Alessandro Magazzù

Dr. Alessandro Magazzù is an experimentalist physicist with expertise in optical manipulation of micro and nano particles. He got his PhD in physics in 2015 at University of Messina in Italy. During this period, he used optical tweezers (OT) to investigate the behavior of non-spherical objects such as silicon nanowires (SiNWs). After his PhD he worked at Bilkent University of Ankara until the 2017 investigating the effect of critical Casimir forces (CCFs) on colloidal particles by OT. In the same period, he collaborated with Boğaziçi University to investigate photoacoustic effects by OT for the detection of cancer cells. In 2017 he moved to Gothenburg University to investigate the tuning of CCFs by light. Afterwards, in 2020 he moved CNR IPCF of Messina to investigate interstellar dust by Raman Tweezers.
