About Me

Hi, I'm Nathan, a Tamarkin Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Brown University. Please feel free to look around my webpage.

I am currently a Tamarkin Assistant Professor and NSF Postdoctoral Fellow at Brown University. I was born and raised in Columbia, Maryland. I obtained my BS in mathematics at Bucknell University in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, which is a small liberal arts college with about 3500 students. I earned my PhD in mathematics at Washington University in St. Louis. My research interests lie in several areas of analysis, including harmonic analysis, one and several complex variables, and operator theory.  Outside of mathematics, I am a musician (I play violin, guitar and a little bass), music enthusiast, and amateur hiker/traveler. 

Selected publications:

 “It is impossible to be a mathematician without being a poet in soul.”

 -Sofia Vasilyevna Kovalevskaya 
