization. This was a difficult endeavor that needed me to use what I had learned in my studies and in the laboratory. Yet, with Sir Adi' supervision, I was able to make great progress and contribute to the success of the project.

Altogether, my internship at National Chung Hsing University's Process Systems Engineering Laboratory was a life-changing event. I learned a lot about engineering, received hands-on experience with cutting-edge technology, and had the opportunity to collaborate with brilliant and dedicated researchers. I strongly suggest this laboratory and Adi Sir to anyone looking for an internship in process systems Engineering.

Sridev Govindhan

BTech Student

Public transit system using LTO battery with a range extending battery- Part 1: Design    

I am happy to talk about my excellent experience as an intern at National Chung Hsing University's Process Systems Engineering Laboratory under the supervision of Vincentius Surya Kurnia Adi Sir. One of the most educational and fulfilling experiences of my academic career was my internship at the laboratory.

Vincentius Surya Kurnia Adi Sir made me feel at ease and welcome in the laboratory from the start of my internship. He took the time to get to know my aims and interests, and he gave me plenty of opportunity to learn about many elements of process systems engineering. His advice and assistance were invaluable in assisting me in learning and developing my talents in this profession.

The laboratory itself was well-equipped with cutting-edge technology and resources, making my internship that much more exciting and productive. Vincentius Surya Kurnia Adi Sir made certain that I was involved in a variety of active projects and experiments, giving me firsthand exposure with real-world engineering issues. The entire laboratory staff was really helpful and pleasant, and I always felt comfortable approaching them with any questions or concerns.

Vincentius Surya Kurnia Adi He gave me with great insights and feedback on my work during my internship, which helped me develop my abilities and enhance my performance. He pushed me to think critically and creatively, and to strive for quality in my work at all times.

Personally, I would strongly advise completing an internship at National Chung Hsing University's Process Systems Engineering Laboratory under the supervision of Vincentius Surya Kurnia Adi Sir. It is a fantastic chance to obtain hands-on experience in process systems engineering while learning from one of the industry's top mentors. I am grateful for this experience, as well as the information and abilities I learned while working at the laboratory.

Kiruthick Raghav

BTech Student

Public transit system using LTO battery with a range extending battery- Part 1: Design  

I had the privilege of doing an internship at the Process Systems Engineering Laboratory in National Chung Hsing University under the guidance of Vincentius Surya Kurnia Adi. I must say, it was an enriching experience that I will always cherish.

Working under the supervision of Vincentius Surya Kurnia Adi was a good opportunity to gain knowledge from an experienced professional with broad expertise in the field of process systems engineering. His advice and mentoring enabled me to gain practical skills and information that would serve me well throughout my career.

The lab offered a dynamic learning atmosphere that was both demanding and encouraging. I was able to use my academic knowledge in a practical context by working on real-world projects and test procedures. Furthermore, I had access to cutting-edge technology and technologies, which allowed me to obtain hands-on expertise in process systems engineering.

Vincentius Surya Kurnia Adi was an outstanding mentor who was enthusiastic and dedicated to teaching. He was always accessible to answer my queries and provide great insights that aided my personal and professional development.

Nevertheless, my internship at National Chung Hsing University's Process Systems Engineering Laboratory under Vincentius Surya Kurnia Adi was a life-changing event. I would strongly suggest this internship to anybody wishing to obtain hands-on experience in process systems engineering while learning from a highly experienced and enthusiastic mentor.

Utkarsh Rai

BTech Student

Modelling and optimization of Refining of Crude Oil using Atmospheric Distillation Unit  

I am Utkarsh Rai, 3rd Year Undergraduate Student with majors in Chemical Engineering from National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur. I would like to extend my thankfulness towards Process System Engineering Lab at NCHU and TEEP under the guidance of Prof. Adi for such a good experience during this short term Internship. 

My short-term winter Internship at PSE lab at NCHU had been such a great head start and I would really thank Prof. Adi to help me shape my work that perfectly aligned with my future goals. The way the internship started with complete freedom over my choice of topic based on my goals and interest to me getting through with Aspen HYSYS with things like Petroleum Assays and the Design choices making the project to go hassle-free was one of the things I thoroughly enjoyed. 

I would really like to thank Prof. Vincentius Surya Kurnia Adi for the constant support and guiding me through the project at all points and would surely push this project to completion during summer. This has been an all-around rewarding period for me.

Sumukh Satyanarayana Vasishta

BTech Student

Simulation of Renewable Hydrogen Production from Glycerol

I am Sumukh Vasishta, Sophomore at Department of Chemical Engineering IIT BHU, Varanasi, India. I would like to thank Ministry of Education, Taiwan and Prof. Adi for giving me this opportunity to do a 2 months research internship at National Chung Hsing University,Taiwan in Process Systems engineering lab.

I had a great overall experience at the internship. It started with me discussing with Prof. Adi on what are my research interests and how I would like to make an impact. He gave me complete freedom to choose research topic based on my interests. After going through a lot of research papers and articles, I finalized my project topic on Simulation of Renewable Hydrogen Production from Glycerol. I used Aspen Plus for the Simulation and analysis. I would like to thank Prof. Adi for his constant guidance and support right from the beginning of my internship till the very end. His insights about research and his expertise in process systems engineering helped me to successfully complete the project. 

I learned a lot of things, and had great amount of research exposure with this internship. It was a fun and interactive experience and added value to myself by learning skills and tools. This has certainly been an enriching and rewarding experience for me.

Shweta Kamat

PhD Student 

Flexibility Analysis in Heat Integrated Water Allocation Networks

I am a student from the Department of Energy Science and Engineering in the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. I got the special opportunity for the exchange program through Prof. Vincentius Surya Kurnia Adi from the Department of Chemical Engineering. National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan. I worked in the Process Systems Engineering Lab for two months in 2019. My objective was to learn flexibility analysis and implement it in heat integrated water networks. Besides the academics, I also wanted to experience the food and culture of a foreign country.

Prof. Vincentius Surya Kurnia Adi helped me learn about flexibility analysis. We formulated a problem and developed a solution strategy for the synthesis of flexible heat integrated water networks. The members of the Process Systems Engineering Lab were very helpful and shared their knowledge with me. The members were very kind and always guided me. With the help of Prof. Vincentius Surya Kurnia Adi and the Lab members, I could complete a significant amount of work. The new research field, synthesis of flexible heat integrated water networks, can be explored with the research carried out through this program. 

This exchange program was beneficial for my self-development as well. I got an opportunity to travel to various places in Taichung using the well-developed local transport. I enjoyed a variety of foods and tea. Overall, it was an extremely good experience and I would like to visit this place again. 

I would like to thank Prof. Vincentius Surya Kurnia Adi and the Lab members for making my stay comfortable. I would also like to thank Prof. Dominic Foo, who suggested that I must be a part of this program, and also my supervisor, Prof. Santanu Bandyopadhyay, who allowed me to come here.

Singh Shivam Raj Keshar

BTech Student

Simulation and Analysis of Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit using Aspen HYSYS

Singh S, Adi VSK (2019) Simulation and Analysis of Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) Unit using ASPEN HYSYS. 2019 Annual AIChE Student Conference. Orlando, November 8-11, 2019.

I am Shivam Singh, an undergraduate student in discipline of Chemical Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar. I am really glad and thankful to Process Engineering Lab at NCHU and TEEP for providing me all the necessary resources and this esteemed opportunity to conduct my research under guidance of Prof. Adi. 

My internship at PSE, NCHU was a great learning experience that I thoroughly enjoyed. One of the best part of my internship was that Prof. Adi gave me complete freedom to decide my research topic. This not only gave me opportunity to truly discover my interest alignments but also helped me to grow as an independent researcher. After going through various papers and discussion with Prof. Adi, I decided to focus my summer internship on Simulation and Analysis of Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) unit using Aspen HYSYS. At the end of about 70 days internship, I was able to successfully simulate the FCC unit along with distillation column of crude oil and analyse some of the parameters. I will continue to work on this topic for few more months in India. 

Lastly, I would take this opportunity and thank all my lab-mates at PSE lab for providing me all necessary assistance for making my stay in Taichung hassle free! 

Shivratan Tripathi

BTech Student

Simulation and Optimisation using Aspen Plus and Aspen HYSYS 

I am Shivratan Tripathi, a second year undergraduate pursuing Chemical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi. I am highly obliged to the Ministry of Education of Taiwan to leverage me this great opportunity of internship at National Chung Hsing University at Process System Engineering Lab (PSE) for the tenure of two months.

My internship at NCHU started with a brief discussion about future endeavours with this internship. We concluded that I must focus on acquiring new skills for my development, so I chose optimisation and simulation in Aspen to be new skill set. The professor suggested me many books to get through them. He was very helpful and even made timing flexible to work accordingly. I really appreciate the learning atmosphere here. So I choosed many research paper to review and acquire this skill set.

After reaching Taiwan, I straightaway had this sense of belonging to this place. People back here are very cheerful and helpful. I learned little Mandarin and made many new friends here. We tried many different Taiwanese food and exchanged the differences between both countries. This internship programme should be promoted more and should widen its aspects. It actually helps people to open up to different culture and opportunities and also widens the perspective of people experiencing it.

Sahil Goyal

BTech Student 

Supply Chain Optimisation using GAMS and Machine Learning 

I am a sophomore pursuing Chemical Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, India. I got this wonderful opportunity under TEEP@AsiaPlus short term internship programme to intern at Process Systems Engineering Lab, Department of Chemical Engineering, National Chung Hsing University for two months.

When I first arrived here, I was asked to do the work that aligns with my future goals. As I am not very engaged in core chemical engineering I decided to explore the field of Supply Chain and its Optimisation. I started reading about Supply Chain and developed the understanding of it. Then, I came to know about GAMS which is an optimisation tool. I learned GAMS and did some basic modelling in it to practice my skill. I ended up taking a supply chain from my country and optimised it using GAMS. I also incorporated the use of Machine Learning algorithms for my objective function prediction. 

I really appreciate the learning atmosphere here. The flexibility provided to me by Professor was something I have never experienced before. In addition to all the academic learnings I gathered here, I also made friends with my lab mates here. The help and support they provided me cannot be explained in words. Even though I was in a foreign country and could not even say Hello in their language they made it so easy and comfortable here for me. I thank all of them with my heart and a special thanks to Professor Adi for providing me with this opportunity. I travelled a lot here to see different places and they are all mesmerising. If I have to sum it up in one sentence I would say my two months here were more than worth it.

Sucha Khemjariya

BSc Student

Waste management optimization

I am a student from the Faculty of Chemical Engineering. Ubon Ratchathani University, Thailand I got a special opportunity from college. Let me exchange it at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering. National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan in process system engineering lab for one and a half months in 2017. My objective in this exchange is to study the use of GAMS programs and to learn how to solve problems using optimization methods, and a great opportunity to practice using the language. And study the culture in foreign countries.

I was allocated a work on optimization of long-term performance of municipal solid waste management system: A bi-objective mathematical model and were supervised by Dr. Vincentius Surya Kurnia Adi. I have been advised very well by the supervisor and my friend in the lab. They are very kind to me and they help me in everything. Which made my work complete. And that is the turning point that gives me the idea to study at a master degree in this field.

For this exchange, in addition to the knowledge already. I also met new friends. And travel to various places in Taiwan. The food here is cheap and very tasty. It made me happy and made me want to go back there again. Finally, I have to thank Dr. Vincentius Surya Kurnia Adi and my friends who are in the lab. Help me in everything and thank Dr. Channarong Puchongkawarin. That gives me the opportunity to become an exchange student at the University. I will bring that knowledge. Apply to study in master's degree and work.