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πŸ“§ debanjand [at] iitk.ac.in
πŸ“ž +91 512 679 2462

Dr. Debanjan Dasgupta (PI)
Assistant professor

Debanjan did his Ph.D. in Neuroscience from Molecular Biophysics Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in 2016. During his Ph.D. he used in vitro patch clamp and imaging methods to decipher a crucial plasticity paradigm in fast spiking interneurons in the Dentate Gyrus. Following that, he joined The Francis Crick Institute, London and University College London as a postdoctoral fellow. Under the guidance of Prof. Andreas Schaefer, he studied the olfactory system to decipher a fundamental concept in the field showing that mammals can perceive temporally dynamic odour stimuli. Furthermore, he used in vivo patch clamp recordings and extracellular recordings to find that neurons in the olfactory bulb can couple to such temporally fluctuating odour signals. He then joined the UK Dementia Research Institute, UCL as a Senior Research Fellow. During his tenure at the DRI, he used in vivo patch clamp in the hippocampal neurons to understand mechanistically how hippocampal neurons in a tau animal are functionally different than those in the control animals.Β 

πŸ“§ ankitk23 [at] iitk.ac.in

Ankit Bishnoi
MTech Student

Ankit completed his B Tech in Mechanical engineering from Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh. He joined the lab as the first MTech student of the group in 2023. He is working on a computational project to understand the encoding mechanisms of temporally structured odour in the olfactory circuit.

πŸ“§ nehakush23 [at] iitk.ac.in

Neha Kushwaha
PhD Student

Neha completed her MSc in Biochemistry from Central University of Rajasthan. She joined the lab as the first PhD student in January' 2024. She is working on a behavioural assay to understand perception of temporally structured odour stimulus in AD.

πŸ“§ ashishkumar437243 [at] gmail.com

Ashish Kumar
Lab Manager