
[1.] N. Mukherjee,Stacey Smith? and M. Haque

Spatio-temporal patterns resulting from a predator-based disease with immune prey

Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 168, 113197,

[2.] N. Mukherjee and M. Banerjee, Hunting cooperation among slowly diffusing specialist predators can induce stationary Turing patterns, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,Volume 599, 2022,127417, ISSN 0378-4371,, (

[3.] R. Yadav, N. Mukherjee and M. Sen, Spatio temporal dynamics of a prey-predator model with Allee effect in prey and hunting cooperation in a Holling type III functional response, Nonlinear Dynamics, {}, (2022).

[4.] N. Mukherjee, and V. Volpert. Bifurcation scenario of Turing patterns in prey-predator model with nonlocal consumption in the prey dynamics, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 96 (2021) 105677.

[5.] M. Banerjee, N. Mukherjee and V. Volpert, Prey-predator model with nonlocal and global consumption in the prey dynamics, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems series S, 13 (2020) 2109

[6.] N. Mukherjee, S. Ghorai and M. Banerjee, Cross-diffusion induced Turing and non-Turing patterns in Rosenzweig-MacArthur model, Letters in Biomathematics, (2019)

[7.] N. Mukherjee, S. Ghorai and M. Banerjee, Detection of Turing patterns in a three species food chain model via  amplitude equation, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,  69 (2019) 219-236

[8.] M. Banerjee, N. Mukherjee and V. Volpert, Prey-Predator Model with a Nonlocal Bistable Dynamics of Prey, Mathematics, 6 (2018)

[9.] N. Mukherjee, S. Ghorai and M. Banerjee, Effects of density dependent cross-diffusion on the chaotic patterns in a ratio-dependent prey-predator model, Ecological Complexity, 36 (2018) 276-289

[10.] M. Banerjee, S. Ghorai and N. Mukherjee, Study of cross-diffusion induced Turing patterns in a ratio-dependent prey-predator model via amplitude equations, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 55 (2018) 383-399

[11.]  M. Banerjee, S. Ghorai and N. Mukherjee, Approximated Spiral and Target Patterns in Bazykin’s Prey–Predator Model: Multiscale Perturbation Analysis, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 27 (2017) 1750038