Andrés Valencia


Universidad del Valle

Cali, Colombia

Andrés is an assistant professor at the Escuela de Ciencias del Lenguaje, Universidad del Valle (Cali, Colombia). He holds an MA in Language and Literacies Education from OISE, University of Toronto, and an MSc in Foresight and Innovation from Universidad del Valle. As a language teacher educator, his interests lie in the intersections among anti-colonial theory, anti-oppressive, and anti-discriminatory practices, queer and critical pedagogies, as well as gender and ethnic-racial categories in language literacies education. As a foresight practitioner, he is an active member of the Institute for Peace Research and Intervention at Universidad del Valle, advocating for conflict resolution, environmental, and intergenerational justice within educational contexts in the Colombian Pacific and North of Cauca.

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Valencia, A. (2022). (Re)Imagining EFL language teacher education through critical action research: An autoethnography. In A. Gagné, A. Kalan, & S. Herath (Eds.), Critical Action Research Challenging Neoliberal Language and Literacies Education. Auto and Duoethnographies of Global Experiences (pp. 80-101). Peter Lang.

Valencia, A. (2022). Re/humanizing Language Teacher Education. A Muralization Project. In E. Lyle (Ed.), Re/humanizing

Education, Ser. Bold Visions in Educational Research, (74), 174–185. Brill.

Valencia A., Arenas C., Arredondo C., Buriticá D. (2020) Epilogue: A Glossary of queer by The Criscadian Collective. In M. Pérez, & Trujillo-Barbadillo G. (eds) Queer epistemologies in education. Luso-Hispanic dialogues and shared horizons (Queer epistemologies in education, pp. 217-239). Palgrave Macmillan.


Valencia, A. (forthcoming). Whereof the teacher-student? When/where foreign language teacher education meets

anti-discriminatory practices. In A. Eizadirad & P. Trifonas (Eds.) International Handbook of Anti-Discriminatory Education.

Valencia, A. (forthcoming). We Are All Sentipensantes Capibaras: The Necessary Re/humanization of Our Pedagogies and Bodies in Teacher Education. Qualitative Inquiry.

Valencia, A. (forthcoming). The Future of Higher Education Institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Foresight Reflection. In M. Drinkwater, P. Deane & Y. Waghid The Bloomsbury Handbook on Local and Global Contexts, Infrastructure and Partnerships in Higher Education: Crisis and Change Leadership.
