
My current research is in the field of single molecule localization (SLM) based nanoscopic imaging and development of new nanomaterials for high-end bio-applications. I am enthusiastic about contributing to the development of the fluorescent probes, instrumentations, and analysis techniques in the field of nanoscopy to solve multifaceted biological problems. Mainly, my Ph.D. thesis focuses on the SML based super resolution bioimaging, especially Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy (STORM) and Superresolution Radial Fluctuation (SRRF) microscopy, by application of a new biocompatible carbogenic fluorescent nanomaterial in the carbon family called Fluorescent Nano Dots (FNDs). The specific labeling strategy by this fluorescent probe has also been generalized by the three-dimensional fluorescence imaging of the thick muscle tissues of C. elegans nematodes. At last, my thesis conferred to remove the current misleading artifacts present in the structure-functional relationship of these fluorescent nanomaterials. Importantly, working under Dr. C. K. Nandi's research lab,I have built an O-TIRF microscope at IIT Mandi, and most of the single molecule and superresolution measurements were performed on this setup. Also, I regularly perform Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) measurements and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM). I have developed the new nanomaterials such as carbon nano dots, quantum dots and superparamagnetic fluorescence nanoparticls. These nanoparticles are extremely useful for the new generation microscopy approaches such as Single particle tracking and Superresolution Microscopy. Advanced single molecule techniques such as single molecule Forster Resonance Energy Transfer (smFRET), single particle tracking (SPT), single molecule blinking analysis and super resolution microscopy can be performed on the same setup.