Nathan Krifdom Usui reiki

Premium Reiki for all-round Health, Mental Wellness, Physical Pain/Injury.
For you or your animal.

At Nathan Krifdom Usui Reiki, complete wellness and relaxation are the goals.

With over 150 hours of quality training and four levels of Reiki, Nathan's sessions are of superior standard, providing the utmost care to clients. He creates a friendly, safe, and professional environment for healing to take place.
Whether you're looking for Reiki for you or your animal, in person or over distance, all is available here.

Nathan believes that you deserve a happy and healthy life, no matter what, this is why he offers exceptional sessions at excellent prices that suit you.

Info on Reiki


"Definitely recommend Nathan and am so happy for anyone else who gets to experience Reiki from him!!"
Eva J

Calm the mind
Heal the body
Remove energy blockages
Realise your potential

Reiki for Animals

Aid with healing injuries
Calm stressed animals

Advanced 2 Usui Reiki trained
150+ hours of training
5+ years experience