Maria Antonia Iatì

Maria Antonia (Antonella) Iatì got her PhD in Physics at the University of Messina in 1998. Then she held a postdoc position at the University of Waterloo in Ontario (Canada) in the field of interstellar dust. Back to the University of Messina, for several years she worked on different research activities in the group led by Prof. F. Borghese, a pioneer in the field of the theory of light scattering by aggregated particles through the Transition matrix method.

In 2008 she joined the “Istituto per i Processi Chimico Fisici” of the Italian National Research Council (CNR-IPCF) with a permanent position of Researcher. Since then she has been much involved in nano-optics, optical trapping modelling, plasmonics, optics of random systems, modelling of interstellar dust, and, more recently, active matter systems.

She has been member of the Organizing Committee of several international workshops and conferences. Since 2005 she has been co-organizer of the seminar series “Appunti di Fisica. She also serves as as a member of the Doctoral School in Physics, University of Messina.
