Assignment #4 - Restaurant Marketing - May 09, 2022

Marketing is the process of getting potential customers or clients interested in your products and services. In my research, I have found a few ways that I think are best for marketing our restaurant. They vary from making mission statements all the way to our social media platforms.

My first finding is to develop your brand identity. How will we represent our brands identity? Ways we can do that is by understanding our target audience as well as understanding ourselves and the way we want to promote our business in our own fashion. Do we want to be known for being boring and stiff or do we want to be known for our upbright and amicable character? Another way we can sell our services is by establishing our mission statement. With a mission statement, we will understand the purpose of our business and try and fulfill that mission on a daily basis.

Turning our social media platforms into a community is one of the best forms of marketing our business. Ignoring social media is a death sentence to your brand! With the world evolving around technology and social media and such, it is key to have a community on social media. And with your social media, you are able to post mouth-watering pictures of your dishes to catch the audiences eye. They will most likely become interested in your restaurant and possibly check you out, and if that goes well they can spread the word about your restaurant and your business will bloom.

Last but certainly not least, customer reviews. Customer reviews are absolute key in having a good business. With customer reviews, you are able to see where you need improvements and how you can appeal more to the customers eye. And when you receive good reviews, that will rank you up and increase your exposure to the audience. But monitoring and responding to the reviews is important as well. As I said earlier, when you monitor your customer reviews, you can find areas where you need improvement and can fix certain areas that are fixable. And you consistently respond to them, people will notice your activity and see that you care about your customers opinions.





Assignment #3 - Focus On What You Can Control - February 16, 2022

  1. My performance at work is a choice. I decide how much effort and hard work I want to put in. How I control this situation forms my entire journey through life.

  2. Responsibility is a big step to take. I have tp step up and take control when needed.

  3. Help those who work with you. Support their efforts and praise them for doing the job right.

  4. For a more controlled life, avoid conflict and avoid judging those around you. Control your opinions and make sure to consider that maybe their life isn't as great as yours.

  5. Improve a customers guest experience by putting in a bit more effort. Your hard work will soon pay off.

  6. Enthusiasm! Enter your workplace with an optimistic grin and keep your head held up high.

  7. Improve on my skills that I know I need to work on. I cannot wait until someone else points it out.

  8. Shape myself into a better version of me.

  9. Spend quality time with my loved ones if I haven't already. Family time is most needed during hard times.

  10. And lastly, teach those around you on how to control your own life. This gift will help them for a lifetime.

Assignment #2 Guest Reviews - Oct. 14, 2021

  1. PIC

  • I decided to read the bad hotel reviews on them and saw that one complaint was focused on their food in Skylight restaurant while another one was based on some interruptions in the hotel room. The first reviewer pointed out that the food was the problem and not the staff- they mentioned that the staff was quite excellent. The room complaint was about loud banging coming from the toilet and the reviewer mentioned that they will never come there again because of it. In both negative reviews, the management team responded with an apologetic tone and announced that they will improve those said problems and hope to avoid them from happening again.


  • In Dusit Thani negative reviews, they were more focused on bad staff/customer service. The first one was a long path of misunderstandings and while the second one was about their child becoming ill from the cold pool. Both problems were not resolved but the management crew replied to one of their complaints (it was in Korean).


  • In the complaints of the reviewers, it focused on the poor condition of the room and the food choice. Both reviewers commented on the shower malfunctioning and being too small. The hotel did respond and what caught my attention is that they basically copy and pasted their same apology.


  • It was challenging to look for some complaints but I gladly found some and they were focused on the topic of poor room condition. They both commented on slow wifi as well as the poor condition of the shower and bed. The hotel did respond and apologized for not reaching their expectations.

In conclusion, after reading these reviews from customers, I see that most hotels in Guam are quite mediocre on their level of service. They are not too bad but not exactly the greatest. Each hotel has a different set of qualities they have to improve on and it is comforting to see that they recognize the reviews their past customers have submitted. I noticed that one thing that all hotels have to work on is either poor wifi connection, their customer service, or the conditions of their hotel rooms. Having different perspectives and thoughts on their hotel is what helps them improve their hotel and reach the expectations of their guests.

Assignment #1 Revised Resume - Sept. 19, 2021


I am an amiable person who is also driven by what needs to be done. I work through the hardships because I don’t give up easily. I am optimistic and

marked by eager helpfulness. I display sportsmanship spirit.


I am an amiable person who is driven with a positive attitude towards achieving goals. I work through hardships and resolve to find solutions. I always maintain a calm composure and I’m always willing to lend a helping hand. In addition, I display an attitude that can encourage others to work harder.