I'm currently a Ph.D. student in the Graduate School of Science at the University of Tokyo and a research fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. I mainly work on bioinformatics for analyzing evolution of biological systems. 

Here is my curriculum vitae and here are my publications

Currently, I'm studying the predictability of evolution using massive genomic data of bacteria at Furusawa Lab in The University of Tokyo. I'm a member (a former president) of Japanese Society for Young Bioinformatics Researchers, promoting networking among young bioinformaticians in Japan. I am a former member of Yachie Lab, where I developed a computational framework for whole-body cell lineage tracing.

Study Interest: Diverse organisms exist on the earth, each behaving as a complex system that consists of various gene functions. What kind of rules are underlying the evolution of these biological systems? I'm trying to answer the question by developing novel computational analysis frameworks by integrating omics data and bioinformatics technologies.