Onofrio M. Maragò

Onofrio studied Physics in Pisa (Master, supervisor E. Arimondo) and Oxford (DPhil, supervisor C. J. Foot). After a post-doc in Konstanz he joined the CNR-IPCF, co-founding the Nano-Soft Lab in 2002. He is Director of Research since 2020.

His research interests span from optical tweezers and optical manipulation, characterization of micro and nanoparticles, atoms, Bose-Einstein condensates. More generally he has been working on the mechanical interaction of light and matter for applications in nanoscience, atomic physics, and soft matter. He co-authored the first textbook on optical tweezers.

Onofrio is an active senior member of the Optical Society of America, the European Physical Society, and Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti. He serves as Advisor for the OSA Student Chapter and Young Minds group in Messina and as a member of the Doctoral School in Physics, University of Messina. He is an Editorial Board Member of the journal Nanomaterials (MDPI).

Contact: onofrio.marago@cnr.it