Terms & Conditions.

Narrowboat Day Hire Ltd

Booking Terms and Conditions ​

1. Hire Fee.

The Hire Fee is the payment due to Narrowboat Day Hire for using the boat and its equipment inventory during the Hire Period. The fee includes diesel fuel and liquid propane gas used by the boat during the Hire Period. The boat is supplied to the Hirer with a full tank of water.

2. Booking arrangements.

The full hire fee is payable at the time of booking.

3. Deposit.

A £100 deposit is payable in cash on the hire day. Deposit is returned in full, providing the boat and its inventory is returned undamaged and at the agreed time to Narrowboat Day Hire

4. Cancellation.

Narrowboat Day Hire will give no refund in the case of cancellation of any booking within 60 days of the hire period. However, Narrowboat Day Hire Ltd. may reschedule the booking at the Narrowboat Day Hire's discretion, subject to availability.

If Narrowboat Day Hire cancels the booking before the start of the Hire Period, a full refund or a voucher will be issued. However, Narrowboat Day Hire will have no further obligations to the Hirer and is not responsible for any consequential losses incurred by the Hirer. Narrowboat Day Hire will not cancel the Hire unless it is forced to do so by circumstances outside its control; such events include but are not limited to mechanical breakdown, non-return of the boat by previous Hirers, damage to the boat making it unusable, flood, lack of water, canal closure or restrictions, ice and force majeure.

5. Hire Period

Day hire is from 0900 till 16:30 for ALBERT & 1000am to 1730 for VICTORIA. The hire period will include the skipper training. (During the winter period, boats are to be returned at times above or before sunset)

Please be at the Marina for 0900am ALBERT and 1000am for Victoria; we reserve the right to cancel your booking and re-hire the boat if you are late.

6. Hirer

The Hirer shall be the person or persons named on the Hire Agreement and must be over 21.

All adults onboard must sign the Hire Agreement and are jointly and severally responsible for the performance of the Hire Agreement.

Narrowboat Day Hire Ltd must note the names and addresses of all persons on board during the Hire Period on the Hire Agreement, and no other passengers may be carried during the Hire Period. Carrying passengers other than those stated in the Hire Agreement will invalidate the boat's insurance. If this happens, Narrowboat Day Hire reserves the right to take immediate possession of the boat. Narrowboat Day Hire Ltd will give no refund.

Narrowboat Day Hire may cancel any booking and refuse to hand over the boat if, in Narrowboat Day Hire's opinion, the Hirer is not able to take charge of the boat due to ill health or infirmity or if the Hirer is unable to demonstrate a reasonable level of competence in controlling the boat following The Narrowboat Day Hire standard handover procedure. Narrowboat Day Hire Ltd will give a full refund to the Hirer if Narrowboat Day Hire cancels the Hire Agreement for this reason, and the Agreement shall be discharged without further liability on either the Hirer or Narrowboat Day Hire.

7. Lead-hirer

Any group or family hiring a boat from Narrowboat Day Hire must nominate a Lead-Hirer. The Lead Hirer will be the person with whom Narrowboat Day Hire will conduct all official communication regarding the Hire. The Lead-Hirer will be the boat's skipper for the duration of the Hire and will be responsible for the safe operation of the boat, the security and safety of the boat and its systems, the other Hirers onboard and, where appropriate other waterways users and their boats.

8. Smoking

Smoking is not allowed on board.

9. Safety and Training

The canal system is 200 years old, and there are inherent dangers in its use and the use of any boat. The Lead-Hirer is responsible for ensuring that all adults onboard have read the "Boaters Handbook", a copy of which will be available on board the boat.

A full safety brief and demonstration of the boat's systems and tuition in basic boat handling will be provided by Narrowboat Day Hire at the start of the Hire. All Hirers must attend. The Hirer is responsible for ensuring that they comply with all instructions Narrowboat Day Hire gives. The Hirer must also abide by all Canal & River Trust (CRT) regulations and instructions provided by CRT staff.

A folder containing operating instructions for the boat and its systems will be onboard the boat, and it is the Lead-Hirer's responsibility to familiarise themselves with its contents before the boat is moved from its mooring.

Life-jackets or buoyancy aids will be issued to all onboard, and recommended that all Hirers wear these at all times whilst the boat is underway and whilst working on or walking around locks, rivers weirs or other deep water.

10. Late return or non-return of the boat at the end of the Hire Period.

If the boat is returned later than the return time on the Hire Agreement, the Hirer shall pay Narrowboat Day Hire a fee of thirty pounds for each half-hour that the boat is late. Suppose the boat is left somewhere other than Narrowboat Day Hire. In that case, the Hirer shall pay Narrowboat Day Hire a fee of thirty pounds per hour for the time it took to recover the boat to its mooring.

11. Alcohol and drugs

Operating a boat under the influence of alcohol or drugs is illegal. The Hirer agrees that nobody with a blood alcohol level more significant than the current limit for driving a car shall control the boat or be in charge of the boat at any time.

Narrowboat Day Hire reserves the right not to hand over the boat if any member of the Hirer's party appears to be drunk or under the influence of drugs during the handover process.

Narrowboat Day Hire may recover the boat from the Hirer and cancel the Hire Agreement if it becomes apparent in Narrowboat Day Hire's opinion that the boat is being operated under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

No refund of any monies paid to Narrowboat Day Hire will be due to the Hirer if the boat is recovered from the Hirer by Narrowboat Day Hire under these circumstances.

12. Security

The Hirer agrees to keep the boat locked when nobody is on board. The Hirer is responsible for returning the boat to Narrowboat Day Hire undamaged complete with all the items listed in the inventory, and for notifying Narrowboat Day Hire as soon as it becomes apparent that anything of the boat inventory has been lost, damaged or stolen. The Hirer shall pay Narrowboat Day Hire the replacement cost of any missing items plus Narrowboat Day Hire reasonable expenses incurred in acquiring any missing items.

13. Damage.

The Hirer is responsible for returning the boat to Narrowboat Day Hire undamaged and in a clean condition, complete with the inventory of equipment Issued at the start of the Hire Period.

14. Boat's Systems and controls.

The Hirer shall not alter, adjust, or otherwise interfere with any of the boat's gas systems, electrical, mechanical, or control systems.

15. Breakdowns.

If there is any breakdown or failure of the boat's equipment, the Hirer shall contact on 07764932294 (WhatsApp is best!)

The Hirer understands that boats are complicated equipment, relying on many factors to enable them to continue operating. Whilst we will make reasonable efforts to ensure the reliability of the boat. We will repair any breakdown as soon as possible; the Hirer understands that we are not responsible for the loss of any cruising time whilst repairs are being completed. The Hirer shall have no claim on Narrowboat Day Hire in respect of any breakdown, the failure of any equipment on board, or any delays caused by repairs to the boat.

The Hirer(s) shall not attempt any repairs themselves or authorise any repairs by a third party without prior approval.

16. Emergencies

It is the Hirer's responsibility to keep track of their whereabouts so that any emergency services summoned via a "999" call can be directed to the boat without delay.

17. Accidents

The Lead-Hirer is in charge of the boat and is responsible for its safe navigation and return to the Marina, complete with all inventory and equipment. In an accident involving a third party, the Lead-Hirer must obtain full names, addresses, and contact details for all persons involved and the boat names and official numbers of any boats involved. Our insurance requires that the Hirer must not admit nor allow anyone aboard the boat to accept any liability. The Hirer indemnifies Narrowboat Day Hire against any loss claim liability or expenses incurred by Narrowboat Day Hire as a result of the Hirer acting or failing to act in a manner that prejudices or invalidates Narrowboat Day Hire insurance cover. Narrowboat Day Hire insurance does not cover personal accidents, loss, or damage to personal effects, so hirers and crew are advised to take out their insurance cover.

18. Speed.

The maximum cruising speed on all canals is 4 miles per hour/6 kilometres per hour - equivalent to a brisk walking pace. This speed should be reduced to about 2 miles or (3 kilometres) per hour when passing moored craft or when passing oncoming craft, or if the boat is creating a wash from the bow or stern

19. Fishing

The Hirer must not allow live bait to be carried on board the boat. Narrowboat Day Hire Ltd may land no fish directly onto the boat. The Hirer is responsible for ensuring that local bylaws relating to fishing activities are observed and that the Hirer has purchased any permits required for the waters where fishing takes place.

20. Towing

The Hirer agrees not to use the boat to tow another vessel or to be towed by any vessel except under professional guidance in an emergency.

21. Hirer's personal belongings.

The Hirer agrees that all personal belongings brought by them and stored upon the boat are used and held at the Hirer's risk. The Hirer understands that the Narrowboat Day Hire insurance policy does not cover personal belongings. Narrowboat Day Hire recommends that the Hirer takes out suitable insurance from a third party to protect the loss of or damage to any valuables that the Hirer might bring to the boat. The Hirer agrees not to take nor allow to be carried on the boat any dinghy, canoe, inflatable, bicycle, barbecue, portable heater, gas cylinder, vehicle, television equipment or any other 240volt electrical equipment other than razors, inflammable liquids or substances, lead-acid batteries, firearms or any other hazardous items or materials.

22. Car Parking.

Free Car parking is provided at Cowroast Marina for two cars. Narrowboat Day Hire cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to any vehicle parked on its property.