Research Group


Head by Associate Prof Dr Nazlena Mohamad Ali

USERLab@INTERAKSI is a Principle Investigator Lab under the INTERAKSI research group of IVI that focuses on research activities related to user evaluation, UI/UX, digital games, persuasive design, AR/VR, system and mobile application development.   

INTERAKSI Research Group

The INTERAKSI research group (Intelligent Human-centered Extended Reality & System Integration Research Group) at the Institute of Visual Informatics mainly focuses on the challenges in deepening the role and importance of technology specifically for healthy ageing flagship research. The group consists of eleven (11) research fellows from various areas of research expertise, which include Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Modeling, Information Systems, Persuasive Technology, Data Analytics, Internet of Things (IoT) and system development. Various activities and collaborations are established with industry and stakeholders to realize impactful research that contributes to the community. The rapid pace of technology towards the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era is undoubtedly an interest for older adults in responding to future challenges of Society 5.0.