Coming to the 2024 NCFLSE Conference? Help us raise funds for the NC Firefighters' Burned Children Fund (NC FFBCF)!


Our goal is to raise $3000 for the NC FFBCF during our conference! We can do it, with YOUR help!


We are asking EVERY attendee to donate from you or your agency, amazing door prizes (think of something YOU would want to win). You can also reach out to other organizations and/or businesses in your community for donations using the donation letter. We know we have lots of creative attendees who can put their talents together to create fabulous door prizes!


And don’t forget to bring your $ to buy raffle tickets!


NC FLSE Conference

Donation Committee

Looking for donation ideas? Check out some of these great suggestions!

DOnation Letter for NC Fire and Life Safety Educators

Coming to the 2024 NCFLSE Conference? We need your help to reach our goal. Click the image above to access the Donation Letter for Attendees to the 2024 NCFLSE Conference.

Donation Letter for COmmunity Memebers

Use this letter to assist you with donations from the community for the NCFFBCF Raffle. Click the image above to access the Donation Letter.