
Teaching Assistant & Head of Course Teaching Assistants,
Harvard Kennedy School

Courses: a.) Exercising Leadership: the Politics of Change & b.) JUST Leadership

Program Students: 250 students from a.) Harvard-wide post-graduate pool & b.) core requirement for incoming public policy post-graduates

Focus areas: adaptive leadership, politics of social change. Full course description HERE.

Pedagogy: centered in a social-justice and liberatory pedagogy, the course was designed experientially for students to apply what they are learning in-class time turning the gaze inwards into their own group dynamics, exercising leadership in real time

Work & Responsibilities involved:

  • Developing teaching assistants’ orientation, training and full semester support materials to process their own experiences with teaching the student groups and to help navigate challenging moments

  • Creating structure for section groups

  • Facilitating 2-3 sections of students

  • Providing guidance to students in sections and lectures, including crafting interventions to aid learning, responding to questions on content, prompting discussion, helping groups navigate challenging interactions

  • Holding office hours to support students’ learning and coach students on adaptive leadership topics and politics of change

  • Offer written commentary on students’ assignments and reflections

Instructor, Pedagogy Lab, Cairo Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences (Alex. Branch)

Courses: Re-imagining and re-claiming pedagogy (12-weeks)

Focus areas: Pedagogical theories and practices with a focus on critical, liberatory and progressive education. Full course description HERE.

Pedagogy: centered in a social-justice and liberatory pedagogy, the course was designed experientially for students to apply what they are learning. Employing a discussion-based learning practice and embodied exercises with a live curriculum based on emergence of themes and topics of interest from students' conversations and questions