Process Systems Engineering Lab

Process Systems Engineering (PSE) Lab was established on August 1, 2016, in the Chemical Engineering Department at National Chung Hsing University. PSE Lab's research programs are primarily on analyzing, modeling, simulation, optimizing, designing, controlling, and operating process systems through artificial intelligence and machine learning as leveraging tools. The research applications include chemical, petrochemical, electrochemical, pharmaceutical, biochemical, and biomedical systems. The length of scales to be covered ranges from the molecular to the nano- and micro-scales to very large-scale production facilities and even complete supply chains.  

Teaching Philosophy

Education as character building implemented using Ki Hajar Dewantara's leadership concepts, namely Ing Ngarsa Sung Tuladha, Ing Madya Mangun Karsa, and Tut Wuri Handayani. To apply those wise words in Indonesian education life, one needs a complete understanding of the meaning of each word there.

Common Q&A


一個月報一次,基本上都是找paper報告的形式,並且需要在過程中慢慢找到想做的題目,並且在結尾需要加上future work,把每一次的meeting做連結。






我們NCHU PSE有可能提早、準時、或延畢,但提早、準時、或延畢都是學生自願性的,只要達到畢業門檻按照學校規定即可,老師服務你一起走到你畢業推薦找好工作加速達到自己夢想。而且我們都做自己快樂的研究,歡迎大家加入我們實驗室快樂研究哦!  ~ 感謝Dcard網友的建議。 

Questions for yourself

Must-read articles and a good watch

Education in Process Systems Engineering: Why it matters more than ever and how it can be structured

Process Systems Engineering: Academic and industrial perspectives

Process systems engineering – The generation next?

Best Master Degrees for Chemical Engineers - 2021 Review

Please let us know if you have any other questions in mind

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