Research Experiences

1. Research and Development Engineer - Telecom SudParis, France (April 2019- September 2019)

Description: Aim of this position is to design a proof of concept of a solution allowing to personalize a service on behalf of a user using Privacy Enhancing Technology and to ensure the auditability of the system on compliance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), European Union

  • Designing and producing a proof of concept for personalizing services on compliance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), European Union

  • Designed a privacy-preserving data retrieval mechanism over encrypted data for a resource constrained cloud environment on compliance with GDPR

2. Senior Research Fellow - IIIT Guwahati, India (February 2018- March 2019)

Description: Aim of this position was to design secure and privacy-preserved data sharing mechanisms for Cloud Computing

  • Investigated research issues of inter-cloud authorization for secure resource sharing

  • Designed a secure-channel free searchable encryption scheme to perform authorized keyword search on encrypted data in an untrusted cloud environment

3. Visiting Researcher - The University of Newcastle, Australia (June 2018- September 2018)

Description: Aim of this position was to design secure and privacy-preserved data sharing mechanisms using cryptographic role-based access control methods

  • Investigated research issues on cryptographic role-based access control

  • Designed a role-based encryption mechanism to achieve access control on encrypted data

4. Visiting Researcher - Telecom SudParis, France (November 2017- January 2018)

Description: Aim of this research visit was to carryout research in the field of Searchable Encryption

  • Investigated research issues on keyword search on encrypted data

  • Designed an authorized keyword search scheme on encrypted data using attribute-based cryptosystem