



Bishop - Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church

Title: Jesus is Lord: The Key to Early Methodism and Our Future

Scripture: John 20:18

Description: Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord,” and she told them that he had said these things to her. The Lordship of Christ enables us to endure the discomfort that makes evangelism possible.




Bishop - Western North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church

Title: Fresh Expressions = Social Holiness

Scripture:  John 15. 1-12

Description: In the present moment, connection and not separation is our path to holiness. 




President and Dean of Gammon Theological Seminary

Title: We Can Do Hard Things!!!

Scripture: This keynote looks at the challenges and opportunities the future leaders of the United Methodist Church have with being a prophetic voice and prophetic witness in the public square.  It also looks at John Wesley's position on slavery and the "unfinished business" our denomination has with addressing racism and the need to dismantle systems imbedded with inequality and the need to engage the "hard work" of building racially, just and equitable conference systems that benefit all.  

Description:  Micah 6:8, Matthew 5:9 and Matthew 23:23 




Director of Fresh Expressions United Methodist, Fresh Expressions Florida and Fresh Expressions House of Study at United Theological Seminary

Title: Passio Dei: Reawakening the Heart Fire of Methodism

Scripture: Matthew 15:32-39

Description: Compassion was the core motivator of early Methodism and is the core motivation of Fresh Expressions now.




Strategist for the Western North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church-Metro


Description: The Keynote sheds light on the call we each have as followers of Jesus Christ, and the work we must accomplish to win the prize. We briefly delve into the stories of Sojourners from our past and present who have pursued the prize. What does it take to complete the work, to win the prize? What the prize is? I urge us all to hold up a mirror to our faces, look into our eyes, and ask ourselves: What is the assignment I am called to pursue? Paul gave everything he had, leaving nothing on the field in his pursuit of God's will. How about us/you? 

Real-Talk: This is our WAKE-UP CALL




Royce and Jane Reynolds Associate Professor of the Practice of Evangelism and Methodist Studies; Associate Dean for Wesleyan Engagement and Hybrid Programs

Title: Simply Grace: The Method of Our Mission

Scripture: “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God— not the result of works, so that no one may boast.” (Ephesians 2. 8-9 NRSV)

Description:  Methodism is missional--Methodism was not born from doctrinal disputes, but a missional impulse motivated simply and fully by God’s grace.



Founding Pastor at the Nett Church and District Superintendent in the North Georgia Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church

Title: Methodism is more than a nice and historical idea, but a living reality

Scripture: Micah 6:8 




Pastor at Resurrection Church - Leawood, KS, Writer, Thought Leader

Title:  "How Long Has This Been Going On?" 

Scripture: Luke 17:11-19; Acts 1:8

Description: The Fresh Expressions Movement, to me, is really about actively loving strangers and enemies.  This practice is not only deeply Weslyan and Methodist, it is deeply Biblical, and it stands at the very center of the greatest transformation movements in human history.   We can build Fresh-Expression-Ministries of our own if we commit to doing 2 things:  being true to Jesus and paying attention to Kingdom moments.




Author, Speaker, Retreat leader, Consultant, and Abbess.

Title: Developing a Practice-Based Community through a Rule of LIfe

Scripture:  1 Cor. 15:58 NRSVUE 

Therefore, my beloved brothers and sisters, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord because you know that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.

Description: Methodism emerged from a conviction that discipleship happens best in small, practice-based communities that foster piety and social holiness. Prayer, Work, Table, Neighbor, Rest is both the rule of life and the strategic intent a practice-based, rural, Methodist Fresh Expression, The Church at Spring Forest.